Live Your Healthiest Life! Natural Solutions ~
1. You want to be healthy. 2. You want natural solutions 3. You want simple steps. 4. Cost effective; Easy to Follow 5. In your own hands You’re in the Right Place if...
Could doTerra be your solution?
What are Essential Oils? 1 Drop of Peppermint Oil = 28 Bags of Tea 1. Made from Plants 2. Hyper-Concentrated x’s More Powerful than Herbs
1. Designed to Manage Symptoms 2. Made from Isolated Synthetic Agents 3. Side Effects (Known & Unknown) 4. $4.5 Trillion/y on Global Health Care 5. Are we any healthier? Modern Medicine...
Go to Natural Solutions First
1. Work directly with your cells 2. Hundreds of natural components found in plants with multiple benefits 3. Safe without the side effects 4. Cost & time effective 5. Pennies Per Use--1 Drop is a Dose Natural Solutions...
You Were Meant to Thrive... Choose In Every Day
*Every liter is tested 6 times by independent lab *A drop can go through your body in 30 seconds.
How to Use the Oils
For IMMUNE BOOST Effective alternative to synthetic options for immune support. Features a combination of Wild Orange, Clove Bud, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, and Rosemary essential oils Formulated to support healthy immune function Protects against environmental threats Safe for use on countertops, internally, or purify air though diffusion Clove: 1oz of Clove has anti-oxidant value of 400lbs of carrots
1517 Promotes healthy respiratory function & clear breathing Alleviates stomach upset Cools down the body temperature Frequently used in toothpaste & chewing gum for oral health 1 Drop of Peppermint Oil = 28 Bags of Tea
Ginger, Peppermint, Tarragon, Fennel, Caraway, Coriander, & Anise oils Aids in the digestion of foods Maintains a healthy gastrointestinal tract Soothes occasional stomach upset
Build & maintain a healthy immune system Promotes cellular health Reduce appearance of scars & stretch marks Supports brain function and aids mental clarity
18 20 Used by Hippocrates Used as a cleansing agent Strengthens immune system Supports healthy digestion Aids respiratory function Excellent source of powerful antioxidants.
1921 Widely used for calming and relaxing qualities Soothes occasional skin irritations Helps skin recover quickly Eases muscle tension in the head and neck
Soothes sore muscles & achy joints Supports healthy circulation Eases muscle tension in the head & neck Helps reduce stress DEEP BLUE PAST TENSE
Promotes whole body relaxation Evokes feelings of tranquility and balance Energizing Vitality and Mood Uplift Elevation & Citrus Bliss Balance & Serenity Mood Enhancement Oils
1 Drop of “Balance Oil” 30 Seconds after application BeforeAfter
Antioxidant Protection Daily ORAC = S-ORAC = 18,000+ LIFELONG VITALITY PROGRAM © 2010 dōTERRA Holdings, LLC, Unauthorized duplication prohibited About $250 of vitamins & mineral supplements to equal LLV
I’m sure you are wondering… How can I get these oils?
29 5 mL bottles: Serenity DigestZen Purify Melaleuca Oregano AromaTouch Frankincense Breathe Balance On Guard Collection: On Guard Protective Blend (15mL) On Guard Beadlets On Guard Toothpaste On Guard Hand Wash w/2 Dispensers Other Products: Life Long Vitality TerraZyme HD Clear Foaming Face Wash Deep Blue Rub Fractionated Coconut Oil (4 oz) Sample Vials Aroma Lite Diffuser Wooden Box 10 mL bottles: PastTense HD Clear Clary Calm 15 mL bottles: Citrus Bliss Lavender Lemon Peppermint Slim & Sassy Lemongrass
30 Benefits of Purchasing a Kit You become a Wholesale Member and can take advantage of the same pricing that we, as Wellness Advocates, receive. You can take advantage of all Promotions that dōTerra offers to its Wellness Advocates. You can participate in the Loyalty Rewards Program. It's the most intelligent way to purchase products from dōTerra. It's like a frequent flyer club. Earn product credits for FREE items just for purchasing each month. Plus earn product credits for any shipping you've paid, basically giving you FREE shipping. Take advantage of a FREE website. Should you decide to share the oils with your friends, you'll have your very own website to send them to! You will have access to FREE essential oil training that is available to Wellness Advocates.
31 Three Categories of Wholesale Members Users Users - Use essential oils for themselves and their family and are purchasing them at the best prices. Sharers Sharers - Use the oils for themselves and their family and also shares the oils with friends, creating an income to offset their own costs. Builders Builders - Passionate about essential oils! Earns a substantial part time or full time income with dōTerra.
Receive Free Membership to Holistic Health and Wellness Academy ($5,000 Value) with doTERRA Wholesale Membership *6 Steps to 6 Figures Program *Cooking School & Nutrition 101 *Essential Oils & Total Wellness *Essential Oils & Business Building *10 Step Money Map *Marketing Makeover