PDHPE HSC Enrichment Day 2012 Option 1: The Health of Young People
Students Learn AboutStudents learn To the major health issues that impact on young peoples sexual health analyse TWO of the major health issues listed by examining: - the nature and extent of the major health issue - young people most at risk actions targeting health issues relevant to young people social action legislation and public policy health promotion initiatives evaluate a range of strategies that have been implemented by government and non-government agencies that target TWO major health issues impacting on young people To what extent do Australia’s young people enjoy good health? What skills and actions enable young people to attain better health? Syllabus Content
Sexual health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality. It requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence (World Health Organisation, 2012) Major Health Issue Sexual Health Activity 1.
Activity 2. The Nature of the Problem Sexual Orientation is understood to refer to each person’s capacity for profound emotional, affectional and sexual attraction to, and intimate and sexual relations with, individuals of a different gender or the same gender or more than one gender. (Yogyakarta Principles, 2006) Sexual Exploration involves young people discovering and learning about their bodies and their sexuality. They may engage in sexual experiences to explore their sexual identity. Sexual Behavior refers to what a person does sexually. As young people grow and explore their sexuality, they may engage in different sexual activities that allow them to explore and experiment with their sexuality. Sexual Relationships are connections with other individuals whether it is physically or emotionally. These relationships may include experimentation, exploration and sometimes risk taking for young people. Over time some young people may have numerous sexual relationships or others may not even begin to develop a sexual relationship until after this stage of life.
Aspect of Sexual Health Positive impact on young people Negative impact on young people Sexual Exploration -Awareness of physical changes - Experimentation can lead to unwanted consequences Sexual Relationships -Could create closeness with partner - Emotional distress Sexual Orientation - Express feelings- Discrimination Sexual Behaviour - Better understanding of sexual preference - Social pressures Activity 2.
Activity 3. 70,000 reported cases of STIs in Australia in 2008 Young people were most at risk Increase in STIs in young people led to the announcement by the Australian Government in the Federal Budget of a national prevention program Raise awareness of STIs and encourage behavioural changes Help reduce the prevalence and spread of STIs Campaign launched in 2009 Used advertising in magazines, on the radio, online and outdoors to reach young people aged 15 to 29 years Provided information about the transmission, symptoms, treatment and, most importantly, the prevention of STIs Health Promotion Initiatives for Young People Young People National STI Prevention Program
Activity 3. Assessing the National STI Prevention Program Advertisement Type P lus M inus I nteresting Fact Sheets + Informative with a detailed information -? Have used questions as the basis of each area Classroom Guide +- Doesn’t provide an warnings about sensitive nature of the content ? Mentions impact of social media on myths and misconceptions Condom Negotiation Cards + Pocket size with lost of very good practical responses to excuses -? Raises points for discussion that young people can relate to
Activity Four Assess the Effectiveness of a Health Promotion Campaign for Young People Assess the Effectiveness of a Health Promotion Campaign for Young People National STI Prevention Program Areas of Effectiveness: Provides detailed information about the various types of STIs which allows young people to have a thorough understanding of the risks involved in not wearing a condom and therefore encourages them to use them Uses colloquial language and terms used by young people which enables them to relate to the materials and make connections with the messages that are being portrayed Uses interactive and hands on activities to engage young people and as a result make informed decisions about their sexual health Areas of Effectiveness: Provides detailed information about the various types of STIs which allows young people to have a thorough understanding of the risks involved in not wearing a condom and therefore encourages them to use them Uses colloquial language and terms used by young people which enables them to relate to the materials and make connections with the messages that are being portrayed Uses interactive and hands on activities to engage young people and as a result make informed decisions about their sexual health
Areas of Ineffectiveness : Provides little focus on the at risk groups, ABTSI and homosexually active young men which could result in these groups missing the messages and therefore continuing to engage in sexual activity without using condom The radio advertisements focus on sexually active men and not women. This could create young women to believe that men are mainly affected by STIs and therefore could become complacent in the prevention of STIs while engaging in sexual activity Campaign has a large focus on using condoms as a method of preventing STIs and does not introduce abstinence or other methods young people can use to explore their sexuality without actually engaging in sexual activity. This could mean that young people could develop ideas that sexual activity is the only way for a young person to explore their sexuality. This may then result in young people continuing to engage in risk taking sexual activity. Areas of Ineffectiveness : Provides little focus on the at risk groups, ABTSI and homosexually active young men which could result in these groups missing the messages and therefore continuing to engage in sexual activity without using condom The radio advertisements focus on sexually active men and not women. This could create young women to believe that men are mainly affected by STIs and therefore could become complacent in the prevention of STIs while engaging in sexual activity Campaign has a large focus on using condoms as a method of preventing STIs and does not introduce abstinence or other methods young people can use to explore their sexuality without actually engaging in sexual activity. This could mean that young people could develop ideas that sexual activity is the only way for a young person to explore their sexuality. This may then result in young people continuing to engage in risk taking sexual activity. Activity 4. Assess the Effectiveness of a Health Promotion Campaign for Young People Assess the Effectiveness of a Health Promotion Campaign for Young People National STI Prevention Program
PDHPE Good luck for your PDHPE and other HSC exams!