Maintaining the priority of teenage pregnancy within Hackney’s Children’s Services Partnership Lena Cadasse, Associate Director Children & Families, City and Hackney PCT Anjan Ghosh, Teenage Pregnancy Coordinator, City & Hackney’s Teenage Pregnancy Partnership
‘Tackling teenage pregnancy is central to Hackney’s work to prevent health inequalities, child poverty and social exclusion. Since the start of the strategy, we have recognised that a coordinated, effective approach to preventing and addressing teenage pregnancy complements and contributes to achieving other priority outcomes for children and young people’ Alan Wood, Chief Executive, The Learning Trust, Director of Children’s Services
Hackney Context 20% of population under 20; 27% growth in under 20’s by 2016 High levels of mobility, ethnicity, deprivation Access to services in schools, colleges, youth centres and other community or neighbourhood- based facilities, including outreach and detached provision JAR 2006 rated children’s services as Good
Hackney, as a high rate area, was set a more challenging target of reducing the under 18 conception rates by 60% by 2010 from the 1998 baseline
Compared to the 1998 baseline Hackney’s teenage pregnancy rate has come down by 28% Our teenage birth rate has come down by 51% and is now lower than the national average Our teenage abortion rate has come down by 8.5%
Teenage conception rates
Achieving success Leadership: strategic and operational Honesty about young people’s lives and the scale of the challenge Prioritising and effectively deploying resources Evidence based interventions Threading together of priorities & overall committment
Strategic structure TP is set in the context of Hackney’s Youth Offer Strong and consistent local partnership arrangements with engagement of key agencies Robust performance management framework for projects through a Commissioning Group Performance management each quarter through Children’s Trust arrangements Traffic light scores based on trajectories and milestones
Interventions across the whole spectrum Sex & Relationships Education Emergency Contraception
Building aspirations and self esteem Keeping young people engaged at school and college is a priority with a clear focus on skills and qualifications Developing social and emotional skills Addressing risk factors and building resilience Helping to foster supportive and positive families, communities and peer groups
Sex and relationships education SRE Coordinator (The Learning Trust) Christopher Winter Project - SRE modelling project `Meet The Parents’ – interactive drama workshops (Immediate Theatre) `Clued-Up’ – peer education and mentoring (SKY Partnership & CityZen) L8R– interactive web–based teenage drama (Hi8us)
CHYPS Plus (former City & Hackney Young People’s Service) Trusted and accessible contraception/sexual health service Some outreach activity Early beginnings of one-stop shop with third sector drop-ins Good work with young men/young fathers
Service Strands Sport and other physical activities Services for young people with disabilities Teen Life-Check You ’ re Welcome Quality Standards Repeat conceptions Professional Development Health Trainers/ Peer Educators Chronic Disease Diabetes, Asthma, Sickle Cell & HIV Creating partnership networks between health, education and social care Primary Care services (including sexual health) Health services for vulnerable young people Mental and emotional health services CHYPSPlus
Delivery Sites Pupil Referral Units Secondary Clusters, Special Schools; Colleges Health Huts The Purple Bus — Youth Service Youth Support Teams Connexions Access Points Places where young people live Huddleston Disability Centre Youth Clubs Primary Care Settings CHYPSPlus Sport and activity venues School
Partnership reform of targeted youth support Health Equity Audit: TP and Young People’s Sexual Health identified specific groups at risk of pregnancy incl. BME communities Early intervention – TP, general health, drug & alcohol, youth offending Co-location of staff in youth support teams Positive Solutions Panel – CAF Targeted Approaches to Develop Pathways for Vulnerable/At Risk YP
‘Clinic in a box’ – non-health settings Condom Distribution Scheme – high risk groups and hotspot areas 2nd Conceptions assertive outreach nurse – contraceptive planning & support; promotion of LARC Midwifery/health visiting pathway for teenage parents Partnering with leisure providers
Health in Schools Strategic coordination of the health offer Exploring innovative approaches to the provision of school-based child and adolescent health and well-being services 100% of schools signed up to Healthy Schools Programme; 65% have achieved NHSS Service providers contribute to health improvement and PSHE work in schools
Health Huts in schools Students now have direct access to information, advice and support on personal issues and well- being on site Issues addressed include anxiety, emotional health and well-being, sexual health, drugs and alcohol, exam stress, family relationships, healthy living and many other health related issues Support includes diet, exercise (including dance) and signposting to local events and activities
Emergency contraception
Supporting Parents Speakeasy, developed by the FPA, supports parents to develop confidence to talk about sex Locally developed resources signposting to national services Currently developing a parenting support strategy within the CYPP
Young Parents Support for young parents goes hand in hand with preventing conceptions Hackney Young Families Support Service, now aligned to children’s centres A focus on the needs of young fathers, alongside young mothers
Celebrating success `The award is well-deserved recognition of the accomplishments of the teenage pregnancy partnership. The difference that their work makes to the future prospects of teenagers in the Borough is outstanding’ Councillor Rita Krishna, Cabinet Member: Children & Young People