DTMS How-To How to schedule and input Mandatory Don’t Ask Don’t Tell TIER I, II, & III Law Enforcement TIER I Mandatory Training & Task 1
Select Highlighted areas Select Highlighted areas. Note: when you schedule personnel for DADT training they should only be rostered for, and be given credit for training, for only one Tier; regardless of whether they qualify for more than one Tier.
Identify the training that you want to conduct or Schedule. Select the Schedule Hyperlink for the correct tier.
Fill in all necessary information
Click the Save button to schedule the event with the selected DADT Tier Task to be auto-attached pending the save. Note: The task is automatically added at the bottom of the page when scheduling from within the Search for Tasks/Mandatory Training area.
To create a roster of personnel to attend the training Select the Roster hyperlink located under the General Tab of the scheduled event.
This is a drop down menu that allows you to select the personnel by name, unit , etc. Here we’ve selected by unit and selected our unit.
You can select to view 25 to 100 personnel per page Identify the soldiers to be evaluated for training on the selected task. You can do this by either checking the box next to their name, clicking the Select Page button, IOT select all personnel on the current page, or by clicking on the Select All button which will select all personnel on this list. Click on the Deselect All button if you wish to start over. Once you have selected the personnel to take the Training then click on the Save button.
We’ve clicked on the Select All button We’ve clicked on the Select All button. All soldiers assigned to this unit were Selected. Once you’ve made you selection(s) click on the Save button.
After you save the roster you can select the Roster Hyperlink again to view your rostered personnel. You can select this option and print out a sign in roster for the event Here is a listing of the personnel selected for training . The next page shows what the bottom page of the roster looks like.
Another view of selected personnel Another view of selected personnel. Notice that you can individually remove personnel by selecting the Remove hyperlink next to the soldiers name; or click the remove all button below to clear the roster .
Once you’re done in the Roster section of the General Tab you can select the Tasks Tab. Within the Tasks tab you’ll see the task you selected for training. IOT give your personnel credit for the training they’ve taken Select the View hyperlink located under the roster column of the task. You can view the roster of the personnel for the training associated with the task. While in the roster you’ll be able to pass/fail your personnel (see below). When you’re done then this task, associated with the training, will automatically populate into each selected personnel’s Individual Training Records (ITR) – located in Soldier Manager Menu - and go with them no matter what unit they transfer to.
The following is an Example to show you why DTMS may not allow you to evaluate/pass personnel in a training event. Notice the Date next to the event name located above left of the Task roster. Lets pretend that its set to some date in the future. If you attempt to pass / fail personnel, for a task associated with an scheduled event with a future date, DTMS will grey out the roster IOT prevent you giving credit for training that hasn’t happened yet. Note the Error message. You’ll have two options. Wait till the scheduled date of that training has occurred and then give soldiers credit for their training or; Delete the event and Redo it with a current or past date. After selecting the View roster hyperlink you’ll see the roster of personnel and a pass / fail option. Notice that the Roster is grayed out; see the Example above for why and what you can do about it.
In this example notice the date of the event is located in the past In this example notice the date of the event is located in the past. DTMS allows credit to be given for current or past training events; Rostered personnel can be successfully passed or failed for completing the event.
IOT give credit to rostered personnel use the buttons located at the bottom of the Task Roster page. Select Pass All if all of the attending personnel scheduled for the training have completed the training. Select Pass Page IOT give credit to the selected page. You can use the Deselect All button if you change your mind and want to start over. When you’ve finished making your selection(s) select the Save Outcome button. The moment the Save Outcome button is clicked DTMS will update the all of the personnel records on this roster with their status. Use the Back button to leave this page
To verify the training has populated go to Training Manager, Search for Task, then to Mandatory Training
Select the training and then notice the numbers who completed training.
After combining all TIER Levels I though III, your total should equal to your number listed here as per your units strengths numbers. For any Tiers that you have not scheduled training for, nor -by extension -given credit to personnel for training, then the Table will reflect (0) zero
Office hours are 0700 to 1700 hours, M-F, CST. Questions INTRO17 If you need any additional assistance please call or email the DTMS Help Desk dtmstc@conus.army.mil, our phone number is 913-684-2700. Office hours are 0700 to 1700 hours, M-F, CST. (Tutorial prepared by Mr. Chris Cooke) 19