Theories $100100$100100$100100$ $200200$200200$200200$ $300300$300300$300300$ $400400$400400$400400$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $500500$500500$500500$ Natural Selection Evidence of Evolution Patterns of Evolution Relation- ships Potpourri FINAL
Theories - $100 Ultimately disproved spontaneous generation Who is Louis Pasteur? Back to Board
Theories - $200 Wrote On the Origin of Species about natural selection. Who is Charles Darwin? Back to Board
Theories - $300 Believed organisms evolved through acquiring characteristics. Passed acquired traits to offspring. Who is Lamarck? Back to Board
Theories - $400 Created the classification system. Who is Linnaeus? Back to Board
Theories - $500 Explained how populations can be controlled. Who is Malthus? Back to Board
Nat’l Selection - $100 First proposed this idea. Who is Alfred Wallace? Back to Board
Nat’l Selection - $200 Differences of traits of the same species, i.e. color. What are Variations? Back to Board
Nat’l Selection - $300 A structural variation that aids in an organisms chance of survival in its environment. What is an Adaptation? Back to Board
Nat’l Selection - $400 4 Points of Darwin’s theory of natural selection. What are Variations, Adaptations, Overpopulation and Descent with Modification? Back to Board
Nat’l Selection - $500 Explains how the best organisms are able to live and reproduce successfully in a changing environment. What is “survival of the fittest?” Back to Board
Evidence - $100 Studying the earliest stages of growth and development of plants and animals. What is Embryology? Back to Board
Evidence - $200 Body structure in a present-day organism that no longer serves its original purpose. Was probably useful to an ancestor. Give a human example. What are Vestigial Organs/Structures? Appendix, wisdom teeth, body hair, tail bone, etc. Back to Board
Evidence - $300 DAILY DOUBLEDAILY DOUBLE!!! Back to Board
Evidence - $400 Remnants or impressions of organisms found in sedimentary rock. What are fossils? Back to Board
Evidence - $500 Species that share a common ancestor have similarities. Can be observed in bones of different species that are used for different purposes but evolved from a common ancestor. What are homologous structures? Back to Board
Patterns - $100 What is convergent evolution? Back to Board Organisms becoming similar over time, having no common ancestor.
Patterns - $200 Controlled breeding for specific traits. What is Artificial (Selective) Breeding? Back to Board
Patterns - $300 What is coevolution? Back to Board When 2 species evolve together.
Patterns - $400 Organisms in a population becoming less similar over time. What is divergent evolution? Back to Board
Patterns - $500 Give 3 examples of Coevolution. What are predator/prey, plant/pollinator, and parasite/host? Back to Board
Relationships - $100 Body parts of an organisms that did not evolve from a common ancestor but are similar in function. What Analogous Structures? Back to Board
Relationships - $200 All of the alleles of a species in a population at one time. What is a gene pool? Back to Board
Relationships - $300 An adaptation that enables species to blend in with their surroundings to not be easily found by predators. What is camouflage? Back to Board
Relationships - $400 Evolution of a new species. Occurs when members of similar populations no longer interbreed. What is speciation? Back to Board
Relationships - $500 What is Mimicry? Back to Board A structural adaptation that enables one species to resemble another species.
Potpourri - $100 Back to Board When the was the 1 st “selfie” taken. When was 1839 by Robert Cornelius?
Potpourri - $200 Back to Board DAILY DOUBLEDAILY DOUBLE!!!
Potpourri - $300 What is the #2 all time grossing movie? What year was it released? What is Titanic; 1997? Back to Board
Potpourri - $400 The year Diet Coke was invented. What is 1982? Back to Board
Potpourri - $500 The best day of May as defined by Mrs. Hoffman What is May 14 th ? Back to Board
Provide similarities between organisms and prove all organisms share a common ancestor. Explains how bacterial resistance to penicillin or insect resistance to pesticides over a short period of time. Daily Double Back to Board Changes in DNA
Daily Double Back to Board Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation is most commonly known as: What is a LASER?
FINAL JEOPARDY!! Explain how adaptations are necessary for survival.