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Name Of Teacher: Nisha. M Name Of Teacher: Nisha. M.V Register Number: 13398010 Subject : English Kunjukrishnan Nadar Memorial B.Ed College, Kanjiramkulam. 2013-2014 Batch



CONTENTS Poem About the Poet About the Poem Difficult words Introduction Poem About the Poet About the Poem Difficult words Glossary Reference Visual Images Scaffolding Questions Activities Message of the Poem Appreciation

INTRODUCTION William Words Worth is one of the greatest English poets. He is called the high priest of nature and nature poet. He is as much a poet of nature as of humans. In the poem, “Lines Written In March” the poet clearly describes the tranquil beauty of nature in the winter season. Actually the poem is about the happiness of the withdrawal of the winter season.

LINES WRITTEN IN MARCH The cock is crowing, a The stream is flowing, a The small birds twitter, b The lake doth glitter b The green field sleeps in the sun; c The oldest and youngest d Are at work with the strongest; d The cattle are grazing, a Their heads never raising; a There are forty feeding like one! e

Like an army defeated f The snow hath retreated, f And now doth fare ill g On the top of the bare hill; g The plough boy is whooping—anon-anon: h There's joy in the mountains; i There's life in the fountains; i Small clouds are sailing, a Blue sky prevailing; a The rain is over and gone e - William Wordsworth

About the poet William Words Worth was a major English Romantic poet, who helped to launch the Romantic Age in English literature. “Lyrical Ballads” is the masterpiece work of Words Worth which published in 1798. His some other famous works are The Prelude, The Excursion, The Recluse, The White Doe of Rylstone, Peter Bell, The River Duddon, Sonnets etc. Words Worth received an honorary doctor of civil law degree in 1833 from Durham University and the same honor from Oxford the next year. He was Britain’s Poet Laureate from 1843 until his death in 1850.

ABOUT THE POEM The Poem, “Lines Written in March” outset with the presentation of a pleasant morning. The cock is crowing, the stream is flowing and the birds are twittering. All these indicate the happiness and mirth of nature. The people are working together in their fields. The old people and youngsters are very eager to do their work. There are a lot of grasses in the meadows. So the cattle graze there very happily. This happiness is the result of the withdrawal of the winter season. Here, the Poet compares the retreating winter to a defeated army. The winter represents the worst time of the year. Now the winter is over and a few quantity of snow is at the top of the mountains. Ploughing boys are expressing their happiness through whooping. Sky seems beautiful because of sailing clouds, which shows the mountains of just retreated winter season.

Glossary reference DIFFICULT WORDS Twitter Grazing Retreated Fare ill Whooping Fountains Prevailing

Word Meanings Twitter- a short/ high sounds that birds make Grazing- wander in a pasture, eating the growing grass. Retreated- withdraw back Fare ill- perform badly Whooping- shout loudly and happily Fountains- spring of water Prevailing- something that exists.

Tense forms PRESENT PAST PAST PARTICIPLE Flow Flowed Work Worked Defeat Defeated

Numbers SINGULAR PLURAL Bird Birds Cattle Boy Boys Cloud Clouds

Opposites Boy x Girl Top X Bottom Joy x Sad Over X Under

Rhyming Words Crowing Flowing Twitter Glitter Youngest Strongest Grazing Raising Defeated Retreated Fare ill Bare hill Sailing Prevailing

Rhyme scheme aa bb c

Visual images Presentation of a beautiful morning. -The cock is crowing, a stream is flowing beautifully, bright green fields etc. - People are working in the fields. - Sailing clouds in the sky.

Scaffolding questions Which season of the year do you like the most? What time of the day is most attractive and lively? What are the beautiful visuals of a morning? What does the poet repeat the word ‘anon’? How are the sky looks like?

Activities Write an appreciation of the poem? Reads the poem, then find out more questions and answers? Pick out rhyming words from the poem. Attempt a nature poem. Draw the picture of a beautiful village.

MESSAGE OF THE POEM The Poem “Lines Written in March” shows the eagerness of each and every living creature and freshness of nature at a morning, just after dull winter. They are ready to welcome a bright spring. Winter is the time of illness, poverty etc. But spring is the time of wealth and prosperity. This can be compared to man’s life. There is fortunes and feels like two sides of a coin which encounters with men alternatively like the seasons- winter and spring. So men should ready to overcome it.

APPRECIATION OF THE POEM William Wordsworth is one of the greatest English poets. In the poem, “Lines Written in March” the poet clearly describes the tranquil beauty of nature after the winter. The poem presents the intense happiness of the creatures of the withdrawal of the winter season. Each and every living and nonliving things are ready to welcome spring with the people of that village. At the outset of the poem describes the bright morning of a village. The poet uses of all visual images to glorify the beauty of that morning, such as birds, glittering of lake etc.

People are very eager to do hard work in their fields People are very eager to do hard work in their fields. The cattle graze in the meadows. All this happiness is the result of the withdrawal of the winter season. The winter is the worst time of the year. The snow has just gone. A little snow remains at mountain tops. Sky seems so beautiful with the sailing clouds. All of these are the signs of a bright spring, the season of fortune and prosperity. The poetic device used in this poem was personification. For example, in the line "The green field sleeps in the sun, " he is saying that the fields are sleeping, but fields are nonliving things and cannot really sleep. Also in one line of the poem a similie was used. This poem also uses rhyme.

The theme of this poem is that everything and everyone is happier when bad is gone. The rain represents the bad thing and with everything being happier and jolly it means that everyone is happy when the worst is over whether its war or rain.