Community-Campus Partnerships for Health Clinical and Translational Science Awards Member Interest Group Tuesday, April 21, 2015
SPA 6 includes the cities of Compton, Lynwood, and Paramount, and the Los Angeles County areas of Crenshaw, Jefferson Park, Watts, and Willowbrook.
A private university with a public mission To develop a diverse group of health professional leaders who seek social justice, promote wellness, provide care with excellence and compassion, and are uniquely qualified to transform the health of underserved populations through outstanding education, research, and clinical services in the context of community engagement.
Community Faculty evolved over many years of collaboration and cooperation between Healthy African American Families (HAAF) Founder and CEO, Dr. Loretta Jones and CDU Vice President of Research at the time, Dr. Keith C. Norris As a collaborative integration of local expertise, the CDU Community Faculty blends the best of both worlds, community and academia, for the common good Partnerships are important to both community and CDU
The appointment of local resident community experts as university faculty members A novel and innovative pedagogic approach to academic- community partnership A response to the gap in research A commitment to creating innovative community-engagement strategies to recognize and reward community members for innovative engagement strategies Grounded in the need to understand, both, community and academic perspectives for improving health
Community Engagement Social Determinants of Health Racial Health Disparities Mental Health Public Health Health Policy and Civil Rights Health Care Delivery Cultural Competence Community Health Education Social Justice Research Ethics Neighborhood Organizing Cancer, HIV/AIDS, Cardio- metabolic Illnesses Program Planning and Evaluation Faith-Based Approaches to Health
To create equity and equality in health and wellness by increasing academic and community capacity through collaborative integration of local expertise The basic tenants of Community Faculty are community-academic partnerships, knowledge exchange, and health equity. Accelerate the translation of knowledge into behavior and professional practice that promote health and wellness in the community Recognize the experiential knowledge of community experts. Leverage community knowledge and expertise against health inequities. Address the barriers in health inequities and care. Transform health disparities research and health education.
Community Faculty are formally integrated into the educational process to: Research Develop research aims and methodologies Engage in collaborative research efforts Lead research projects with CDU partnerships Teach and Mentor Mentor CDU students and academic faculty Lecture and present workshops Participate in Knowledge Dissemination Strengthen the necessary skills to translate knowledge into practice Present at local/regional/national conferences Heavily involved in the dissemination of research findings in the community
Appointment in the College of Medicine Entitled to the same rights and privileges of traditional faculty Receive annual performance reviews and feedback Dossier Preparation Self Statement Curriculum Vitae Faculty Activity Plan 2-3 letters of recommendation Collaborative Activities Knowledge Transfer Programs ▪ Workshops, Conferences, Faculty Development Research: CBPR/CPPR, Community Research Advocates Board Memberships: IRB, PCAC
Health Education Conferences Building Bridges to Optimum Health ▪ 54 conferences thus far ▪ 6-8 hr events with ~ 300 community attendees Brown Bag Luncheons ▪ Compliment to Building Bridges to Optimum Health ▪ 4 luncheons thus far ▪ 2 hr events with ~ 100 community attendees Scholarly Activities 87 PUBMED publications National and local presentations on CBPR/CPPR Partnerships in Pilot Projects Community-Partnered Curriculum Development
This presentation was supported in part by NCATS Grant # UL1TR (CTSI); NIH-NIMHD grant P20MD (Project EXPORT); NIH-NIMHD grant 2U54MD (AXIS); and NIH- NIMHD grant S21MD (LSI).
Division of Community Engagement Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science