World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water WMO OMM WMO CAeM Report to ICG-WIGOS February 2015 Dr Jitze P. van der Meulen (representing CAeM)
WMO OMM CAeM and WIGOS2 WIGOS and WIS SARPs TR Vol. 1 Surface based obs Space based obs high resolution weather forecasts for aviation CAeM and ICAO SARPs TR Vol. 2 (ICAO ANNEX 3) Aircraft based observations (AMDAR, ADS, Mode-S) Aerodrome based obs (METAR) local Met. Services at Airports Aeronautical Meteorology is a core user of WIGOS and WIS, WIGOS will contribute to the improvement of aviation weather services, stimulating safety
WMO OMM CAeM and WIGOS3 Observations and interest During last CAeM (XV; 15 to 16 July 2014 ) limited interest was expressed in observations in general. However CAeM has a strong interest in: volcanic Ash (VA) observations, Space Weather, Nuclear emergencies Improved nowcasting (surface and upper air) Climate change issues (with impact on safety, economy and regulatory of aviations). implementation of Quality Management Systems (QMS) CAeM expects that the implementation of WIGOS will have a beneficial impact in all these areas.
WMO OMM CAeM and WIGOS4 Volcanic Ash (VA) Co-operation with ICAO in the International Airways Volcano Watch Operations Group ( IAVWOPSG* ) Co-operation with International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) by the Volcanic Ash Scientific Advisory Group (VASAG) To support the International Volcanic Ash Task Force (IVATF) Science sub-group. Observations are essential, from satellites and surface (LIDAR based: ceilometers) *Also active with Space Weather and Release of Radioactive Material into the Atmosphere
WMO OMM CAeM and WIGOS5 Space Weather An Inter-programme Coordination Team on Space Weather (ICTSW) was already established in 2010 jointly with the CBS. Space weather observations, data exchange, product and services delivery, and operational applications. Inputs to the draft ICAO Concept of Operations for Space Weather Information Services
WMO OMM CAeM and WIGOS6 Nuclear emergencies Provision of SIGMET for radioactive clouds operational access to near real-time at-source monitoring information through the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Near-source atmospheric data, in particular wind information, with which to initialize the dispersion models remained high priority issues. WMO had provided inputs to the draft ICAO Concept of Operations for Radioactive Material Information Services
WMO OMM CAeM and WIGOS7 Other topics Nowcasting and Mesoscale Modelling Development of a joint Aviation Research Demonstration Project (AvRDP) with CAS to with a view to demonstrate the capability of nowcasting and mesoscale modelling techniques in support of Trajectory Based Operations under the ASBU*s. *The ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP) follows a consensus-driven Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBU) methodology which includes upgrade modules for Aeronautical Meteorology, in 5- year blocks out to the timeframe of Climate Change and Variability Impacts of climate change and variability on aviation to be dealt within coordination with the relevant WMO and ICAO bodies and programmes such as the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) and the ICAO Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP).
WMO OMM CAeM and WIGOS8 Opportunities Space weather serviceCBS (ongoing - ICTSW) VA observing networkCAS, CBS, CIMO (planned WIGOS DP) Nowcasting and NWPCAS (planned RDP) Wake turbulence detection, AMDAR applications, etc CBS, CIMO Climate service for aviationGFCS
WMO OMM CAeM and WIGOS9 Challenges still to be addressed Promote WIGOS for Aero Met applications Stimulate co-operation with the aviation community (ICAO) to improve exchange of quality approved observational data Stimulate the aviation community to clearly state requirements for observations (RRR)