doc.: IEEE Submission ETRI May 2015 Slide 1 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: Extension of PAC Superframe Date Submitted: 14 May, 2015 Source: Seong-Soon Joo, Hyo-Chan Bang Company: ETRI Address: 161 Gajeong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, KOREA Voice: , FAX: , Re: Abstract: As a contribution proposal for the IEEE TG8 standards, the operation of PAC MAC superfame is extended. Purpose:Response to the IEEE TG8 call for contribution Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P
doc.: IEEE Submission ETRI May 2015 Slide 2 Extension of PAC Superframe Seong-Soon Joo*, Hyo-Chan Bang ETRI
doc.: IEEE Submission ETRI May 2015 Variety of Services Supported type 1 (uni-directional single message transmission) –advertise or discover with transmitting data type 2 (bidirectional single message transmission) –discover request and response with transmitting data type 3 (delay tolerant message transmission) –establish a contention access link after discovery type 4 (delay tolerant message transmission for open peer group) –establish a contention access link –allow a join after completing initial discovery type 5 (reliable message transmission) –establish a guaranteed access link after discovery more service types can be listed Slide 3
doc.: IEEE Submission ETRI May 2015 Frame Steams Generated from Services specification of frame streams –arrival pattern of frames inter arrival time duration of discovery, peering, communication –dependent on a service characteristics –volume of frames dependent on a service characteristics What MAC primitives can support the variety of frame streams ? –superframe structure –else ? Slide 4
doc.: IEEE Submission ETRI May 2015 IEEE Superframe Beacon Interval –one superframe between BI –Beacon Order inter arrival duration of superframe –Superframe Order length of superframe –inactive period 2 BO – 2 SO Multi-superframe –allocate superframes on whole beacon interval –Multi-superframe Order inter arrival duration of beacon appearance –can change CAP into CFP Slide 5 BCAPCFPinactive BCAPCFP superframe beacon interval
doc.: IEEE Submission ETRI May 2015 PAC Superframe Operations operations to hop on a superframe –find synchronization period, transmit sync signal –listen for discovery period or send discovery, find a peer –if peering needed, exchange peering control frames –if resource slot in CFP needed, negotiate within scheduling period listen a superframe –listen for synchronization period –listen for discovery period, if still chances are open to find peers –listen for peering period, if still peering goes on –listen for CAP –listen for scheduling period of CFP –listen for slots in CFP, if find a peer who wants to communicate duration of wakening up Slide 6 SP Synchronizati on Period DP Discovery Period PP Peering Period CAP Contention Access Period CFP Contention Free Period SPDPPPCAPCFP SH wakeup always wakeup, if needed sleep
doc.: IEEE Submission ETRI May 2015 Extension of PAC Superframe (I) introduce inactive period and multi-superframe –specify operation in inactive superframe –combine active and inactive superframes PAC superframe –generic superframe –superframe use CAP only –superframe in inactive Slide 7 SPDPPPCAPCFP SH SPDPPPCAPCFP SPDPPPCAPCFP
doc.: IEEE Submission ETRI May 2015 Extension of PAC Superframe (II) how to combine active superframes and/or inactive superframes –PAC multi-superframe number of active superframe number of inactive superframe –cyclic superframe combined active superframes and inactive superframes Slide 8 SPDPPPCAPCFP SH SPDPPPCAPCFPSPDPPPCAPCFP SPDPPPCAPCFP SH SPDPPPCAPCFP cyclic superframe type 1 : 1 active, 0 inactive cyclic superframe type 2 : 1 CAP active, 1 inactive cyclic superframe type 2 : 1 active, 1 inactive