化學資料庫如何輔助研究工作 from organic and medicinal chemist’s point of view 簡敦誠 Tun-Cheng Chien Department of Chemistry National Taiwan Normal University Taipei, Taiwan
How does chemical databases assist my research work? My literature search experience –Library / journals / books / conferences / lectures –Chemical abstract –STN / SciFinder –Crossfire / Reaxys - Beilstein Our recent research work Knowledge in the cloud? 2
My literature search experience in prior to ~ 1996 (MS / RA) –Library: CA / journals / books Comprehensive Heterocyclic Chemistry I / II / III Fieser & Fieser’s Reagents for Organic Synthesis 1~27 Reagents for Organic Synthesis Larock’s Comprehensive Organic Transformations I / II Greene's Protective Groups in Organic Synthesis –STN 1996 ~ 2006 (PhD / Postdoc) 2006 ~ now 3
Reaction search Substance search –known compound –purification –spectroscopic data Commercially availability 4
Enhance the heterolytic cleavage of N-O bond 5
6 Sulfonylation of carboxamidoxime in our lab Org. Lett. 2014, 16, 892−895 Rearranged products vs non-rearranged products: O-Ts carboxamidoxime R-CN:R = alkyl aryl w/ EWG N-substituted cyanamide R-CN:R = aryl w/ EDG
Tiemann Rearrangement Tiemann, F. Ber. Dtsch. Chern. Ges. 1891, 24, Li, J. J. Name Reactions, 2nd Ed., 2003, Springer 3. Comprehensive Organic Name Reactions and Reagents, Wiley
12 Mechanism for the Tiemann rearrangement
13 Attempts to trap the nitrene intermediate X = O, benzisoxazole X = N, indazole X = O, benzoxazole X = N, benzimidazole Org. Lett. 2014, 16, 892−895
14 Benzamidoximes with ortho-nucleophiles Org. Lett. 2014, 16, 892−895
15 Benzamidoximes with ortho-nucleophiles
16 Benzamidoximes with ortho-nucleophiles
Conformation of uridine and its analogs 17
6-Methyluridine 18
6-Methyluridine – m.p. & recrystallization 19
6-Methyluridine – CD & conformation 20
6-Methyluridine – crystal data 21
6-Methyluridine - bioactivities 22
6-Azauridine as a reference compound 23
6-Azauridine as a reference compound 24
6-Azauridine as a reference compound 25
Summary Knowledge in the cloud? vs Data / Information in the cloud? 26
Acknowledgments Collaborators: Kaohsiung Medical University Professor Hui-Ting Chen( 陳惠亭 ) Professor Chai-Lin Kao( 高佳麟 ) National Taiwan University Professor Ji-Wang Chern( 陳基旺 ) Professor Nei-Li Chan( 詹迺立 ) Professor Tsai-Kun Li( 李財坤 ) Financial / Technical supports: Ministry of Science and Technology National Taiwan Normal University National Applied Research Laboratories Former and current members: Methodology group Natural product group Nucleic acid group
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