Open Access for monographs in Humanities and Social Sciences Seminar: Practical aspects of Open Access 20 May 2015, Ljubljana Eelco Ferwerda OAPEN Foundation.


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Presentation transcript:

Open Access for monographs in Humanities and Social Sciences Seminar: Practical aspects of Open Access 20 May 2015, Ljubljana Eelco Ferwerda OAPEN Foundation

Contents –OAPEN –Research output in HSS –Conventional monographs –Authors attitudes –Overview of OA models and publishers –Approaches and OA business models + –Short guide to OA book publishing

Research output in HSS OA journals are on the rise: 45% of journals in DOAJ are in HSS disciplines But AHRC estimates just a third of research output is in the form of articles, two-thirds is books (Humanities) Monographs are the preferred genre Print is preferred for reading long texts E is growing for discovery and research

Publication profiles RAE 2008: 3 classes of disciplines articleschaptersbooks sciences ~100% parts of HSS ~66%~15% parts of humanities ~35%~25%~40%

Reading habits

Conventional monographs Conventional monographs are losing sustainability: Libraries acquisition budgets under pressure Sales to libraries have been in steady decline Costs of monographs have gone up Need for new models: OA can increase discovery and usage OA may increase impact OA may contribute to sustainable models

Authors need convincing Many HSS authors prefer printed book with prestigious press Online is secondary (although preferred for search, reference, certain research) Online is considered less trustworthy, less credible Author side charges associated with vanity publishing >Quality is key: peer review, editing, transparency

OA models for books Online does not substitute print: >Publishers choose a hybrid approach to OA books: OA + print >Most publishers prefer CC-BY-NC licences as they need to recover costs of printed edition >Green OA is less feasible, may require longer embargo periods

OA monograph publishers Commercial and non-profit Established and start-ups Institutional and professional Professional and ‘scholar led’ University and Library presses

Libraries becoming publishers Worlwide growth of library publishing: –Library Publishing Coalition A library led, two-year initiative to advance the field of library publishing –Library Publishing Directory >publishing activities of 124 libraries >95% focus on Open Access >90% are funded by their library >on average almost 90% of budget

OA monograph publishers Commercial: 35 % University / Library presses: 45 % Other / non-profit: 20 %

Different approaches Frontlist publishing Backlist / long tail approach Dedicated Open Access Service / Part of portfolio Promotional / attracting readers Selective / specific project or series

Business models for OA books Hybrid or dual edition publishing Institutional support Author side publication fee Library side models

Business models for OA books Hybrid or dual edition publishing OA edition + sold edition (print, PoD, e-book) Most publishers Primary model for some: OECD Freemium

Business models for OA books Hybrid or dual edition publishing Institutional support Grants, subsidies, press embedded in library, press sharing university infrastructure Mpublishing, Athabasca UP, ANU E press, Göttingen, Leiden, Utrecht

Business models for OA books Hybrid or dual edition publishing Institutional support Author side publication fee ‘APC for books’ Palgrave Macmillan, Brill, De Gruyter, Springer Universities: UCL, Lund, Utrecht, California Funders: FWF, NWO, WT, ERC

Business models for OA books Hybrid or dual edition publishing Institutional support Author side publication fee Library side models Based on Library acquisition budget Knowledge Unlatched, OpenEdition Open Library for Humanities

Business models for OA books Hybrid or dual edition publishing Most OA book publishers Institutional support Majority University presses, most Library presses Author side publication fee Professional and commercial publishers Library side models KU, OpenEdition, OLH

OAPEN-NL A project exploring OA monograph publishing in the Netherlands Key findings: >OA edition costs around € 6000, roughly 50% of printed edition (NL) >In this pilot, OA didn’t have an effect on sales >OA clearly increases discovery and usage >So far, no increase in citations >OA increases readership: OAPEN downloads versus sales > 10 : 1

Conclusions 1 OA for monographs is gaining momentum Many examples and models OA books require a different approach than journals Main barriers are cultural In the transition to OA, quality is a key

Publishing OA books requires choices on several levels: – Monograph » Format » License – Metadata » Contents » ‘Wrapper’ – Platform » Requirements » Types – Dissemination Short guide to OA book publishing

FormatAdvantageDisadvantage PDFEasy to create; Based on print layout Hard to read on small screens HTMLExtended possibilities: links, multimedia; Hard to ‘pirate’: making copies is not easy Proper layout is hard to create: different for screen and print EPUBOptimized for any screenMore difficult to create; Limited multimedia options XMLEnables textmining; Extended possibilities: links, multimedia; Hard to ‘pirate’: making copies is not easy Very difficult to create Monograph: which format?

Monograph: which license? CC-BY-NC CC-BY CC-BY-SA CC-BY-ND CC-BY-NC-SA CC-BY-NC-ND Free to read Source:

Licenses for OA books CC BY + CC BY-SA: 3% CC BY-NC + CC BY NC-SA: 16% CC BY-ND: 8% CC BY-NC-ND: 50%

Hugely important: enable readers to find your monographs Identify the book – Title, Author, Publisher, ISBN, etc. – Recommended: DOI What is the book about? – Abstract in English – Keywords – Classification Libraries: LCC, Dewey Publishers: BIC What can readers do with the book? – Display the license + where it can be found (copyright page) – Signpost it as ‘open’ (in the book, the product page, with distribution partners) Metadata: contents

‘Wrapper’: make your metadata available. Different formats for different users. Metadata: ‘wrapper’ FormatIntended userComplexity CSV (Comma Separated Values)Everybody, including youLow ExcelEverybody, including youLow/Middle ONIX (XML)Publishers, aggregatorsHigh MARCXML, MARC21LibrariesVery high

Front – Reader friendly: Easy to use, easy to search New titles: RSS Enable social media, citation managers (Mendeley, Endnote etc.) – Search engine friendly: – Aggregator/Library friendly: metadata Back – OAI-PMH Harvesting? – Long term storage – digital preservation – COUNTER compliant usage data Platform: requirements

Different strengths/weaknesses Combinations are possible Platform: types PlatformAdvantageDisadvantageExample RepositoryLow costs; Already available Dissemination is not optimized; No production support Institutional Repository Dissemination platform Optimized dissemination; Quality control No production support OAPEN Library Publication platform Production supportLess freedom in procedures; Costs OpenEdition; Ubiquity Press Build your ownOptimized to your needsSpecialized staff and infrastructure; Costs Open Monograph Press

Where people find your books > Where you need to be present Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) Aggregators: – Commercial: Serials Solutions, Primo Central, EBSCO Discovery Service – Non-commercial: WorldCat, BASE, Europeana Libraries Search engines Facebook, Twitter And… your website Dissemination

You need to make choices on several levels – Trade-offs Your metadata is your best PR tool – Optimize it for the different users Connecting to other networks is crucial Conclusions

Eelco Ferwerda