Chapter 18 Review The Industrial Revolution in North Carolina
George Alexander Gray began working in a mill at age 10 and became an important industrialist in NC history in what industry? Textile industry
The system where farmers live and work on land that they did not own is called what? Tenant Farming
The major NC industry involved in making cloth and clothes is called what? The textile industry
Business organizations that combine all companies in a specific industry to reduce competition and control prices, similar to a monopoly, are called what? trusts
Washington Duke made a name for himself in the NC Tobacco Industry primarily by what industry innovation? A machine that made cigarettes
The first factory to produce large quantities of furniture was located in which NC City? High Point
After the Civil War, slavery was ended After the Civil War, slavery was ended. Former slaver workers who remained in the South to continue working were called what? Freedmen Freedwomen
The system here a farmer works land they do not own and make a living by taking a percentage of the harvest is called what? Share cropping
The NC Constitution of 1868 called for a system of free, public _________ schools
What 3 main economic factors made farming in NC difficult after the Civil War? Low Prices for Crops High Costs for production and High Taxes
In 1908, North Carolina enacted Prohibition which was the statewide banning of what? Alcoholic Beverages
What do we call a crop that is grown primarily to be sold for income? Cash Crop
The Fusionist Alliance, fusing the efforts of the Populist Party and the NC Republican Party was primarily responsible for making sure which group of North Carolinians were involved in the political process in the state? African Americans
Name the two most important cash crops grown in North Carolina between 1860 and 1910? Cotton and tobacco
What economic event happened in the late 1880’s and early 1890’s which made farming particularly challenging in NC? Economic depression
Who was the first Commissioner of Agriculture in North Carolina? Leonidas L Polk
Leonidas Polk helped create and lead what political party in NC in the late 1800’s? The Populist Party
The Populist Party was primarily concerned with improving life for what industry in NC? Agriculture
R J Reynolds was a leader in what NC industry? Tobacco
As racial tensions increased, in what NC city was a riot responsible for the death of 11 African Americans? Wilmington
Who was the first Democratic Governor of NC elected that embraced Progressivism? Charles Aycock
In the summer on 1920, only one more state was needed to ratify the US Constitutional Amendment to allow women to the right to vote. Two state legislatures met to become the last state to ratify the amendment. Which state was the last state to ratify this amendment? Tennessee
What NC governor, who served between 1921 and 1925 is credited with greatly improving the road and university systems of NC? Cameron Morrison
What major event of the industrial revolution occurred in 1903 on Kill Devil Hill on the NC Coast? The first airplane flight
J P Morgan was known in NC for developing what kinds of business organizations? Trusts