Swing seats: the General Election of 2015 Lewis Baston For 28 April 2015 update
The majority of individual seats are easy to predict
Marginals: what affects constituency results National (and Eng./ Wales) vote share/ lead Incumbency (Con hope) Ground game (Lab hope) Tactical votes UKIP and Green, and where the votes came from Local, sub- regional peculiarities, demographics
The first 40 Labour targets…
… and the next 40
Lib Dem v Conservative (wild cards excepted)
Lib Dem v Labour or Nationalist
London (Con 28, Lab 38, Lib Dem 7)
London 2015? Con 21 (18-26); Lab 47 (41-51) LD 5 (4-5); UKIP 0 (0-1)
London marginals GE 2010 lead % LA 2012 lead % LB 2014 lead %Ashcroft lead %My guess Westminster NorthLab 5Con 1Lab 9-Lab TootingLab 5Lab 1Lab 5-Lab ElthamLab 4Lab 7Lab 9-Lab Hampstead & KilburnLab 0Lab 4 Lab 17Lab HendonCon 0Lab 25Lab 1Lab 15Lab Brentford & IsleworthCon 4Lab 4Lab 12Lab 13Lab Enfield NorthCon 4Lab 5Lab 11Lab 10Lab Croydon CentralCon 6Con 0Lab 3Lab 4Lab Harrow EastCon 7Lab 7Con 4Lab 4Lab Ealing Central & ActonCon 8Con 9Lab 2Lab 6Lab Ilford NorthCon 12Con 2 -Lab BatterseaCon 12Con 20Con 12-Con Finchley & Golders GCon 12Lab 6Con 3Lab 2Con Enfield SouthgateCon 17Con 7Lab 2-Con
‘Big beasts’ on the edge of extinction Portillo moments?
Douglas Alexander (Paisley & Renfrewshire South) 8-11 points behind SNP in Ashcroft polls Hard to see how he can win given the Scottish trends Like Chris Patten, may end up with a national win for his campaign and a personal loss Who is Foreign Secretary under Labour?
Jim Murphy (East Renfrewshire) 9 points behind in Ashcroft poll April, 1 ahead in January Tactical votes might save him? Terrifying prospect for Scottish Labour to lose: Jim the last throw of the dice?
Nick Clegg (Sheffield Hallam) Consistently slightly behind in constituency polling Are the Conservatives really trying in Hallam? VERY hard to imagine Labour winning in this very affluent constituency. But it has to be taken seriously (even if I think he will hold on…) Impact on negotiations after election?
The prediction, and the remaining uncertainty
Maybe?Maybe not Do campaigns matter? Lots of undecided voters Weak attachment of people to parties and voting People take inconsistent views e.g. on leadership, party, which issues matter ‘Ground campaign’ and incumbency matter Why do they hardly ever matter (except for 1992)? Not even any proper debates this time Even Farage, Clegg known quantities No new arguments Polls haven’t moved suddenly for ages
Overall predictions 2010L’brokesE. F’castGuardianLSB Con Lab LD UKIP SNP Other GB Other NI18
Prediction points NOBODY is predicting a majority Lab and LD do better in seat by seat work Con and SNP do better in ‘global’ prediction Nobody expects a working majority for a 2- party coalition Predictions have converged
Who will be tenant of 10 Downing Street?
Black Swan territory? Poll error? Campaign effect? We’re factoring it in a bit. Late swing Stronger than usual incumbency Collapse in UKIP and/or Greens? Con running out of time…
The Conservative ‘Event Horizon’ Majority 326 (323) Coalition 2010: 363 DUP 8-10UKIP? 50 bloc losses
The Conservative ‘Event Horizon’: 283 seats Below this point forming a government is basically impossible (despite 22-seat lead over Labour). Winning extra seats from Lib Dems or UKIP wouldn’t help; errors in minor parties will mostly self-cancel within blocs. Getting above 283 doesn’t necessarily mean a Con government but would make it worth Cameron staying in Downing Street to see if it could be done. Lib Dems may not help. I have Con 11 under the Event Horizon – within margin of error for any method.
Conclusion Small (but non zero) chance of the campaign changing the situation, and if it does the Conservatives are the likely beneficiaries A weak government, probably a Labour minority government A second election? A mess – but at least a mess with some talented new people starting their political careers…