Senior Design Spring 2015 Lindsay Sullivan Emily Simonelli Taniya Singh United Illuminating in Orange, CT 3/12/2015 2/12/2014 Copyright © 2014 – Advanced Power Electronics & Electric Drives Lab (APEDL)
Design Review Had design review on Monday – got positive feedback along with some good ideas to implement on demo day Consider ways to include budgeting (i.e. if someone has only $10,000 what is the best way to use energy efficient measures) May want to do a poster board dedicated to this Three different budgets along with corresponding measures, how they best effect efficiency, how much money they cost and how much money they save
Split Programs & Flow Charts Split Programs are finished and ready to be sent to UI Began researching the best ways to implement the flow charts on the dashboard for demo day Show/Hide Image seems to be the best way to go All pictures will be imbedded in and set to hide, once selecting a button it will re-hide any showing images (in case a button was pressed prior) and then un-hide the image linked to that button
Comments added Comments have been added for the “Filter Sheets” and “Export data” buttons
User Guide updated Added information on accessing the code onto the User Guide.
Interactive House First “draft” in process Need to choose our selectable areas Information about each area needs to be gathered and summarized
Refrigerator (frost-free), Energy Star Refrigerator (frost-free) 15 cu. Ft. (1996 unit) 14 cu. Ft. ESTIMATED USAGE 150 kW/mo 57 kW/mo ESTIMATED COSTS $16.50/mo $6.27/mo GROSS ANNUAL SAVED 67.9 kWh kWh Stuff about heater Stuff about Dryer Stuff about Washer Stuff About Insulation Blower Door Test
Future Goals Make sure UI answers the about the split programs’ issues. Go through flowcharts and make sure they all have a legend. Implement flowcharts into master excel Finish User guide Complete research for virtual house