CCRPI Trends and Achievement Gap Details
Pioneer RESA Evaluation & Assessment
Content Mastery – 24 Points Passing the test
Content Mastery – 24 Points 24 Points / # of subjects = Points per Subject EOCT 8 Subjects = 3 Points per Subject Subject Points Possible Percent Passing Points Earned Points Not Earned 9LIT AME CAL AGE BIO PHY USH
Content Mastery – 24 Points 24 Points / # of subjects = Points per Subject CRCT 5 Subjects = 4.8 Points per Subject Subject Points Possible Percent Passing Points Earned Points Not Earned REA ELA Math SCI SS
Pioneer RESA Evaluation & Assessment
Post High School Readiness – 18 Points Pathway Completers CTAE Pathway completers with recognized credentials SAT, ACT, AP, IB, non-remediation college entrance Accelerated enrollment programs Writing Test Reading ability (Lexile) EOCT Exceeds Attendance
Post Middle/Elementary Readiness – 18 Points English Learners learning English* SWD in regular education environment Writing test Reading ability (Lexile) Career Lessons/Assessments/Inventories Graduation plans Attendance
Pioneer RESA Evaluation & Assessment
Graduation Rate or Predictor – 18 Points Middle/Elementary Passing ELA, math, science & social studies in class and CRCT Exceeding CRCT
Graduation Rate or Predictor – 18 Points High School 4-Year Cohort Graduation Rate (%) 1 st time 9 th graders finishing in 4 years with regular diploma With Adjustments (Add transfers in..subtract transfers out, emigrate or die) 5-Year Extended Cohort Graduation Rate (%) Includes 5 th year completers
Pioneer RESA Evaluation & Assessment
Economically Disadvantaged 0 < ED < 100
Pioneer RESA Evaluation & Assessment
Progress – 25 Points Each student’s current performance ranking in a cohort of students with similar past performance High scoring students are ranked only with other high scoring students. Image size relative to past performance.
Georgia Student Growth Model
SGP – Student Growth Percentile Progress Current performance ranking in a cohort with similar past performance. As good or better than % ranking. Annual percent rankings of students-SGP
Georgia Student Growth Model
Progress – 25 Points Student Growth Percentile – SGP Each student’s current performance ranking in a cohort of students with similar past performance Typical and High Growth count equally as percent of total Online SGP RangesType of Growth 1-34Low Growth 35-65Typical Growth 66-99High Growth
Oakwood ES
Pioneer RESA Evaluation & Assessment
Major League Baseball Achievement Gap Closure
Baseball Gap – MLB All Teams 30 teams 25 roster, 26 in day night doubleheaders five starting pitchers, seven relief pitchers, two catchers, six infielders, and five outfielders
Baseball Gap – MLB All Teams 20 at bats 510 Players with over 20 at bats Average Batting Average.233
Baseball Gap – Atlanta Braves Atlanta Braves lowest performing 6 players.146 League all players average.233 As Atlanta’s lowest performing 6 players’ batting average increases, and the league all players batting average stays the same, the difference between them and league mean batting average decreases.
Normal Distribution Pioneer RESA Evaluation & Assessment
Normal Distribution Pioneer RESA Evaluation & Assessment
Achievement Gap Calculation – 15 Points Achievement Gap Z Scores Grade Full Academic Year Participant Subject Exclude CRCT-M* Z-Score Mean of lower 25% Apply to rubric
Achievement Gap Closure – 15 Points Gap Size Score Score assigned to each subject using a rubric Lower quartile students with scores closer to state mean average earn more points. Gap SizeScore 1.2 or Greater0 0.9 – –.892 Less than 0.53
Achievement Gap Closure – 15 Points Gap Size Change Current year & previous year Gap Size Narrowing the gap earns more points Gap ChangeScore 0.05 or greater to to Less than
GaDOE Waiver Priority Schools are comprised of the lowest achieving schools in the state based on the performance of all students Focus Schools are those in which the largest within school gaps in achievement gap size and smallest gap change exist.
Pioneer RESA Evaluation & Assessment
ED / EL / SWD Points % Economically Disadvantaged
CCRPI Trends and Achievement Gap Details