ADMIXTURES to CONCRETE In modern days Concrete without an Admixture Is an exception
Typical Results with Plasticizers TestCement kg/m3 Dosage Lit/50kg W/CSlump mm UCS (N/mm2) 7 days 28 days Control Workability increase Strength increase Cement saving
Effect of Retarding Superplasticizers at high temp. TestTempConcrete Slump (mm) 0-h1-h2-h3-h4-h5-h Control Admixture Control Admixture
Effect of Accelerating Plasticizers at low Temp. TempMixW/CUCS (N/mm2) Slump = 25mm Cement = 300 kg 1 Day3 Day7 Day28 Day 2 0 C Control Admixture C Control Admixture C Control Admixture
Pozollanic Admixtures –Metakaolin –Surkhi –Fly-ash GGBFS Silica Fumes MINERAL ADMIXTURES
Fly- ash Lower heat of hydration Increased water tightness Lower susceptibility to leaching Low thermal shrinkage Reduced alkali aggregate reaction Improved resistance to sulphate attack Improved workability Lower cost
Influence of Fly ash content on strength of concrete
GGBFS Obtained as a by-product in the making of steel
Denser Microstructure Better long term strength Slower heat development Durability is better Alkali-silica reaction eliminated Lower slump loss GGBFS
Silica Fume A by product in the making of Silicon / Ferrosilicon from Carbon or Quartz in Electric Arc Furnace
Compressive strength of concrete with different contents of Silica
Mix Proportion of Some High Performance Concretes IngredientsMix (kg / m3) ABCDE Portland Cement Silica Fumes Fly ash GGBFS Fine Aggregate Coarse Aggregate Total water Water/cementitious Slump (mm) Strenth (Mpa) 1 day days days days
Compressive strength of concrete with different contents of GGBFS