ENSE3 : Energy, Water & Environmental Sciences
ENSE3 : a prestigious French «Grande Ecole» (engineering) 300 graduates per year merging in 2008 between ENSIEG & ENSHMG Highly selective admission process (national competitive examination) Significant research and development activities (150 PhD students) Close links with companies Awarding of a «Diplôme d’Ingénieur» (Master’s degree) 108 Faculty members, 47 Technical and administrative staff and alumni worldwide Features :
Scientific and technological topics: - Energy production : nuclear, thermal, renewable energies, fossil energies - Energy distribution : electricity, heat, hydrogen - Energy usage: transportation, housing,.. - Environmental impacts: recycling, clean technologies - Sustainable town and country planning: water and energy networks, resources management, natural and technological hazards ENSE3 Meet tomorrow’s challenges
Organization of studies Good balance between practical training and theoretical courses Autonomy and creativity (personal course path, free choices regarding courses and projects) Team work
ENSE3 curriculum 60 ECTS per year Main language of instruction: French
Electrical Power Engineering Operation of electrical networks Power Electronics &Energy Conversion Embedded Electrical Systems & Transport Engineers trained in this program will be able to: Produce general and technical specifications of electrical systems Develop and utilize global or local numerical models of electrical components and devices Coordinate and manage the design or installation of electrical equipment Manage a power transmission and a distribution network Initiate and complete applied research in electrical engineering
Nuclear & Energy Engineering To provide a global view of the full energy conversion chain and expertise in the required complex modeling and simulation. Engineers trained in this program will be able to: Manage the operation of nuclear energy production systems over the full range of management levels Audit, maintain and improve critical nuclear equipment Manage research, development and innovation in the field of nuclear energy Design components for nuclear steam-supply systems and for related energy conversion devices.
Hydraulics, Civil & Environmental Engineering Hydraulic Infrastructures & Civil Engineering Water Resources Management Engineers trained in this program will be able to: Design, run & maintain water schemes Manage hydroelectric facilities and water resources Forecast flood risks & drought Ensure water availibility and quality of water Manage water treatment, drainage & sewer in urban areas
Automatic control, Systems & IT Condition monitoring and diagnosis Control and supervision of industrial processes Mechatronics and embedded control systems Engineers trained in this program will be able to: Analysis, modelling and simulation of dynamical systems, Design and optimize controlled systems, Design of embedded control systems, System supervision, monitoring and reconfiguration,.
Signal & Image Processing, Communication Systems & Multimedia Engineering Communication Systems Signal, Image Processing & Multimedia Engineers trained in this program will be able to: Understand the principles, techniques and mathematical tools involved in signal and information processing. Develop the concepts, methods and tools required for measurement and instrumentation. Develop computer tools. Model the physical processes involved in signal generation. Design complex processing systems (multidimensional, multicomponent, multimedia) Develop signal processing algorithms involved in digital communications and image or voice processing
ENSE3 : a strong link with research Laboratories (more than 800 researchers) G2Elab :electrical engineering, networks GIPSALab : automatics, signal 3SR : civil engineering, natural hazards LEGI: fluid mechanics LTHE : hydrology, water quality RHEOLOGIE : complex fluids G-SCOP: design, supervision SIMAP : matérials, processes LEPMI : electro-chemical processes LEPII : energy and economy International competitiveness centers Tenerrdis (renewable energies) Minalogic Research clusters Envirhônalp Renewable energies and energy effectiveness Carnot Institute Energies of the future Technological platforms I2E
International: Some facts & figures More than 55% of Ense3 students spend at least 3 months abroad Exchange or double-degree programmes agreements) International master programmes Summer internships or end-of-studies projects « sandwich » year More than 150 exchange agreements, with universities in 40 countries Région Rhône-Alpes offers an « international mobility » grant
International: Some facts & figures Outgoing students one-semester or one-year study abroad program 29 final year project in a foreign research lab or company 68 summer internships Incoming students – regular foreign students 74 exchange students 25 final projects in research labs
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