The RDC Program: Data access for the advancement in social science and population health research in Canada Presentation to Offord Centre for Child Studies.


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Presentation transcript:

The RDC Program: Data access for the advancement in social science and population health research in Canada Presentation to Offord Centre for Child Studies Peter Kitchen Ruben Mercado Anna Kata 07 January 2015 Research Data Centre at McMaster University

StatCan / SSHRC 1998 Taskforce on social statistics Improve data access Improve data access (research data centres) Promote research and training Strengthen research-public policy links RDC Program Origins:

What is a Research Data Centre ? A secure Statistics Canada (StatCan) environment on university campuses managed by an Academic Director (university faculty member) staffed by StatCan personnel operated under Statistics Act ( “deemed employees”) holding StatCan micro-data (+ admin files) fully equipped for data analysis housed by researchers with SSHRC/CIHR /Stat Can approved project/s and security clearance

Continuum of data access Data Access Statistical Products Daily releases Cansim tables Analytic articles Aggregate tables Custom Requests Data tabulations Microdata PUMFs (DLI) Real Time Remote Access Remote job submissions Research Data Centres Federal RDC Deemed employee inventory

University campuses with an RDC

Community of RDC users Health…. Community Health and Epidemiology Epidemiology and Biostatistics Family Studies and Gerontology Environmental Hygiene Neurological ScienceNutrition PsychiatryNursing Family MedicineDentistry Public HealthKinesiology Social Science…. Business and Management Industrial relations Political science SociologyEconomics AnthropologySocial Work DemographyEducation GeographyStatistics PsychologyAdministration

….in rapid expansion Number of research projects ( )

RDC Projects by Offord Centre Researchers (Past / Completed) ProjectResearcher/ Project Team Dataset/s Impact on Child Health and Development of Socioeconomic Disadvantage Measured ( ) Michael Boyle John Cairney Eric Duku NLSCY Trajectories of Antisocial Behaviour Among Immigrant and Nonimmigrant Youth ( ) Kathy Georgiades Michael Boyle NLSCY First Nation Women's Emotional Health ( ) Harriet MacMillanNPHS Trajectories of Conduct/ Antisocial Behaviour in Adolescence: An Examination of Risk and Protective Factors ( ) Eric Duku Michael Boyle NLSCY (Cycles 1-7)

RDC Projects by Offord Centre Researchers (Past / Completed) ProjectResearcher/ Project Team Dataset/s Internalizing Symptoms and Youth Participation in Skill Development Activities: Relationships Over Time ( ) Terry BennettNLSCY (Cycles 2,3, 4 and 5) The Effect of Special Education Interventions on Child Emotional and Behavioural Functioning ( ) Kathryn BennettNLSCY Trajectories of oppositional and internalizing symptoms in childhood ( ) Khrista BoylanNLSCY Single-Parent Mothers and Outpatient Mental Health Care Service Utilization: An Examination of Predisposing, Enabling and Need Factors ( ) John CairneyNPHS Family processes in neighborhood context: Influences on externalizing behavior problems in children and adolescents ( ) Kathy GeorgiadesNLSCY

RDC Projects by Offord Centre Researchers (Past / Completed) ProjectResearcher/ Project Team Dataset/s Emotional and behavioural problems in childhood and obesity later in life (2011) Ryan Van Lieshout Kathy Georgiades Michael Boyle NLSCY Effects of Maternal Diabetes Mellitus during Pregnancy and Fetal Anthropometrics on Neurobehavioral Development and Psychological Functioning in Children and Adolescents ( ) Ryan Van Lieshout, Michael Boyle NLSCY The Impact of Living Arrangements of Lone Mothers on Child Outcomes ( ) Ellen Lipman Eric Duku NLSCY The influence of sex and immigrant status on risk for Intimate Partner Violence (IPV): Evidence from the Canadian General Social Survey ( ) Melissa KimberGSS Cycle 23 (2009)

RDC Projects by Offord Centre Researchers (Current) ProjectResearcher/ Project Team Dataset/s Modeling the Influences of Chronic Illness and Family Environment on the Self-concept and Mental Health Outcomes of Adolescents ( ) Mark Ferro Michael Boyle Laura Duncan NLSCY Psychiatric comorbidity in adolescents with chronic illness ( ) Mark FerroCCHS 2012 (Mental Health)

Microdata Files Available for Access in the RDCs (as of December 2014) Data Type / StatusActiveInactiveOne Time Pilot Longitudinal2700 Cross-sectional20 + Focus content CCHS = 6 GSS = historical database ( ) Administrative3004 Census data Census short form NHS Census long form 00 ActiveSurveys that continue to be conducted on a regular basis. InactiveSurveys that have been discontinued. While new data collection has stopped, the original files are available in the RDC. One TimeSurveys that were conducted at a particular time for a specific purpose. PilotThese are usually associated with administrative data sets that are made available to a few researchers in order to assess data quality, establish and refine data confidentiality rules and address other related data issues. The data sets may be made available for regular access in the RDC after the pilot phase.

Relevant Longitudinal microdata National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY: ) Long-term study of Canadian children that follows their development and well-being from birth to early adulthood. Factors influencing a child's social, emotional and behavioural development and impact on child's development over time Youth in Transition Survey (YITS: Cycles –2009) YITS aims to provide policy-relevant information on educational and labour market pathways of Canadian youth --- transitions in education, training and work A longitudinal survey of two groups: ages 15 and 18-20, surveyed every two years. Content includes formal education and labour-market experiences and influencing factors such as family background, school experiences, achievements, aspirations, expectations and employment experiences. Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada (LSIC 2001, 2003, 2005) Information on factors that facilitate or hinder integration of new immigrants to life in Canada in terms of education, housing, language, employment Study focus: Population 15+ who arrived in Canada in 1999/2000.

Relevant Longitudinal microdata Ontario Child Health Study (OCHS: 1983, 1987, 2000) StatsCan - McMaster study in Ontario to evaluate the impact of early childhood experiences and development in later health, quality of life and functioning. Original data –1983; OCHS 1987/2000 – longitudinal survey based on 1983 data. Longitudinal and International Study of Adults * (New) (LISA: Wave 1; 2014 – Wave 2 – data being processed) Monitors Canadian households in the four key domain variables: education, employment, training, and family and personal characteristics. “Longitudinal” – follows the same households every two years; children aged 0-14 in each household at the time of survey will be asked questions in later waves when they turn 15 years old. Survey data linked to tax data (income, pension, etc.) At wave 1, LISA was integrated with the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), (also known as the International Study of Adults (ISA)). The two surveys share a portion of their samples and the data collection activities were integrated.

Relevant Cross-sectional microdata Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS: ) Information related to health status, health care utilization and health determinants for the Canadian population Coverage: 12 years of age and older for analysis at health regional level Focus content on mental health (2002; 2012); on nutrition (status, eating habits– 2004); neurologic conditions (2010/2011) and vitamin supplement use (2013); nutrition (2015) Additional questions on neighborhood environment (e.g. satisfaction) (2011) General Social Survey (GSS: ) Monitor changes in the living conditions and well-being of Canadians over time Provide information on specific social policy issues of current or emerging interest Covers ages 15+ ; Focus content – Family, Caregiving, Time Use, Victimization, Social Network, Health, ICT Use, Education, Work Communities Survey (CS – 2004, 2005; NLSCY – ) Information about a sample of kindergarten children living in selected communities, using same questionnaires and direct measure instruments developed for the NLSCY. Additional data using the Early Development Indicator (EDI), a questionnaire developed and administered by the Canadian Centre for Children at Risk at McMaster University (renamed the Offord Centre!)

Relevant Cross-sectional microdata Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS: Available Cycle 1 ( ); Cycle 2 ( ); Cycle 3 ( ); Cycle 4 ( ) Household interview on health and direct physical measures of individuals 3-79 years old at a mobile examination centre (MEC) – a mobile clinic. Physical: blood pressure, height, weight and physical fitness, blood and urine samples to test for chronic and infectious diseases, nutrition and environment markers. Household interview: nutrition, smoking habits, alcohol use, medical history, current health status, sexual behaviour, lifestyle and physical activity, the environment and housing characteristics, as well as demographic and socioeconomic variables. Information can help create national baseline data on obesity, hypertension, cardio- vascular disease, exposure to infectious diseases, and environmental contaminants. Allows determination of relationships between disease risk factors and health status, and to explore emerging public health issues Microdata participants per collection cycle with 5 CHMS age groups: 6-11; ; 20-39; 40-59; Canadian Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey (CTADS 2013 soon ; CTUMS – already available) CTADS = CTUMS + alcohol and drug use among ages and CTADS= biennial survey to measure freq. of cigarette smoking, amount smoked, related behaviors, prevalence and frequency of alcohol use, drug use and the extent of harm. Microdata file: CTUMS 2008 household individual records

Relevant Cross-sectional microdata Childhood National Immunization Coverage Survey (New) (CNICS: 2013) Every two years, collects information on national immunization coverage for childhood vaccines (publicly-funded); also assess knowledge, attitudes, and awareness of vaccines including safety, sources of information, reasons for not immunizing, etc. Covers girls and boys aged 2, 7, 17 and girls years old, living in the 10 provinces and three territories; Respondents were randomly selected from an administrative file available at Statistics Canada. Stratified by age and by province and territory to ensure representative sample while remaining efficient. The sampling unit is the child, but the respondent is their parent or guardian; the design prohibits two children from the same household from being selected for the sample. Microdata records; Survey of Approaches to Educational Planning (SAEP: 2013, 2002) How parents are preparing their children (ages 0-17) for post-secondary education – primarily financial saving strategies (e.g. RESP, etc. ) + parents/guardians' attitudes and values regarding post-secondary education + child's commitment to education Coverage: SAEP is a supplement survey of the Labour Force Survey (LFS). Coverage was modified to include only those households with at least one child aged 17 (in SAEP 2002 – ages 0-18) and under and, within those households, only one randomly selected child. Microdata records for SAEP 2013

Relevant Cross-sectional microdata Canadian Survey on Disability (CSD: 2012) Canadians aged 15 + with disabilities reflecting social model of disability (vs. medical) Information on type and severity of disability, use of aids and assistive devices, help received or required, educational attainment, labour force status, experiences and accommodations at school or work, and ability to get around the community. Similar content to PALS (2006, 2001) and HALS (1991, 1986) BUT streamlined and updated; corrected weaknesses in question wording; better identification of persons with mental/ psychological, cognitive and “other” types of disabilities using Disability Screening Questions (DSQ); Should not be analytically compared to PALS and HALS Microdata file: with disability based on records; false positive – reported not limited but could records; with long-term health condition but did not meet records Canadian Internet Use Survey (CIUS: 2005, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012) to assess the availability of internet to households and individuals 16yo + in Canada to understand how individuals use the Internet, including their frequency and intensity of usage, and demand for specific online activities (e.g. entertainment, study, work, social networking, etc.) Microdata household individual records

Relevant Cross-sectional microdata Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA: 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009, 2012) Developed and implemented by OECD countries, survey assess whether 15 year-olds approaching end of compulsory education acquired the knowledge and skills essential for full participation in society. Covers three domains: reading literacy, mathematical literacy and scientific literacy; 2/3 of each cycle focus on “major” domain Every three years; new 15 years old sample every cycle; Microdata file records for PISA 2012 Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC 2012; IALSS 2003; IALS 1994) OECD- initiated survey to provide information regarding change in the distribution of skills (reading and math) over the years including problem solving in technology-rich environments to inform decisions on the composition and content of remedial skill development course and adult education. Canadian adults aged 16 to 65 not residing in institutions or on Aboriginal reserves; Microdata file has 27,000 records for PIAAC 2012 are <20 years old

Relevant Cross-sectional microdata Aboriginal Peoples Survey (APS: 1991, 2001, 2006, 2012) Key statistics to inform policy and programming activities aimed at improving the well-being of Aboriginal Peoples (First Nations people living off reserve, Métis and Inuit aged 6+) Funding provided by Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, Health Canada and Employment and Social Development Canada (formerly HRSDC) Collected every five years; Data on the social and economic conditions of Aboriginal people in Canada in terms of education, employment, health, language, income, housing and mobility. Collects unique and detailed data on education, employment and health data not available from any other source. Coverage: 2006 APS = Aboriginal identity only 2012 APS = Aboriginal identity + Aboriginal-ancestry Content: 2011 NHS = level of education and on major field of study; 2012 APS = number of schools attended, exposure to Aboriginal languages, school climate and support, frequency of reading, participation in extra-curricular activities, peer influences and plans for further schooling. Microdata file records for APS 2012

Relevant One Time Survey Microdata Aboriginal Children's Survey (ACS: 2006) Early development of Aboriginal children and the social and living conditions in which they are learning and growing. Covers data about Aboriginal (Métis, Inuit, and off-reserve First Nations) children under 6 years of age in urban, rural, and northern locations. Microdata: 12,800 records with relatively equivalent number of sample for ages 0-1, 2-3, 4-5 Maternity Experiences Survey (MES: 2006) Sponsored by the Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System of the Public Health Agency of Canada, the goal was to gain information that could help improve the health and well- being of pregnant women, mothers and infants in Canada. Information on pregnancy, labour, birth and postpartum experiences. Covers women who had a single birth at time of survey; at least 15 years of age at the time of baby's birth; baby was born in Canada and lived with the mother at least one night per month. women.

International Youth Survey (IYS: ) Canadian portion of the International Self-Report Delinquency Study (ISRD) involving youth in Grades 7 to 9 countries, Europe, US and Canada. comprehensive information about delinquency and misbehavior of young people. Data can be analyzed within the context of school policies and programs, local crime problems, and the socio-demographic make-up of local communities. Microdata file grades 7-9 students belonging to the Toronto District School Board or a private school in the Toronto Metropolitan Area, at the time of collection Information and Communications Technologies in Schools Survey (ICTSS: ) Provides a benchmark data on the integration of ICT in education - current ICT infrastructure in schools; location and time students can access computers; types of internet and intranet connections; teacher skills and training in ICT; capabilities in regards to online courses and videoconferencing; attitudes toward ICT; ICT challenges. Surveyed 6,676 of the 15,541 schools (43% response rate); includes elementary and secondary schools (except Catholic schools) as well as trade/vocational schools, schools in aboriginal communities, social service centres. Relevant One Time Survey Microdata

Relevant Administrative Microdata Vital Statistics Data Through the Canadian Vital Statistics system, all provincial and territorial vital statistics registries in Canada now supply microfilm or optical images of vital statistics registration forms to Statistics Canada Vital Statistics – Births (VSD Births: ) Microdata provide all live births in Canada linked by socio-economic and geographic characteristics Allows for fertility studies (i.e. age-specific fertility rates, parity, birth types, infant health / mortality, seasonality of birth occurrences, etc.) in relation to socio-economic (i.e. immigrant / Canadian born, cultural diversity, living arrangements and risk of conception, etc.) and geographic variables through usual place of residence of mother Place of birth and place of residence of mother are based on census geographic codes where distance could be a proxy to measure access to health facilities Vital Statistics – Deaths (VSD Deaths: ) Microdata provide all deaths in Canada linked by geographic characteristics Allows for mortality studies using demographic and medical (cause of death) information relative to locality of death and/or usual place of residence of the deceased The cause of death variable is classified according to the WHO "International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems" (ICD).

Relevant Administrative Microdata Canadian Cancer Registry (CCR: ; 2011, 2012); 2013 upcoming) Patient based database collected from all provincial and territorial cancer registries (PTCRs); Data documents both the individual with the cancer and the characteristics of the cancer. Great authoritative source to provide a solid baseline about cancer incidence among children and youth (kind and number of new cases diagnosed in a year); studies on cancer survival, cancer mortality / death, descriptive and analytical epidemiological studies to plan, monitor and evaluate broad range of cancer control programs (e.g. screening, etc.), identifying risk factors for cancer, research in health services and economics Each year, approximately 180,000 new primary cancer records are loaded into the CCR database.

Pilot Projects – Relevant Incident-based Uniform Crime Reporting Survey (UCR: cases collected from ) Incidence and characteristics of police-reported crime in Canada (collected from provincial police authorities); useful for crime analysis, policy and legislative development, administrative planning and international comparisons. Three microdata files: 1) Incident; 2) Accused/Charged; 3) Victim Incident-based or population based (e.g. child / youth) crime studies Not intended / statistically reliable for trend analysis Homicide Survey (HS: cases collected from ) Police-reported data on the characteristics of all murder incidents, victims and accused persons since 1961 and all homicides (including murder, manslaughter and infanticide) since Three microdata files: 1) Incident; 2) Accused/Charged; 3) Victim Information received by the Homicide Survey is compared to the data reported to the UCR Survey

Pilot Projects – Relevant Ontario Social Assistance Data (OSAD: ) Ontario social assistance data derived from the Ontario Works Program and the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) Data would include de-identified Ontario income support microdata of benefit unit (family), member, pay detail (benefit), income / deduction information and skills. Monthly time-series data on Ontario Works and ODSP provincial caseloads from 1990 to 2013 could be made available.

McMaster RDC McMaster RDC Website Information McMaster RDC PUMF vs. Microdata Microdata files available (updated regularly) Select Survey presentations McMaster RDC Newsletter How to Apply / Types of Data Access Faculty research Masters or Doctoral research Program of Research Academic course Unaffiliated academic research (fee-for-service)

09/06/2015 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 28 The proposal Project Title Name and Affiliation of Investigators Project Objectives Description of the Methods Data Requirements (including justification for microdata) Critical Dates

Contact information Academic Director: Byron Spencer Analysts: Peter Kitchen ext Ruben Mercado ext Extended Hours: Anna Kata ext. LOCATION Mills Memorial Library, Rm 217 McMaster University 1280 Main Street West Hamilton ON, L8S 4L6 CRDCN Website: McMaster RDC Website: McMaster RDCMcMaster RDC