Why this study? Long lasting national discussions
Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty 2015 Task Group 7: Land Registry and Cadastre: One or two agencies? Rik Wouters Courtesy: Walter de Vries: professor University of Twente Peter Laarakker: senior advisor NL Kadaster
Why this study? Long lasting national discussions Mergers ánd de-mergers do happen, but why? Umbrella organisations no clear position UNECE (2005): “Although separate organisations may administer the land books, the cadastre, and the registers of mortgages and encumbrances, an integrated system is desirable either in one organisation or through electronic linkages”
Why this study? Long lasting national discussions Mergers ánd de-mergers do happen, but why? Umbrella organisations no clear position WPLA wants to support the members Keep the customer in mind!
Taskforce Workplan Literature study Correlation study Narratives on mergers Scientific paper and MSc-Studies Final research
1. Literature study Customers ask for integration of processes and one-stop shopping Certain level of “belief” that merging of organisations is necessary for that No empirical evidence that merged organisations work “better” Organisational structure and working processes are based on many different political objectives
2. Correlation study WPLA benchmark 2014: 25 UNECE countries Data on organisation and quality of land registration services WB Doing Business 2013 Registering a property World wide Number of processes, time and costs Ranking
2. Correlation study DB-ranking Merged 3 yes 5 yes 6 no 7 no 14 no
3. Narratives on mergers 15 narratives on the history of the merger-discussion: Speed of services is main driver for change No common argument for merging or not: “Neighbour country did it” “World Bank wants it” “Public sector reform” “We can do without”
4. Scientific papers Submitted to journal MSc thesis 2013 (Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy) MSc thesis 2013 Evaluation of mergers of cadastral systems by Tsitsi Muparari http://www.itc.nl/library/papers_2013/msc/la/muparari.pdf MSc thesis 2015 Analysing Merging of Land Registry and Cadastre by Bujar Fetai
5. Final Research Conclusion so far: Property rights registration needs one stop Cadastres serve many different purposes Merging yes/no to much black/white More detailled assessment necessary Different approach: measurement of performance
5. Final Research Points of integration: Organisational Legislation Operational Strategic IT-systems Marketing/public affairs Integrated front office/e-govt solutions
5. Final Research Determine research method Refine typology of mergers (including operational, coordination, organizational legal/institutional and technical elements) Prepare a structured questionnaire based on this typology Deliverable: detailed research proposal methodology
5. Final Research Structured questionnaire
Example 1: Partnership and resources Information systems: Manual integration? Common interface? Integration by application? Integration by middle ware? Uniform data access? Common data storage?
Example 2: Customer results Relevant questions: Integrated strategy Integrated planning of client results? Integrated product and services? One stop shopping? Integrated customer satisfaction surveys?
5. Final Research Questionnaires ready in April 2015 Analysis of results June 2015 Publications and presentations 2015
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