eNERGY Energy
What is energy?
Energy is the ability to move something It is measured in Joules The symbol for Joules is J
Heat energy – when heat causes things to move Heat causes the liquid inside a thermometer to move. Heat causes the liquid particles to move around quicker!
Light energy – when light causes things to move! Light makes plants to grow! The vanes inside Crookes radiometer move because of light
Sound energy – when sound makes things move! Sound makes our ear drums vibrate! It makes glasses smash! It can even cause avalanches!
Magnetic energy – when magnets make things move A magnet can move thing towards it - like nails! A crane moves cars using magnets!
Kinetic energy - the energy that moving things have! Wind causes sails to move Aeroplanes can move people and luggage A rock fall can move cars, people etc
Potential energy – the energy something has because of it’s shape or position A spring A wind up clock A jack in the box The water in a dam A sling shot
Chemical energy – stored in materials in their chemical bonds Chemical energy is stored in food – animals get this energy when they break down food in their bodies!
Chemical energy – stored in materials in their chemical bonds A battery stores chemical energy Fuels like gas, turf and coal all store chemical energy that is released when they are burned!
Electrical energy - comes from moving charges
Nuclear energy – the energy that comes from nuclear fission and nuclear fusion Nuclear fusion in the sun
Check your learning.. What is energy? What unit is energy measured in?
Can you think of examples of each type of energy? There are many different types of energy: Heat light sound kinetic electrical chemical nuclear Different types of energy
Which type of energy?
Newton's Law of conservation of energy: Energy cannot be created or destroyed But it can be changed from one form to another. Chemical energy in food is converted to heat energy and kinetic energy by our bodies. Energy transfer What other energy transfers can you think of? Potential energy in a ball is converted to kinetic energy when it falls to the ground.
bunsen burner portable torch microphone battery radio television car chemical to heat and light sound to electrical Chemical to electrical to sound and heat electrical to sound and light and heat chemical to kinetic and sound and heat In all these transfers the energy is not lost, it is conserved. Energy cannot be destroyed or created. What energy changes takes place in each device? What is the energy transfer?
What energy conversions happen?
Fossils fuels are non renewable sources of energy Non-renewable sources of energy will eventually run out and take a very long time to be made again.
Fossil fuels
Coal formation
Oil and gas formation
Ireland has a energy problem.. 90% of electricity we use comes from burning fossil fuels… The disadvantages of fossil fuels: 1)They are non renewable (and running out!) 2) When fossil fuels are burnt they release carbon dioxide into the air which causes global warming!
Renewable sources of energy Biomass energy Wave and tidal energy Wind energy Geothermal energy Solar energy Renewable energy resources will not run out because they can easily be made
Renewable or non- renewable?
Nuclear energy is made from uranium (at the moment) which will eventually run out!
Advantages/ Disadvantages of Nuclear energy Advantages It releases great amounts of energy. No greenhouse gases are released by nuclear power plants. Disadvantages Releases radioactive waste which can be dangerous to the environment if not disposed of properly. If a nuclear accident happened it would cause a lot of environmental damage.
Group work Make lists of the advantages and disadvantages of each energy source Evaluate the other sources of energy we could use in Ireland to make electricity
The sun is our primary source of energy! The energy that comes from the sun is changed into lots of different types of energy that we can use!
Conserving energy Insulate with fibreglass Double glaze and use thick curtains Use draught excluders Use thick carpets Fit walls with air cavities Energy Conservation (Saving energy)
Multiple-choice quiz