American Government Final Exam Review 2013
1. Popular Sovereignty puts the right to rule in the hands of ________________________________ 2. Jefferson writes of “just powers” and how the “government derives its powers from the consent of the governed”. Which 2 principles is he referencing in his writing? 1) ______________________ 2) ______________________ 3. The 14th, 15th, 19th & 26th amendment extended which constitutional principle? 4. What effect does limiting government have on popular sovereignty? 5. Articles I, II & III of the Constitution lay out the three branches. Which concept is being used here? The People Popular Sovereignty Limited Government Popular Sovereignty Allows more of the peoples voice to be heard Separation of Powers
6. Montesquieu wrote about government powers and how they should be balanced and divided. His also suggested another element that would prevent any one branch from having too much power. Which principle did he discuss? Checks and Balances Fear of a Strong Central Government Federalism Gives People a Voice at Different Levels 7. Why were all of these ideas (constitutional principles) placed into our government? 8. Tenth amendment states that any powers not given to the federal government, and not denied to the states, go to the state. This is a clear example of which constitutional principle? 9. Why was the concept of Federalism so important to the Framers? 10.How does Federalism further extend the idea of Popular Sovereignty? Fear of a Strong Central Government
11. “We the People, of the United States...” -Constitution 12.“The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite” -James Madison 13. “....that the legislative, executive and judiciary departments ought to be separate and distinct” -James Madison 14.“It is essential to such a government that it be derived from the great body of the society” -James Madison 15.“The different governments will control each other, at the same times that each will be controlled by itself.” -J. M. Checks and Balances Popular Sovereignty Limited Government Separation of Powers Popular Sovereignty
16. Operations of the government in the United States take place within a framework called the 17. The Constitution can changed in what two ways? 18. Formal Changes are also known as 19. Informal Changes are also known as 20. What are the requirements for an Amendment being added to the Constitution? Constitution Formal & Informal Changes Amendments Laws 2/3 of the states legislature’s vote
21. One way the Legislative Branch can impact our understanding of our Constitution is One way the Executive Branch can impact our understanding of our Constitution is One way the Judicial Branch can impact our understanding of our Constitution is Power as a result of being a government, such as protect citizens & establish and run an economy is known as which type of power? 25. A system of guidelines which are enforced through government & social institutions is called.. Pass laws Issue Executive Orders Court case rulings that interpret our Constitutional rights Inherent Powers Laws
26. Power that is written, specifically stated as something Congress can do is known as which type of power? 27. Government action taken by executive branch to implement law & custom is known as Power that is not written, but suggested as a result of a given power is known as which type of power? 29. Congress has the power to regulate Currency, Borrow money & Tax its people. Therefore, Congress authorized the creation of a national banking system.Power to Tax borrow and Spend is known as a _______________ power. Congress authorizing the creation of the bank is an example of ______________ power. 30. If someone is said to have a strict construction of the Constitution how would they read the words of the Constitution? Expressed Powers Public Policy Implied Powers Expressed Inherent Pass laws