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Presentation transcript:


ALDOT HSIP FUNDING OPPORTUNITES Objectives What is the HSIP? What type of projects are eligible/ineligible? What is the application process? – Application Details – Project Sponsors Responsibility – HSIP Application Flow Chart/Process Summary/Next Steps – Additional Training available


Objective of HSIP MAP-21 continued the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) as a core federal-aid program. The goal of the program is to achieve a significant reduction in traffic fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads. The program requires a “data-driven, strategic approach to improving highway safety on all public roads that focuses on performance”.

Federal HSIP Requirements Under 23 USC 148(c)(1), to obligate HSIP funds, a State must: -Develops, implements, and updates a strategic highway safety plan (SHSP) that identifies and analyzes highway safety problems and opportunities. -Produces a program of projects or strategies to reduce identified safety problems; and -Evaluates the SHSP on a regularly recurring basis.

Alabama Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) 2 nd Edition 2012 SHSP Emphasis Areas Driver Behavioral Crashes Infrastructure Countermeasures Legislative Initiative Traffic Safety Information Systems Safety Stakeholder Community

SHSP Infrastructure Countermeasures Category of HSIP Projects Systemic Safety Improvements – Installation of Rumble Stripes – Horizontal Curve Resigning – Shoulder Widening – Widening of Inside and Outside Shoulders on Horizontal Curves – Signage and Markings Non-Systemic Improvements – Safety Improvements that DO NOT fail into the broad safety improvements categories – Based on Benefit to Cost(B/C) Ratio

Examples of Types of HSIP Projects GEOMETRIC COUNTERMEASURES – Offset Left Turn and Right Turn Lanes – Delineation – Left Turn and Right Turn Traffic Control and Geometric Improvements – Passing Lanes – Roundabouts TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE COUNTERMEASURES – Intersection illumination – Signage – Upgraded pedestrian crossings

Examples of Types of HSIP Projects ROADSIDE AND ROADWAY DEPARTURE COUNTERMEASURES – Installation of Rumble Stripes – Horizontal Curve Resigning – Shoulder Widening – Installation of Guardrail

HSIP “Expanded” Eligible Projects Roundabouts Offset Left-turn and Right-Turn Lanes Construction and Operational Improvement on High Risk Rural Roads Bicycle & Pedestrian Countermeasures Safety Assessments – Road Safety Assessments (RSA) – Safety and Operational Studies for high crash corridors Non-infrastructure projects – Public Relations Activities – Enhanced Enforcements – Improvement in the collection and analysis of crash data Non-infrastructure projects – Public Relations Activities – Enhanced Enforcements – Improvement in the collection and analysis of crash data

INELIGIBLE HSIP PROJECT ACTIVITIES Work deemed to be a highway maintenance activity Grade separation projects Major horizontal or vertical realignments Major drainage improvements Major utility relocations Projects requiring extensive right-of-way acquisitions Work zone activities necessary for the management of the construction site during construction


Overview of HSIP Application Th e HSIP Project Application Form contains the following sections: Section I: Project Sponsor Information Section II: Project Location and Description Section III: Risk Narrative Section IV: Traffic and Crash Data Section V: Proposed Improvement Action(s) Section VI: Project Phase Costs Section VII: Benefit/Cost Ratio Calculation It is critically important that the application form contain accurate and relevant data, analysis, and other supporting information to “make the case” for the proposed project.

HSIP APPLICATION DETAILS Section I: Project Sponsor Information – Contact Information Section II: Project Location and Description – Proposed Project Limits – Functional Classification – OSO Identified High Risk study – Existing Traffic Control Devices Section III: Risk Narrative – Description of Safety Countermeasures – Sketches, Photos, Articles, Collision Diagrams, etc.

HSIP APPLICATION DETAILS – Section IV: Traffic and Crash Data Review and Analysis of Crash Data – Crash Types (Run Off Road, Side Swipe, Head On, etc.) – Crash Severity (Fatality, Injuries, PDO) AADT – Approach AADT (Intersections) Length and Width of Roadway (Segments) Functional Classification Any previous Safety Studies – (not all inclusive )

HSIP APPLICATION DETAILS Section V: Proposed Improvement Action(s) – Proposed Countermeasures – Crash Reduction Factors (CRFs) Estimate of the Percentage of Crashes Reduction (all crashes, targeted crashes) per Countermeasure – Most common CRFs are included in the application as a guide – Service Life per Countermeasures

Alabama CRF Guide

HSIP APPLICATION Section VI: Project Phase Costs – Preliminary Engineering – Utilities and ROW Cost (minimal cost) – Construction Section VII: Benefit/Cost Ratio Calculation (automatically calculated when the other sections are inputted)

Completing HSIP Applications Address ALL checklist items for completeness Submit application as directed in HSIP manual Application must be signed by PE Responsibility of Project Sponsor(for approved projects) – Comment supporting matching funds (90% Federal/10% Local) – Comply to Federal Regulations, including providing information for annual HSIP Report – Projects that are not progressing may be deleted from the program

HSIP Project Process OSO Manages the HSIP Program Regions Manage HSIP Projects ALDOT Region Submits Reviewed Project Application to OSO 5. OSO Completes Technical Review6. OSO Makes Funding Decision Project Sponsor Completes HSIP Application (Data Collection and Analysis) 3. Submit to ALDOT Region Office 4. Review by ALDOT Region Office Project Sponsor Becomes Familiar with the ALDOT HSIP Project Process 1. Review OSO Website/OSO Training 2. Review Alabama SHSP

Project Selection HSIP Project Priority Criteria Assigned Points Proposed Weight Range of Values Project Location 5 = project located at a high- risk location established through a safety study (intersection or segment) 0 = project not located at a high-risk location 5 0 to 25 Composite Benefit/Cost Ratio (B/C) for Proposed Project Value of the B/C ratio times the B/C value Ease of Project Delivery 5 = Relatively easy/straightforward 2 = Some potential risks 0 = Likely to have significant risks 5 0 to 25 Crash Severity Potential 5 = High potential as assessed by OSO 0 = Low potential as assessed by OSO 50 to 25 TOTAL POINTS: To be determined by OSO

SUMMARY The proposed project must address a stated goal(s) of the Alabama SHSP There must be a documented description of the safety issue(s) along with supporting data and quantitative and/or qualitative information on the proposed safety countermeasures. A project sponsor(s) must be identified who is willing to implement the project according to Federal and ALDOT guidance and requirements.

Next Step: Upcoming HSIP Training!! Attend the upcoming HSIP Training, Gresham Smith, along with Dr. Dan Turner – Thursday, May 21, 2015 from 8 to 12 PM Central Office in Montgomery, Conference Room 5 and 6 Teleconference at ALDOT Region Offices – Can’t make it? It will be video recorded and made available on OSO website!!! – Applications will be taken year round starting in July/August 2015 Attend the upcoming HSIP Training, Gresham Smith, along with Dr. Dan Turner – Thursday, May 21, 2015 from 8 to 12 PM Central Office in Montgomery, Conference Room 5 and 6 Teleconference at ALDOT Region Offices – Can’t make it? It will be video recorded and made available on OSO website!!! – Applications will be taken year round starting in July/August 2015

Questions? Sonya Baker Safety Engineering Manager (334) Timothy Barnett, P.E., P.T.O.E. Safety Operations Engineer (334)