Phylum Mollusca
There are 5 classes: Class Amphineura – Chitons, 8 shells Class Gastropoda – ‘Stomach foot’ Class Bivalvia – 2 valves/shells Class Scaphopoda – ‘tooth-shaped’ shells Class Cephalopoda – ‘head attached to foot’
All members of the Phylum Mollusca have: Muscular foot Mantle Shell Visceral Mass
Class Amphineura Chitons Have 8 shells This diagram – dorsal surface
Ventral muscular surface Muscular portion: foot
Class Gastropoda ‘Stomach-foot” Movement done on ‘muscular foot’
Class Gastropoda - Snails
Snail Diagram
Gastropods - Sea slugs/nudibranchs
Class Bivalvia 2 shells Clams Oysters Mussels
Typical Shell/Valve
Class Scaphopoda Tooth or tusk shaped shells
Scaphopoda Diagram
Class Cephalopoda
Cephalopods have a ‘head’
Cephalopods include: Octopi Squid Cuttlefish Nautiluses Have internal shells Swim with jet propulsion