Bullying: Roles
The Roles In Bullying There are three roles that a person can take when it comes to bullying The Bully The Bullied [Victim] The Bystander
Roles: The Bully Bullies are all shapes and sizes Bullying is a conscious, willful and deliberate activity, intended to harm
Roles: The Bully Four Markers of Bullying An imbalance of power Intent to harm Threat of further aggression Terror
Roles: The Bullied [Victim] The person being targeted Has been singled out because they are different in some way
Roles: The Bullied Why do kids who are being bullied remain silent? They are ashamed They are afraid of retaliation They don’t think anyone can help them They don’t think anyone will help them They believe that bullying is a necessary part of growing up They think that “ratting” or telling on a peer is bad/not cool
Tattling vs. Telling Tattling Gets people into trouble Telling Gets people out of trouble
Roles: The Bystander The group who aid or help the bully by acts of omission They see the behaviour and turn a blind eye, or they can actively encourage the bully by laughing or joining in
Roles: The Bystander Bullying is challenged when the majority stands up against the cruel acts of the minority As a bystander Stand up for your peers Speak out Take responsibility for what happens
Standing Up for Yourself/Others Be assertive! Call the person by name (A) Describe the behaviour you do not like (B) Say how the behaviour makes you feel (C) Say what you want the person to do (D)
Assertiveness: An Example Greg calls Tammy stupid (A) Greg, (B) when you call me stupid (C ) I get mad. (D) Please call me by my name.
Rick Mercer Rant \\tdsbSAD16\SchAdmin16$\0342\0342- TCH\Health\Grade 7\Personal Safety & Injury Prevention\Rick_Mercers_Rant_- _Bullying.mp4
Rick Mercer Rant What was the message Rick Mercer wanted to get across to teens?
It gets better…
It’s OKAY to BE YOURSELF! -o1leAw&feature=relmfu