Characteristics of European Fascism: The Rise of Fascism Characteristics of European Fascism: Nationalism: extreme high value on nation Unity of All Social Classes: single nation political party, opposed worker unions and strikes All Powerful Leaders: strong leader best to represent the people Extreme Militarism: used violence to defeat political opponents and prepared to use war to expand country What are the positive and negative aspects of Fascism?
The Roots of Fascism Anti-Semitism: Hatred of Jewish people. Jews were blamed for the problems in many countries. Racism: Contempt for other races, strengthened by imperialism and spirit of nationalism. Social Darwinism: Belief that all human groups compete for survival and that the stronger group has the right to succeed the weaker group. Jews were forced to wear identification in Nazi Germany
The Old Order Collapses Germany The republic was opposed by land owners, industrialists, military leaders, and professionals. Kaiser Wilhelm II was forced from power after WWI and a democratic republic took over (Weimar Republic). What affect did the Russian Revolution have on Germany after WWI? They wanted a single leader because they feared the people might become socialist and what happened in Russia might happen in Germany. They also blamed the republic for accepting the Treaty of Versailles
The Old Order Collapses U.S.S.R Lenin established a totalitarian state in Russia After his death, Joseph Stalin took over and began to eliminate all of his rivals. Because of events in Russia, many European countries supported extreme anti-Communist leaders like Hitler and Mussolini. He even starved the Ukraine into submission in 1928. Opponents were sent to icy gulags (forced labor camp) in Siberia
The Old Order Collapses Italy Communism frightened Italian industrialists, landlords, and other property owners. Communism became popular in Italy after WWI. Mussolini had a party newspaper, party organization, and his own private army (Black Shirts). Once in power he passed laws controlling the press, abolished unions, used violence against his opponents, murdered opposition leaders, and established a totalitarian state. The country had also experienced workers strikes and riots. Many citizens were tired of these and wanted a strong leader. Fascists in Italy used the fear of revolution and desire for national glory to get Benito Mussolini into power. Mussolini, a former socialist, used many Bolshevik practices while denouncing their ideas.
Rise of the Nazi (National Socialist) Party Nazis Come to Power They created their own army (Brown Shirts) They beat up political opponents and Jews. Hitler was elected Chief Minister of the republic. The party used violence and murder to create chaos in the republic. The Reichstag (government building) was burned in Berlin and blamed on the Communists. Hitler declared martial law and established a dictatorship Hitler blamed the Weimar Republic for the humiliation of the Treaty of Versailles. He believed that the Aryan race was superior and should rule the world. He called the Jews an evil race and blamed them for losing WWI. He also saw Communism as a Jewish plot to control the world. Hitler’s Vision for Germany
Germany Under Nazi Control Human Rights Violations: People were arrested and executed without trial. Rival political parties, unions, and independent newspapers were closed and replaced with pro-Nazi ones. Economic Changes: Hitler made use of public works projects like building highways and military rearmament to secure full employment. Economic prosperity returned to Germany. Persecution of Jews: Jews were thrown out of government jobs. Jews lost citizenship, were forced to wear yellow stars on their clothes, and were banned from marrying other Germans. Jewish shops were vandalized and synagogues were burned down. Jews were forced into special ghettos and concentration camps. Secret Police: The Gestapo (secret police) arrested suspected opponents, who were thrown into concentration camps where they were mistreated, tortured, and killed. Dacahu, the first camp, opened in 1938.
Why Germans liked Hitler 1. Gave people jobs 2. Said that Germans were a superior race 3. Got rid of the humiliation of the Treaty of Versailles 4. Restored German military power 5. No opposition could speak out against him How might things have been different if the press had been able to speak out in Russia, Italy, or Germany?