Micki Volk Green Bay Southwest High School


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Presentation transcript:

Micki Volk Green Bay Southwest High School mnvolk@gbaps.org DECA Connects Micki Volk Green Bay Southwest High School mnvolk@gbaps.org Sunday, April 26 at 9:00 a.m.

Objective Create relevance in the educational process by learning how to demonstrate DECA's connection to key educational initiatives Career Clusters Common Core Standards 21st Century Skills

About Southwest High School 1200 students in 9-12 38% Free and reduced District Goals: Close our achievement gap Create a safe and healthy environment for all to learn Growing diversity and poverty issues Marketing* Sports & Event Marketing* Creative Marketing Marketing Co-op* Entrepreneurship *Articulated with a technical college* ¼ of students in classes are in DECA Green Bay Southwest Marketing Education

Students - Running through their minds… Why am I learning this? How am I ever going to use this? Does my teacher care if I am learning it? Does my teacher realize that we don’t understand it? Do I know more than the teacher? Does my teacher know how boring this is? Am I going to get points for this?

DECA Advisors – Running through their minds… How do I write curriculum with: Common Core Standards and Common CTE Standards Marketing, Management, and Entrepreneurship Standards 21st Century Skills How do I fit DECA into all of this? Where do I find time to do this? Who planned the Happy Hour this week?

Administration Running through their minds… What will affect my School Report Card? Achievement score and growth scores (reading and math) Graduation rates Attendance Percentage of kids taking tests ACT participation and performance Engagement Absentee rate Dropout rate

Connecting starts with a solid curriculum “Begin with the end in mind” * Be purposeful* Align what you teach with a Performance Indicator

Times have changed Kids are asked to think and analyze to find a solution Sound familiar to what we already do? Soft skills are lacking Emotional Intelligence is lost They have no choice but to find it in DECA! Educate the whole child “Prepare students to be college, career, and community ready”

Where does Marketing fit in? Career Clusters Where does Marketing fit in?

DECA written project to match a Career Cluster Activity – Prepare an idea for a DECA written project to match a Career Cluster Options: Business Operations Research Events Chapter Team Events Ad Campaign

Connection Opportunities Food-to-table initiative at a farmer’s market Design a food truck Promote a construction company’s green efforts Design a governmental Public Service Announcement Create a corporate training plan for the co-op work station Ad campaign to encourage recent graduates to open a Roth IRA Business Boot Camp

Creative Marketing Class Green Bay Area Public Schools Course Topics: Restaurant Marketing Hotel & Lodging Marketing Travel & Tourism Marketing Fashion Marketing Food & Grocery Marketing Retail Store Marketing Business Services Marketing Automotive Services Marketing Marketing Management

Common Core State Standards The checklist of standards has been modified More deeper thinking about the why Better at problem solving Better at articulating Explain it so it makes sense Why is the important? How can this be applicable to my life? Soft skills are embedded How can we help the Common Core teachers?

Common Core Teachers Have lost the chance to innovate Change their paradigm Teacher performance is tied to a test score Help them! Articles from Advertising Age Share TED Talks Invite them to partner on projects or sub for you Serve as a mentor for their clubs (Academic Decathlon)

Prepare an idea for a classroom activity (not project) that can partner with a Common Core area

Connection Opportunities Science Energy Madness (Bracket for Energy) Use the research process for taste testing Product design Social Studies Product negligence mock trial Create a PFL board game National History Day Theme “Leadership and Legacy in History” Language Arts Presentations Writing skills Design a menu Reintroduction of classical writing via movies Math Statistical analysis of your school store Accounting hide and seek – who can find the error, and how much does it cost the company? Design a Price is Right

What are 21st Century Skills Learning Skills Critical Thinking Creative Thinking Collaborating Communicating Literacy Skills Information Literacy Media Literacy Technology Literacy Life Skills Flexibility Initiative Social Skills Productivity Leadership They don’t get it!

Activity – Prepare an idea for a classroom activity where students are “forced” to practice their 21st Century Skills

Connection Opportunities How to introduce yourself in public How to start the presentation Making small talk (in the elevator) Get them out in the public as often as possible Teach manners Teach how to read for content Drill them for math literacy Is it $10 or 10$? Teach how to write in a way that makes sense Read it out loud “Rub some dirt on it” Think through a problem

Tips from a not-so-old kinda pro Focus on one class per year Don’t say yes to everything Don’t say no to everything Allowing laziness is your worst enemy U agree? Align your rubrics with DECA rubrics – 3 points possible Exceeds expectations (4 – extra credit) Meets expectations (3) Below expectations (2) Little/no value (1)

Thank you for your time! Best of luck! DECA Connects Thank you for your time! Best of luck! Sunday, April 26 at 9:00 a.m.