REQUIRMENTS TO ATTEND ALL NCO SCHOOLS Meet physical fitness/weight standards outlined in AR and AR Have six months service remaining after graduation of course (2 years for ARNG and Reserve) Personnel with permanent profiles must present a valid DA Form 3349 with MMRB results (completed with 3 Medical Doctor signatures, and Unit Commander recommendation) on inprocessing day. You must be able to participate in a aerobic event, either standard or alternate, during the APFT. Personnel with temporary profiles, that would prevent full participation in course, will be denied enrollment (call the Academy) Prior arrangements (approval with Unit Commander and Commandant NCO Academy) must be coordinated to re-admit students who have been previously released for academic, disciplinary, or motivational reasons. See AR 351-1, chp 5, para 30. IAW AR para 8-19c (3); All other personnel on active duty will have a periodic examination on record no older than 5 years beginning at 30.
WLC OVERVIEW WLC is required in order to be promoted to SSG. WLC is conducted in one phase. WLC is conducted at the NCO Academy for your current duty station (7th Army NCO Academy, Camp Normandy). The duration of WLC is 30 days. It will be condensed to 2 weeks as of 1 May 06.
WLC QULIFICATIONS Priority One: Sergeants that are non WLC graduates. The Soldiers may or may not have a WLC waiver. Priority Two: SPC/CPL promotable. These soldiers are prioritized with this category as follows: –SPC/CPL (P) who has met cut off score. –SPC/CPL (P) in MOSs which would have additional promotions if more promotable SPC/CPLs had been available and identified as "Star MOS" by monthly PERSCOM Promotion Cut-Off Memorandums. –SPC/CPL (P) in other MOS serving in an authorized NCO position based on highest number of promotion points. – All other SPC/CPL (P) on a recommended list based on the highest number of promotion points. Priority Three: SPC/CPL in an authorized leadership position. in order to fill all WLC training seats, non-promotable SPCs with demonstrated leadership potential may attend WLC only when the Commands exhaust all other OML categories.
WLC OML All SPC(P) are placed on the OML after being selected at a promotion board. Soldiers on temporary profile can not attend WLC, but stay on the OML during the duration of the profile. Soldier that do not meet height and weight standards can not attend WLC, and must be counseled monthly until the standard is met. Soldiers that do not pass the APFT can not attend WLC, and must be counseled monthly until the standard is met.
BNCOC OVERVIEW BNCOC is required in order to be promoted to SFC. BNCOC is conducted in two phases Phase 1 (Common Core) will be conducted at your home station. –With exception of attending Phase 1 (Usually in conjunction with Phase 2) enroute to your next duty station. Phase 2 (MOS Specific) will be conducted at the NCO Academy for your MOS. You may attend phase 2 before attending phase 1. The duration of phase 1 is 10 days. The duration phase 2 is dependent on your MOS.
BNCOC QULIFICATIONS Selected by PERSCOM, or recommended by Unit Commander (DA Form 4187) Be a SGT, SSG or SSG(P). Must have graduated WLC at least six months prior 13F, 13P, 13W, 13D and 13R must have security clearance of "Secret", this must be reflected on a DA Form 1610, or memorandum signed by S-2 NCO/OIC. Passed APFT within last six months.
BNCOC OML All SGT (P) are placed on the OML after being selected at a promotion board. The BNCOC OML is maintained by your branch NCOES manager BNCOC report (OML) is posted monthly. Know what your BNCOC status is. –Never scheduled (awaiting a class date) –Not scheduled (you will not be scheduled for school. You need to contact your branch NCOES manager and your schools NCO) –Scheduled (you have a class date, contact your schools NCO)
ANCOC OVERVIEW ANCOC is required in order to be promoted to MSG. ANCOC is conducted in one phase (Phase 2) –There is no longer a Phase 1 (Common Core) for ANCOC. You will attend ANCOC at the NCO Academy for your MOS The duration of ANCOC is dependent on your MOS.
ANCOC QULIFICATIONS Selected by PERSCOM, or recommended by Unit Commander (DA Form 4187) Be a SSG or SFC Must have graduated BNCOC at least six months prior (except SFC) Must have security clearance of "Secret", this must be reflected on a DA Form 1610, or memorandum signed by S-2 NCO/OIC. Passed APFT within last six months
ANCOC OML All SSG (P) are placed on the OML after being selected for Promotion to SFC. The ANCOC OML is maintained by your branch NCOES manager ANCOC report (OML) is posted monthly. Know what your ANCOC status is. –Never scheduled (awaiting a class date) –Not scheduled (you will not be scheduled for school. You need to contact your branch NCOES manager and your schools NCO) –Scheduled (you have a class date, contact your schools NCO)
NCOES AND DEPLOYMENTS Due to frequent deployments, not all soldiers will be able to meet their NCOES requirements before being promoted to the next rank. Being Deployed does not prevent you from being Promoted. –You must to attend your required NCOES within 12 months of redeployment. Missing a scheduled NCOES class date due to deployment does not count as a “No Show”. –Contact your Chain of Command immediately if you are scheduled for a NCOES during a deployment.
HOW TO BE PROACTIVE Being promotable is no longer a requirement to attend a NCO School. Call your Branch NCOES Manager. Submit a DA form 4187 packet requesting BNCOC or ANCOC A Request for NCO School 4187 packet consists of –DA Form 4187 Requesting NCO School, signed by your Commander –Copy of ERB –Copy of most current APFT DA Form 709 –Copy of last completed NCO School Evaluation Report DA Form1059
USEFUL NCOES WEBSITES PERSCOM NCOES Page – PERSCOM Branch Managers Page. – 7 TH ATC NCO Academy – FT Sill NCO Academy – FT Lee NCO Academy – FT Gordon NCO Academy – Aberdeen Proving Grounds NCO Academy – FT Sam Huston NCO Academy –