Appreciating Power: Positioning and Politics


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Presentation transcript:

Appreciating Power: Positioning and Politics ECFC CHAPTER 4 7/3/2001 Chapter 10 Appreciating Power: Positioning and Politics

ECFC CHAPTER 4 7/3/2001 Chapter 10 Objectives Define power and explain why developing power is necessary. Identify and discuss the basic power sources available to you. Name and discuss the three basic power personalities. Chapter 10 Appreciating Power: Positioning and Politics

Chapter 10 Objectives (cont.) ECFC CHAPTER 4 7/3/2001 Chapter 10 Objectives (cont.) Discuss techniques used in power positioning and power politics. Explain why empowering others is important. Discuss the pitfalls of developing power. Chapter 10 Appreciating Power: Positioning and Politics

Defining Power Power is the ability to influence others to do what you want them to do. Power: Involves changing the attitudes or behaviors of individuals or groups Is exercised by nonmanagement as well as management employees When used positively, gives us the means to accomplish tasks and reach goals Chapter 10 Appreciating Power: Positioning and Politics

Defining Power (cont.) Distinguishing between influence and power: Influence is the application of power through actions we take or examples we set that cause others to change their attitudes or behaviors. People must possess power from some source before they can influence the behaviors of others. Chapter 10 Appreciating Power: Positioning and Politics

Sources of Power French and Raven identified five basic power sources: reward, coercive, legitimate, expert, and referent. The first three sources are derived from position within an organization. The second two are generated from personal characteristics. Other theorists add derivative and passive power to the list. Chapter 10 Appreciating Power: Positioning and Politics

Sources of Power (cont.) Reward Power Reward power is the ability to give something of value to others. Considered the most important source of power because it places the reward seeker almost totally at the mercy of the reward giver. Chapter 10 Appreciating Power: Positioning and Politics

Sources of Power (cont.) Coercive Power Coercive power is based on fear and punishment. Can be directed toward superiors, coworkers, or subordinates. Can be used in a positive manner, such as in an emergency, but open use is generally considered unacceptable in the work environment. Chapter 10 Appreciating Power: Positioning and Politics

Sources of Power (cont.) Legitimate Power Legitimate power is derived from formal rank in an organization. Dependent on: Formal, established chain of command within the organization The perceived authority of the individual in that position of power Chapter 10 Appreciating Power: Positioning and Politics

Sources of Power (cont.) Expert Power Expert power develops when an individual possesses specialized skills, knowledge, or expertise. Expert power: Is limited in that it is only useful when the knowledge is of value to the seeker Is not dependent on appointed rank or position Can also be found off the job Chapter 10 Appreciating Power: Positioning and Politics

Sources of Power (cont.) Referent Power Referent power is based on respect or admiration for the individual. This respect or admiration may result from personal charisma and "likable" personal traits. Chapter 10 Appreciating Power: Positioning and Politics

Sources of Power (cont.) Derivative and Passive Power Derivative power comes from close association with a powerful person. Passive power stems from a display of helplessness. These power sources are not dependable over a long period of time. They tend to damage the image and credibility of the user. Chapter 10 Appreciating Power: Positioning and Politics

Sources of Power (cont.) Power Source Linking Power sources are highly linked and tend to occur in combinations. A particularly powerful combination is expert, legitimate, and reward power sources. The more power sources you acquire, the stronger your influence will be. Power sources must be used wisely and appropriately. Chapter 10 Appreciating Power: Positioning and Politics

The Personality of Power Power-shy—tends to avoid being placed in positions that require overt use of power Power-positive—genuinely enjoys responsibility and thrives on the use of power Power-compulsive—has a lust for power and is seldom satisfied with the amount of power he or she has Chapter 10 Appreciating Power: Positioning and Politics

Successfully Developing Your Power Power Positioning Power positioning is the conscientious use of techniques designed to position yourself for maximum personal growth or gain. Effective power positioning requires skillful planning and careful implementation. Techniques can be cultivated to strongly influence the degree of personal power attained. Chapter 10 Appreciating Power: Positioning and Politics

Successfully Developing Your Power (cont.) Power Politics Use power politics to develop opportunities for success. Develop an understanding of power politics and apply the techniques to strengthen power. Become politically astute. Determine how politically inclined you are. Chapter 10 Appreciating Power: Positioning and Politics

Successfully Developing Your Power (cont.) Power Politics (cont.) Categories of power: Machiavellian—power-hungry and devious Company Politician—shrewd; desires power, but won’t hurt others to get it Survivalist—takes advantage of opportunities and stays out of trouble Straight Arrow—displays competence, but is not perceived as a politician Innocent Lamb—believes hard work will be rewarded on its own merits Chapter 10 Appreciating Power: Positioning and Politics

Successfully Developing Your Power (cont.) Networking Networking is often used as a means to exchange favors and information and as a means of building sources of talent and friendship for help in the future. Networking can be a source of power. Chapter 10 Appreciating Power: Positioning and Politics

Successfully Developing Your Power (cont.) Power Symbols Power symbols can be: Physical traits Personality characteristics External physical factors Chapter 10 Appreciating Power: Positioning and Politics

Successfully Developing Your Power (cont.) Power Symbols (cont.) Traits and characteristics: Physical traits, personality traits, and nonverbal communication External physical factors: Clothing, appearance, personal space, possessions Chapter 10 Appreciating Power: Positioning and Politics

Empowerment of Others Empowerment is allowing others to make decisions and have influence in desired outcomes. Empowerment involves: Delegation of tasks Assigning appropriate authority Supplying necessary information and training The ability to empower others is a sign of an accomplished leader. Chapter 10 Appreciating Power: Positioning and Politics

Power Pitfalls Behaviors that block the development of power: Being too eager to be liked Being unwilling to face conflict Being aggressive and coming on too strong Refusing to share power by being unwilling to delegate Monopolizing conversations and meetings Being overconfident and arrogant Chapter 10 Appreciating Power: Positioning and Politics

Key Terms Power Influence Reward power Coercive power Legitimate power Expert power Referent power Derivative power Passive power Power-shy Power-positive Power-compulsive Power positioning Power politics Power symbols Empowerment Chapter 10 Appreciating Power: Positioning and Politics