Welcome to Boon Lay Secondary School
Parent-Teacher Interaction 2015 Mr Tan Chor Pang Principal
Agenda Self-Introduction Vision, Goal & Values Aspirations & Pathways in Education Tentative Subject Combination for Sec 3 Calendar of Major Events and Exams Parental Support Conclusion
Every Boonlayian an individual of wisdom, purpose and compassion. Our Vision Every Boonlayian an individual of wisdom, purpose and compassion. Wisdom Purpose Compassion 1. Think independently and critically 2. Have a strong sense of right and wrong 3. Know himself/ herself 1. Have clear goals 2. Strive for excellence 3. Be responsible for his/ her own learning 1. Have a strong sense of civic responsibility 2. Empathise with others 3. Respect others
All students eligible to pursue Our Goal (Academic) All students eligible to pursue higher education at JC, CI, poly or ITE after Sec 4 or 5
Pr2ide Values Perseverance Respect Integrity Responsibility Empathy (Self) Discipline Pr2ide Values
Core Values : PR2IDE Perseverance Respect Responsibility Integrity Learn to overcome life’s challenges. Remain steadfast to achieve your goals Respect Honour all school staff and respect other people’s feelings, rights, properties and differing opinions. Responsibility Be answerable for your actions and accept the consequences. Be trustworthy always. Integrity Uphold honesty and stand up for what is right and good in everything I say and do. Discipline Exercise self-control and demonstrate appropriate behaviour at all times. Empathy Able to relate to the thoughts, emotions or experience of another. Show care for others and be selfless.
Aspirations and Pathways
Opportunities for Lateral Transfer Students are given opportunities for lateral transfer across courses based on good results
Newer pathways for N(T) students Enhanced Nitec Foundation Programme (eNFP)
Tentative Sec 3 Subject Combination Choose subjects you which are aligned to your aspirations and ability to cope
Caveats Subjects offered will be finalised after survey with students in July 2015 Subjects criteria should be met Subjects finally offered is based on merit; availability of teachers and meeting minimum class size
2016 Sec 3 Nor (Tech) Subject Combinations
All to have 5 or 6 exam subjects Sec 3 Normal Technical All to have 5 or 6 exam subjects Eng Lang, Basic MTL, Mathematics, Science & Computer Applications Basic 5 Art Design & Technology Elements of Business Skills (For EBS, EL > 50) Choose at most 1
2016 Sec 3 Nor (Acad) Subject Combinations
All to have 6 exam subjects Sec 3 Normal Academic: All to have 6 exam subjects Eng Lang, MTL, Mathematics Basic 3 Social Studies + (Geography, History or Literature) (For Lit, EL & Lit > 50) Choose only 1 Science (Phy/Chem or Chem/Bio) A-Maths (Maths > 65 marks) Art Design & Technology Principles of Accounts (Maths > 50 marks) Food & Nutrition
2016 Sec 3 Express Subject Combinations
Sec 3 Express: 7 exam subjects Eng Lang, MTL, Mathematics Basic 3 Social Studies + (Geography, History or Literature) Choose only 1 Chemistry (Science > 65) Biology (Science > 65) or Physics (Science > 65) OR #Biology / Chemistry or #Physics / Chemistry #Cannot choose the pure sci of the same component: if choose Phy/Chem, only allowed to take pure Bio Choose 1 or 2 A-Maths (Maths > 65 marks) Geography (Cannot choose SS + Geog) History (Cannot choose SS + History) Literature (EL & Lit > 50 marks) Principles of Accounts (Maths > 50 marks) Art Design & Technology Computer Studies Physical Education Choose 1 to 2
Allocation based on Choice, Results & Available Resources
Promotion Criteria Course Level Minimum Attainment Level Sec 2Exp C6 or better in EL and an average of 50 % of all exam subjects Sec 3Express C6 or better in EL and 2 other subjects Sec 2 & 3N(A) (a) Grade 5 or better in EL + 2 other subjects or (b) Grade 5 or better in any 4 subjects Sec 2 to 3N(T) Grade D or better in 2 subjects one of which must be EL or Mathematics
Major Events & Examination Dates for Sec 1,2 & 3 Term 2 Achievement Day – 28 Mar Sports Day – 2 Apr Mid-Year Exams – 5 -18 May onwards June Holidays – 30 May to 28 May Semester 2 End-of-year Examinations – 28 Sep - 9 Oct Subject Option - October Sec 4 Preparatory Programme - End Oct – Mid Nov
Major Academic Events [II] Secondary Two Option Preliminary Subject Selection 6 – 10 July (Term 3 Week 2) Final Subject Selection 13 – 16 October (Term 4 Week 5) Students will re-opt online; outcome released through FTs / Asknlearn portal]
Parental Support Clarify Aspiration Have a plan - Designate study time Monitor Attendance & late-coming – Attitude) Track feedback & results of assignments/test/examinations – connect with teachers
Student- Teacher- Parent Partnership
Conclusion The Race