THE NATIONAL CLIMATE CHANGE RESPONSE POLICY Mitigation System National Climate Change Response Policy 26 May 2015
Overview Greenhouse Gas Inventory MPA summary Mitigation System Supporting Projects
GHGI – Energy as proportion of overall emissions
South Africa’s Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Potential Analysis
Mitigation Potential Analysis - Objectives 1. Project national greenhouse gas emissions into future 2.Identify and analyse mitigation opportunities and present marginal abatement cost curves (MACCs), showing costs and greatest technical potential for emissions reduction from different technologies 3. Assess the socio-economic and environmental impacts of the identified mitigation options; multi criteria analysis 4. Develop emission reduction pathways 5
Subsectors EnergyIndustryTransportWasteAFOLU Electricity Petroleum refining Other energy industries Coal mining Oil and natural gas Aluminium production Iron and steel Ferroalloy Chemicals Pulp and paper Cement Lime Commercial building Residential building Mining other than coal Aviation Road transport Rail Municipal wasteAFOLU
PROGRESS TO DATE cont... Mitigation (emission reduction): overall approach Assess mitigation potential and define desired emission reduction outcomes; Use of a mix of mitigation policies and measures, including using the market (Carbon Tax); Formulation of mitigation plans for sectors and sub-sectors, and monitoring and evaluation. South Africa’s GHG Mitigation Potential Analysis Comprehensive analysis of mitigation potential of key economic sectors (Energy, Industry, Transport, Waste, Agriculture, Forestry and Land use (AFOLU); The last comprehensive modelling to develop mitigation scenarios in the South African economy was the Long Term Mitigation Scenarios(LTMS). 8SECRET
SUBSECTORS ENERGYINDUSTRYTRANSPORTWASTEAFOLU Electricity Petroleum refining Other energy industries Coal mining Oil and natural gas Aluminium production Iron and steel Ferroalloy Chemicals Pulp and paper Cement Lime Commercial building Residential building Mining other than coal Aviation Road transport Rail Municipal wasteAFOLU 9SECRET
SOUTH AFRICA'S GREENHOUSE GAS MITIGATION POTENTIAL ANALYSIS - OBJECTIVES Project national greenhouse gas emissions into future; Identify and analyse mitigation opportunities and present marginal abatement cost curves (MACCs), showing costs and greatest technical potential for emissions reduction from different technologies; Assess the socio-economic and environmental impacts of the identified mitigation options; multi criteria analysis; Develop emission reduction pathways Set of reduction trajectories over time, which is technologically achievable; Pathway merely identifies what is technically possible without providing a detailed description of how that outcome would be achieved. 10SECRET
PROJECTING GHG EMISSIONS “Bottom up” approach: models constructed for each subsector; The projection uses historic emissions from the Draft Greenhouse Gas Inventory (GHGI) update (2010): Fuel activity data from GHGI; Electricity consumption data from DoE Energy Balances; Emission sources which are not included in the current GHGI were not included in projections due to a lack of data; GDP growth assumptions tied to the National Development Plan (moderate growth to 2050 = 4.2%); Sensitivity analysis based on low growth (3.8%) & high growth (5.4%). Reference Case: 2000 – 2050: assumes no mitigation: “Without Measures” (WOM): 556 MtCO 2 e in 2010, reaching 906 MtCO 2 e by 2030, and 1,695 MtCO 2 e by 2050; “With Existing Measures” (WEM) - impacts of existing policy (e.g. IRP 2010) and measures; 27 MtCO 2 e lower in 2010; 102 MtCO 2 e lower in SECRET
EMISSIONS PROJECTION AND SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS National GHG emissions under the reference case WEM projection, showing high and low growth compared to medium growth 12SECRET
COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS – MACC 2020 All measures represent savings Construction of passive buildings with improved thermal design offers the largest single mitigation potential with the lowest marginal abatement cost 13SECRET
Power Sector
MACC 2030 The total potential abatement for 2030 (137 MtCO 2 e), and the largest part of this is delivered by nuclear energy (53 MtCO 2 e) followed by coal power plants with carbon capture and storage (CCS) (8MtCO 2 e)
National MACC 2020 The MACC illustrates that 37.8% of the total mitigation estimate for 2020 (39.7 MtCO 2 e) can be achieved through implementing mitigation measures with a negative marginal abatement cost
Towards a national mitigation system
Elements of the mitigation system Carbon Budget Pollution Prevention Plans (Mitigation Plans) Carbon Tax Monitoring and Evaluation
Carbon Budgets Means of regulating emission of greenhouse gases Greenhouse gas emission allowance Cbudget system: Budget for each company Reporting system Compliance process Phased approach: First phase will run from 2016 to 2020 (5 years) Second phase – 2021 onwards (5 year periods)
Supporting Projects Mitigation technology plan: assess opportunities and barriers for the development and large-scale deployment of the key mitigation technologies - DST leading National Employment vulnerability assessment: assess impact on jobs, by sector – EDD leading Socio-economic impact: assess impact of mitigation work