Big Lottery Fund Hackney CVS Grants Workshop 27/08/2014
Introduction ─ Jane Sterland ─ Funding Officer ─ Early Contact Team ─ Based in Holborn, London ─ Supporting applicants and potential applicants ─ Raising BIG’s awareness of local needs and priorities
Overview of Big Lottery Fund
Big Lottery Fund Mission “The Big Lottery Fund is committed to bringing real improvements to communities and to the lives of people most in need”
Big Lottery Fund ─ BIG is one of four distributors of Lottery funding ─ We are responsible for 40% of all the money raised for good causes by the National Lottery ─ We distribute £600 million in funding each year ─ 80-90% of our funding goes to community and voluntary organisations
BIG is an outcomes funder Your project must meet at least one of these four outcomes: People having better chances in life Stronger communities Improved rural and urban environments Healthier and more active people and communities
Big’s Funding Principles ─ Partnership ─ User Informed ─ Local ─ Long Term ─ Evidence, Impact and Influence
BIG Funding – Three main themes Demand led Targeted funding Social investment
BIG Funding – Three main themes Demand led: —Awards for All (Small grants up to £10,000) —Reaching Communities (Larger grants upwards from £10,000) Targeted: ─ Focusing on Older people, Unemployed young people, Early years children, People with multiple complex needs, Young people with mental health problems Social investment: ─ Building Capabilities, Social Investment Bonds
Awards for All Programme ─ Small grants scheme awarding £300-£10,000 ─ Applications from community & voluntary groups, schools, health bodies and parish / town councils ─ Single stage application process ─ BIG gives decision within 6 weeks of application ─ Project must be complete within one year of award
Reaching Communities Programme ─ Larger grants scheme awarding grants over £10,000 ─ Main programme: o Revenue projects funding from £10,000 (average £300,000) o Smaller capital projects funding from £10,000-£100,000 ─ Buildings programme: o Larger capital projects funding from £100,000 o Geographically targeted at most deprived areas
Reaching Communities Programme ─ Very competitive programme – success rate one in ten ─ Applications from community & voluntary groups, charities, statutory bodies, social enterprises, not-for-profit companies ─ Two-stage application process to identify fundable projects ─ BIG gives decision typically within 8-9 months of application ─ Project can take up to 5 years to complete
BIG Awards in Hackney ―283 Awards for All Grants ―Total value £2,602,920 ―Average grant £9,197 ―18 Reaching Communities Grants ―Total value £3,782,495 ―Average grant £210,138
What BIG is looking for in applications
─ Project is appropriate for the programme ─ A good fit with BIG outcomes ─ Strong evidence that your project is needed ─ Proof that your project will make a difference ─ Beneficiaries consulted and involved in all stages of the project
Start by defining Need ─ Go back to basics – assume the Funding Officers assessing your application know nothing about the needs of the people you are trying to help ─ Quote your sources - make sure all sources of evidence are listed and dated, and all the information is recent and relevant to your project ─ Make a strong case – use a broad range of information and if in doubt add more rather than less
Use a broad range of evidence ‘Hard’ Information Local statistics Focus groups Questionnaires Interviews Focus groups Consultations Interviews and quotes ‘Before and after’ data Deprivation Index Census Strategies and policies Research reports Local & national priorities Local statistics Questionnaires Letters of support ‘Hard’ Information‘Soft’ Information Waiting lists Office for National Statistics
Defining Project Aim, Outcomes and Activities ─ Project aim - one simple sentence to closely reflect the need identified ─ Outcomes – strong and clear points to explain the change you want to make for the project beneficiaries ─ Project activities - together should add up to show how the outcomes and aim will be met
Developing a strong application Project Outcome Project Outcomes The difference you want to make or the change you want to bring about for your beneficiaries Project Aim The overall point of your project Project Activities The services and activities you will carry out to meet the outcomes and achieve the project aim Project Need
Real Unsuccessful Applications ─ ‘The outcomes need to focus on the difference that the project will make to the lives of the beneficiaries’ ─ ‘It is unclear from the activities as to what services they will provide to achieve the outcomes’ ─ ‘Evidence of need could be much stronger and is not dated so it is hard to establish how current it is’ ─ ‘The applicant lists the organisations and people they have consulted but does not provide any dates or findings’
Real Successful Applications ─ ‘Beneficiaries and their needs are clearly identified’ ─ ‘A full range of activities has been provided that will clearly deliver the project outcomes’ ─ ‘Varied and relevant external evidence confirms the issues identified and shows support for the project and gaps in current service’ ─ ‘Beneficiaries involved in management committee, user group, consultation, project planning and design, volunteering, recruitment and evaluation’
Tips for Success ―Read the guidelines and use all other help available ―Start by defining need – make it the core of your application ―Focus on your beneficiaries and the difference that your project will make to them ―Get a ‘critical friend’ to review your application before submission ―If not successful first time, ask for feedback and try again!
Support and Guidance Available
─ Big Lottery Fund website: ─ Programme Guidance Notes ─ Getting Funding & Planning Successful Projects ─ Good Practice Guides e.g. equalities, involving young people ─ Case studies of successful projects ─ BIG Advice Line: ─ enquiries:
Questions and Comments?