Gueydan TAG William Daily Lane Breaux Hayden Smith Natalie Gleason Derrick Overly Aaron Legros Emma Broussard
This Year in TAG, In our “Lights, Camera, Education!” unit, we got the opportunity to work with lots of new software and technology. Our group will tell you a little about the technology aspect of our year.
Weebly We started the year off being introduced to Weebly. Weebly is a program where you can make a professional-looking website. With it, we were each able to learn to create our own website linked to the TAG website. We were able to first personalize it and then start posting our work. We learned to embed codes, files, pictures, and documents. We were able to access it from home, but it was also password protected for safety reasons.
Paint Paint is a program that allows you to create projects by drawing, painting, and inserting pictures and touching them up with a variety of tools. We worked with many of the tools.
Logan’s Cover
Kyle’s Cover
Microsoft Publisher Microsoft Publisher is Windows software used for creating many different types of publications. It has templates for a variety of projects such as brochures, newsletters, and award certificates. We used this to create a brochure based on one of our TAG field trips.
GoAnimate GoAnimate is a website that we used for making animated videos. As part of our unit we learned about animation and then were able to create our own. There was a wide selection of characters, backgrounds and voices to choose from. We were able to record ourselves talking, or type in the words, and then select the accent or language that we wanted to go with the avatar. We used this to tell of the History of Animation. Lauren’s : animate.html
iMovie (Trailers) At the beginning of the unit, the TAG teachers introduced it with an iMovie trailer. We were very impressed….and then we realized how easy it was to create such a professional looking product. There are a number of themes to choose from. After we chose the theme we were given a template. This template recommended what would be best in each spot. (such as a group of people, or a close-up of one person). The graphics and music were set with each theme. It was set up in storyboard form and we were able to put in the title and credits. Luke’s: Ryan’s: Meaux Kid’s :
iMovie iMovie is a program that turns videos, clips, and photos into a polished movie. It is a lot more advanced than iMovie trailer. It is capable of many elaborate editing techniques that we were able to perform with the MacBook air that we got with a Donors Chose Grant. We were able to add background music and sound effects, transitions and filters. We could splice, reverse and use freeze frames. We really just scratched the surface of what it can do, and leaves us wanting to work with it more. Cecil Picard’s: picard.html picard.html
Power Typing The typing tutorial is a website that helps you to learn how to type. It teaches you where to put your fingers, and times you. At the end it shows you WPM, errors per minute, and total errors. onsq.html