English 3012 Twelfth Night
William Shakespeare Widely considered the greatest writer in the English language - Author of 38 plays and 154 sonnet poems - From Stratford-upon-Avon
- Son of an alderman and glove maker - Married Anne Hathaway at 18; three children - Moved to London around Member of a playing company; part owner of the Globe theater
Did he write his own plays? - About 40 historical documents describing him - Few medieval plays or stories were ‘invented.’ Most had traditional origins Did Walt Disney “write” Snow White, Cinderella, or Beauty & the Beast?
The Globe (Replica). Theaters were first built in 1575.
An Elizabethan Theatre
An Elizabethan Audience -Typically 3 tiers -Capacity Little artificial light -Noisy and not always sober!
Twelfth Night festival - Twelfth day of Christmas (January 5); the day before Epiphany, when the three wise men visited the infant Jesus - A time of festivals and partying (Saturnalia) - Possibly first performed for a lawyers’ party
Saturnali a
Twelfth Night (about 1602) - Possibly based on Gl'ingannati (The Deceived Ones), First published in the First Folio (1623)
Setting: Exotic Illyria! (Now Croatia) Ethnic stereotypes in Shakespeare?
Characters Orsino, duke Olivia, countess Sir Toby Belch, Olivia’s uncle Sir Andrew Aguecheek Malvolio, steward Maria, Olivia’s lady Feste, clown Viola Sebastian, Viola’s sister Antonio, sea captain