BUDGET TOTALS $12,072, $12,075, $11,989, $12,128, $12, 463, $13,088, $13,444,859
STATE REVENUE $3,993, $3,854, $3,702, $3,755, $3,875, $4,154, $4,363,452 ($151,574 Building Aid)
THE THREE PART BUDGET The ADMINISTRATIVE component provides for overall general support and management of the operations of the District and includes: Board of Education costs, Central and school administration, Business Operations, curriculum development, BOCES administrative expenses, and benefits for current and retired persons in this category. The PROGRAM component provides for all expenditures related to the instructional program of the District including special education, support services, co-curricular and athletic programs, counseling and health services, pupil transportation, and benefits for current and retired persons in this category. The CAPITAL component provides for all costs associated with maintaining facilities and grounds as well as building and equipment repairs, maintenance and custodial supplies and materials, utilities, debt service payments, and benefits for current and retired persons in this category.
THREE PART BUDGET Administrative: $1,272, % $ 1, % Program: $9,829, % $ % Capital: $1,985, % $ 2,211, % Total: $13,088, % $13,444, % 5
CURRENT YEAR VERSUS PROPOSED EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Difference Percent of Budget Salaries$5,487,412$5,656,728$169, % Contractual and Supplies$2,899,835$3,018,944$119, % Equipment$104,800 $0.78% Benefits$3,591,935$3,375,670$(216,265)25.11% Debt Service$1,004,584$1,288,717$284, % Total:$13,088,566$13,444,859$356,293100% 6
CURRENT YEAR VERSUS PROPOSED BY TYPE Difference Percent of Budget Instruction$6,462,254$6,737,334$275, % Administration$447,003$458,534$11, % Central Services$1,001,393$991,789$(9,604)7.38% Transportation$581,397$592,815$11, % Debt Service$1,004,584$1,288,717$284, % Benefits$3,591,935$3,375,670$(216,265)25.10% Total:$13,088,566$13,444,859$356,293100% 7
PROPOSED EXPENDITURE BUDGET Proposed budget of $13,444,859. Budget Increase of $356,293 or 2.72% Largest Budget Increases are in the areas of: Instruction$275,080 Debt Service$284,133 Two Largest Areas =$559,213 budget increase
PROJECTED REVENUE Projected State Aid Inclusive of Building Aid: $4,154,075 $4,363,452 Reserves/Fund Balance: $600,000 $615,000 Other Revenue $118,000 $118,000 Total $4,872,075 $5,096,452
ESTIMATED LEVY Proposed Budget of $13,444,859 Projected Revenue of $5,096,452 Projected Tax Levy of $8,348,407 or 1.61% increase
HCS TAX CAP CALCULATION Prior Year Tax Levy8,216,491 Tax base growth factorX ,257,573 Prior Year PILOT + 1,238 8,258,811 Prior year exemptions -353,960 prior year local share of capital Adjusted Prior Year Levy7,904,851 Allowable Growth FactorX (2% Language from here) 8,032,910 Coming Year PILOT - 1,278 8,031,632 Available Carryover+ 0 TAX LEVY LIMIT (Reported to Comptroller March 1 Annually) 8,031,632 Coming School Year Exemptions + $502,038 upcoming local share of capital ALLOWABLE TAX LEVY LIMIT$8,533,670 = +3.86% would only require 50% majority
TAX IMPACT ON A $100,000 HOME (TOWN OF WAYNE, URBANA, TYRONE, OR PULTENEY) Actual Projected Assessed 100% $100,000 STAR Reduction$ 30,000 Net Taxable Value$ 70,000 Tax Rate$ 9.84 $ 9.99 Total Tax$688.80$ Difference + $
PROJECTED TAX RATES Town Projected $ Change in Rate Percent Of Tax Base Bath$21.38$21.72$0.34<1% Pulteney$9.84$9.99$ % Tyrone$9.84$9.99$ 0.154% Urbana$9.84$9.99$ % Wayne$9.84$9.99$ % Wheeler$10.14$10.30$ 0.16<1% 15
HOW WILL WE BALANCE OUR BUDGET THIS YEAR? Use of Fund Balance $365,000 Reserves $250,000 Reduction of Staff NONE Elimination of Programs NONE Tax Levy Increase 1.61%
PROPOSITION #2 BOARD OF EDUCATION CANDIDATE One five year term will be available Mr. Frank Curran, incumbent Mrs. Lynda Lowin 17 One slot is available and is a five-year term.
Proposition No. 3 – Transportation Purchases and Expenditures Shall the following resolution be approved by the voters: BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Hammondsport Central School District is hereby authorized to purchase the following motor vehicles for use in student transportation: (a) one (1) 70-passenger school bus, and (b) one (1) 30 passenger handicapped accessible bus, at an aggregate maximum cost not to exceed $226,834.62, less any trade in value, with such sum or so much thereof as may be necessary to be raised by (i) an expenditure of $100,000 from said District’s existing Capital Reserve Fund (known as the “Capital Reserve for Transportation”), established by the voters of the District on May 15, 2012, and (ii) with the balance thereof, being $126,834.62, to be raised by a tax upon the taxable property of said District to be levied and collected in annual installments as provided in Section 416 of the Education Law, with such tax to be partially offset by State aid available therefor, and in anticipation of such tax, by the issuance of debt obligations of said District as may be necessary?
# Thomas bus with 113,000 miles. # Thomas bus with 167,000. Handicapped accessible bus with wheelchair lift. DOT has noted multiple issues with both buses. Purchased before we started our undercoating program in Wheelchair bus needs to be replaced after eleven years of usage.
VOTE Tuesday, May 19 th, 2015 12 Noon to 8 PM Main Street School Lobby 20