1.0 INTRODUCTION The Open Government Partnership(OGP) is a global initiative that aims to secure concrete commitments from governments to:- Promotes transparency Empower citizens Fight against corruption Encourage use of new technology to improve governance.
2.0 OGP TANZANIA Government of the United Republic of Tanzania joined OGP on 21 September, The government believes that objectives of OGP conform with the interests of both the government and its citizens. OGP objectives complement various initiatives that the government is implementing such as PSRP, LGRP, LSRP, PFMRP & NACSAP. A national steering Committee to facilitate the preparation of OGP Action Plan was formulated under the chairmanship of the Deputy Permanent Secretary President’s Office State House. It composition includes members from the government, CSOs Research Institutions and other non-state Actors.
3.0 BRIEF REVIEW OF TANZANIA OGP PHASE ONE ACTION PLAN The process of preparing Tanzania OGP Action Plan phase 1 started in October,2011. First phase of OGP focused on increasing transparency, accountability and integrity in three service delivery sectors. These are Education, Health and Water. This includes increasing transparency in the budget as well as involving more voices of citizens in planning and implementation of planed activities.
Continue…….. Phase One Action Plan covered the period of one year (2012/2013) Set of 25 commitments were selected from three key service delivery sectors mentioned above. Implementation progress was reported on quarterly base. The National Steering Committee was responsible for monitoring progress in implementation of the selected commitments. Implementation report for the period was posted on website:
4.0 ACHIEVEMENT An Independent Review was conducted in August, The review assessed implementation for each commitment and published a report. Finding showed, 4 out of 25 commitments were fully implemented. The remaining 21 commitments were at different stages towards accomplishment. The implemented commitments includes:- Production and publishing on the Ministry of Finance Website the Annul Citizen Budget document in simplified language. Establishment of contact Point for communication within the government. Publishing Audited Report of the CAG. Establishment of Government Portal.
Continue ………. A platform to provide feedback on government services through the website is in place. Client Service Charter in the Education, Health and Water Sectors were reviewed to strengthened accountability and integrity. Water point mapping system for monitoring rural water supply services is in place. Information on water points in rural areas can be accessed using a link to wpm.maji.go.tz. Nifanyeje “ How do I” website, was established to provide information on how to acquire various public services. Open data readiness assessment was conducted as basis for establishment of open data system.
5.0CHALLENGES Set of Challenges were experienced -Low level of knowledge on OGP initiative among the majority of citizens. -Ambitious commitments to be implemented in just one year. -In adequate resources. Despite limited achievements on the implementation Phase one has set foundation for :- Openness Transparency Citizen’s participation as well as CSOs in implementing National Development Agenda.
6.0 SECOND PHASE OGP ACTION PLAN (2014/ /2016 ) In addressing the challenges. The Second Phase Action Plan has focused on few implementable commitments.The back log activities of the previous Action Plan were not rolled over in the second phase. These activities are mainstreamed in the normal activities of the respective sectors. However,they will be continued to be monitored and reported quarterly. The processes undertaken in developing the Second Action Plan were as follows:- Preparation of OGP Action Plan for 2014/2015 – 2014/2016 has considered inputs from the Independent Reporting Mechanism. The Action Plan has earmarked five (5) commitments that are key in promoting transparency,accountability, integrity, citizens participation and technology innovation.
Continue…….. Education, Water and Heath continue to be given priority in the second phase in addition to land and Energy and Mineral Sectors. It has also been prepared through involvement of many non-state actors in a participatory manner. A total of 60 Civil Society Organizations include TENMENT, TAMONGSCO, Water Aid, SIKIKA, Policy Forum, TWAWEZA and Faith based organizations among others were involved.
7.0 PHASE II COMMITMENTS Phase II OGP Action Plan focus on implementing the following commitments:- To enact Access to Information legislation that provides Tanzanian Citizens with the power to request information from their government. The legislation will be in place by February, To establish a strong public commitment to Open Data, including publishing key data sets on a dedicated Open Data Portal ( data.go.tz ) with priority on data relating to health, education, water. -Draft guidelines are in place awaiting approval of Working session of Permanent Secretaries by December, Review existing data closure policy, Act and Regulations by March, Formulate Open Data Policy by June, Open data portal be in place by June, 2015.
Continue……… - First set of Open data on open data portal will be published by June,2015 and second ywill be published by December,2015. To make budget data publicly available. - Eight key budget reports to be published in machine readable formats by December,2014 and each year. To publish reports of Oversight Committees by December,2014 and ongoing. - Reports and recommendations of the PAC and LAAC be published within one month after release of the report. To publish tax exemptions by December,2014 and on going quarterly. - Type, amount and entity for all tax exemptions to be published on a monthly or quarterly basis.
Continue …….. To publish land use plan, ownership and demarcated areas for large scale land deals by December, Demarcated areas for large scale agricultural investment( farming & livestock keeping) published by December,2015. Accessible online for public use -Land use plan to be published and make it accessible at both national and local levels by December, Land ownership database be online by December,2015.
Continued Government to fulfill its EITI Commitments by December, Signed mining development agreements and profit sharing contracts (PSCs) from 2014 onwards be published. - Government’s Policy on actual practice for disclosure of contracts signed before 2014 be documented. - Demarcated areas for mining be published. All these activities will be fulfilled by December, 2015.
8.0 NEXT STEPS Sectors to submit their action plans to National Steering Committee and start implementation. Submission of the quarterly report and annual report. The self assessment and independent assessment will be carried out at the end of each year of implementation.
CONCLUSION The URT remains committed to the Declaration of the OGP principles Continue to be an active member of OGP together with Regional and International Organizations. More innovative ways of involving citizens especially in the rural areas will be employed to broaden and widen participation