LHC Beam instrumentation status LBOC 17 March 2015 E. Bravin BE-BI on behalf of many many people in several groups
Summary BPM BLM BBQ OFB QFB BCTDC BCTF BPF BWS Expected status Changes w.r.t. run1 Expected limitations Plans for the future 2 BTV BSRA BSRL BSRT DIDT BRAN BQS BGI BGV InstrumentsDetails
BPM System fully operational Added BPMs in IR4, moved BPMs in IR5 & 6 Modif. & renamed interlock BPMs (now BPMSI/X) Replaced racks for mitigating temperature drifts FIP controllers renewed Improved diagonal correction Migrated FEs to L865 and FESA3 & RDA3 DAB firmware rewritten, but not deployed yet –Waiting for thorough firmware-FESA validation Single range for interlock BPMs possible? 4
BPM DOROS System designed and electronics being produced 1 Box (8 channels) ready and installed on collimator at IP1 2 nd box being prepared – should be ready for installation next Monday on another collimator 2 More boxes to be installed “as soon as ready” on BPMs around ATLAS Remaining 12 boxes will be installed in TS1 (on collimators and around interaction points) 5
BLM (1) System fully operational Changes underground –Exchanged 40 multiwire cables (ca 240 detectors) –Relocated 816 detectors (between MBs) –Added 30 ICs (TOTEM, MKI, Ions…), 100 SEM -> LIC –Exchanged all acquisition crate backplanes –Modified all signal distribution boxes –Modified and calibrated all acquisition modules –Diamond BLM almost ready (dedicated DAQ for IP7 and IP4, scopes for other IP’s) 6
BLM (2) Changes in surface equipment –Serviced and revalidated all processing modules and optical receivers –Replaced all racks and added two new crates –Replaced all rear connection cables (survey, interlocks) –Migrated FEs to L865 still FESA 2 Updated expert naming convention of detectors Updated OP application (added system status) New threshold generation concept (calculation of threshold in the database). Update of thresholds ongoing 7
BLMDD System fully operational Redesign of the BLMDD acquisition card Installation of a new signal-box for new connection scheme BLMDD installation tested and commissioned Verification of the 4 Detector signal path and Dump- signal path with a current source -> Successful Final commissioning with beam pending 8
BBQ System fully operational Acquisition cards and devices reshuffled –Devices have now meaningful names: LHC.BQ.ONDEMAND.B1, LHC.BQ.GATED.B1, LHC.BQ.CONT.B1 9 BPF System fully operational
Orbit and Tune FB System fully operational –Main functionalities successfully tested already –Aiming for synchronous orbit, fallback free-running mode OFSU (now LHC.BFSU) ported to FESA3 Many fixes to OFSU and OFC To test: –Q proxying, upload or resp. matrix by MTG event, upload of Q Q’ ref from OP tools and MTG event 10
Transformers DC and Fast transformers fully operational –Both DC systems (A & B) operational (required) –Fast System-B used for R&D and development –TL and Dump line transformers operational (unchanged) Both ring systems ported to FESA3 & RDA3 on L865 BCTF-B toroid replaced by BCTI and BCTW –Reduce sensitivity to beam offset/bunch length BFCCM (dIdt) electronics installed and connected to BIS –FESA and Logging should be ready “around” startup 11
Wire scanner System available –BWS may be in operational or quasi operational status at startup depending on the pending firmware upgrade. Procedure for quasi-operational to follow. Bellows and comp. springs replaced PMT base modified (added capacitors) –Need 30’’ to settle HV (0 to 1500 V), HV ON for 30’ New OP application Firmware (and FESA) will be upgraded at the first opportunity if not done before startup. 12
WS limits At injection the limit remains protons ~ 250 nominal bunches At 4 TeV the limit was ~ 30 nominal bunches At 6.5 TeV there is no value yet (beam loss limited): “At 6.5 TeV we need to measure the loss of a low intensity beam, compare it with the new loss thresholds and make the intensity extrapolation.” 13
BTV System fully operational Replaced RF fingers on BTV SS/ST/SE (suffered from Cu-coating induced cold welds) New video streaming (no more MUX) Added second camera on BTVDD (now the images are inverted (T B, L R) on video stream, (will be) corrected in FESA* 14
BSRA System fully operational Optics layout changed (reduced sensitivity on light position and increased efficiency) Ported to FESA3 & RDA3 on L865 Requested interlocking/cleaning feature will be added after startup 15
BSRL (LDM) System ready as Expert tool Optics changed (same as for BSRA) Added Hybrid PMT on B1 (better than APD in lab tests) Improved correction algorithm –Too heavy for FE CPU, will be done in app for the moment FESA class simplified (just raw data collection) APD of B2 will be replaced by Hybrid PMT at first opportunity if performance confirmed “Deamon” server will be added if correction algorithm prove stable 16
BSRT System operational Extraction mirror redesigned (reduce heating) Optics design modified to reduce diffraction (400nm & 250nm) (also machine optics modified in IR4) Added interferometer and Shack-Hartmann on B1 Added/consolidated T probes (not in FESA/DB yet) Diffraction is still a limitation, tricky corrections If the interferometer works well a second could be installed on B2 during YETS FESA will be rewritten based on experience with the new system 17
BRAN System fully operational Systems ported to L865, still FESA2 Detectors in IP8 (BRAN-B) replaced (same FESA) –CdTe->Cherenkov (BRAN-C) (devices doubled) Detectors in IP2 will be upgraded to BRAN-C in TS1 (no change for FESA devices) 18
Schottky System ready, remains expert tool Pick-ups substantially overhauled New RF frontend with fast gate and YIG filter installed for BQSV.B2 –Allows to modify the operation frequency, otherwise fixed at 4.8 GHz Application to be developed 19
BGI BGV Systems under development Will not be useable until TS1 at least 20
Conclusions Lot of work done during LS1 to improve the systems and add functionalities All main systems are ready Will need some time to fully commission the systems With every one so busy during LS1 surely many bugs had the chance to enter and hide in our systems 21
22 Looking forward for you help to get them out!