Lesson 2 Earth’s Moon Maria The large dark, flat areas on the Moon
Lesson 2 Earth’s Moon Phase The portion of the Moon or a planet reflecting light as seen from Earth.
Lesson 2 Earth’s Moon Waxing phases More of the Moon’s near side is lit each night.
Lesson 2 Earth’s Moon Waning phase Less of the Moon’s near side is lit each night.
Lesson 2 Earth’s Mo0n Seeing the Moon The Moon is a natural satellite of Earth. Reflects sunlight, making it visible in a cloudless night sky unless it’s a new moon. The Moon’s diameter is 27% of Earth’s The Moon’s mass is 1.2% of the Earth’s
Lesson 2 Earth’s Moon The Moon’s Formation Surface Craters were formed when objects from spaced crashed into the Moon. Maria Was formed after most impacts on the Moon’s surface had stopped. Formed when lava up through the Moon’s crust. Highlands Light colored land too high for lava to reach. Older than maria and covered with craters.
Lesson 2 Earth’s Moon The Moon’s Motion The Moon rotates on an axis, revolves around Earth, and moves with Earth around the Sun. The Earth’s gravitational pull on the Moon produces the Moon’s revolution around the Earth. We can never see the far side of the Moon because it makes one rotation in one revolution.
Lesson 2 Earth’s Moon Moon’s Motion hr_k hr_k
Lesson 2 Earth’s Moon Phases of the Moon The Moon’s phases are apparent changes in its shape. Even though half the Moon is lit by the Sun at all times, we only see part of the lit half of the moon. The Moon’s revolution around Earth and the reflected sunlight produces the phases of the Moon.
Lesson 2 Earth’s Moon Waxing phases Week 1 First Quarter sliver of light can be seen Week 2 Full Moon More and more of the near side becomes lit
Lesson 2 Earth’s Moon Waning phases Week 3 Third Quarter The lit part of the Moon becomes smaller until only the eastern half is lit. Week 4 New Moon Less and less of the near side is lit. When the Moon’s near side is completely dark, it is at the new Moon phase.
Lesson 2 Earth’s Moon