MOST PEOPLE’S CONCERNS… Are home funerals legal? What are the costs? What are the environmental benefits? Are there health risks? Is there anything to fear? Who will take care of me? How can I make sure what I want will happen?
FUNERAL HISTORY BEGAN… with families and communities caring for their own… the world over since time began… until the Civil War’s primitive embalmers… turned death care into a profession… that is now a $20B a year industry… in the U.S… and we can still do it ourselves as before.
A HOME FUNERAL MAY INCLUDE… a loved one being cared for after death… guided by family and friends… or in concert with professionals… bathed, anointed, and dressed… in a home, church, or other space… often lying in honor for 1-3 days… with personally meaningful gatherings… at home, in a house of worship, or elsewhere… before being transported to final rest. Courtesy of Crossings Care Circle
HOME FUNERALS ARE HEALING… by allowing more time and flexibility… creating a natural flow of events and emotions… normalizing and diminishing fears… teaching children about the life cycle… embracing grief and loss as part of life… giving people a chance to be useful… and find meaning in the experience. Courtesy of Olivia Bareham Sacred Crossings
HOME FUNERALS ARE LEGAL… in every state and province… with 9 states that require a funeral director… to be involved in some way… though embalming is never required by law… nor are coffin vaults… home burials are permitted within parameters… cremains may be scattered anywhere, including national & state parks… and with permission on private lands. (CT, IL, IA, IN, LA, MI, NE, NJ, NY) Photograph by George Sakkestad
HOME FUNERALS ARE AFFORDABLE… when family and friends share tasks… file necessary documents… hire musicians, clergy… make cemetery or crematory arrangements… keep body care noninvasive and eco-friendly… use locally sourced and crafted funeral goods… file online or newspaper obituaries… transport the body… care for and feed children, visitors, and pets. Chuck Lakin, Courtesy of New York Times Courtesy of Shine On Brightly
HOME FUNERALS ARE ECO-FRIENDLY… encouraging organic, natural methods… noninvasive procedures… caskets, urns and shrouds made by local artists… out of native materials… rather than dangerous, toxic chemicals… or depleting rainforests for exotic woods… or burying non-biodegradable metals and concrete… or increasing production and transportation footprints… and body to earth burial. Courtesy of Crossings Care Circle Courtesy of Marion Spadone
HOME FUNERALS ARE SAFE… for caregivers and the deceased… according to the CDC “ …a dead body does not pose an increased [health] risk ”… when kept cool with ice or air conditioning… or in a 70° room for up to 3 days… with no need for embalming or disinfecting… and universal precautions are used when necessary or desired. Courtesy of Order of the Good Death
WITH PROPER CARE… fluids and odors, if present, are managed easily… by thoroughly washing with soap and water… anointing with essential oils if desired… cooling with dry ice or Techni-ice… dressing by caring helpers… transferring with many loving hands… providing healing energy to all those present. Courtesy of Thresholds of Life
GOOD PLANNING INCLUDES… completing advanced directives for health care… writing down your funeral wishes… designating someone to carry them out… informing doctors, clergy, family, attorneys… and organizing a core care group.
HOME FUNERAL GUIDES… educate families and the public about choices… provide support and information... including how to complete paperwork… and care for the body of a loved one… while keeping the family in charge… respecting personal choices… honoring diverse spiritual traditions… and partnering with others involved with care. Courtesy of Crossings Care Circle
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