OPORD Crosswalk
Purpose Understand Why We Conduct Crosswalk Crosswalk Schedule Crosswalk TTPs Develop Data Collection Plans
OPORD Crosswalk Comparison of a unit’s OPORD to the parent unit OPORD to ensure it will accomplish all assigned tasks. Analysis of a unit’s OPORD to ensure it is: – Clear – Complete – Synchronized
Crosswalk Purpose Unit – Better understanding of the OPORD – Look for Disconnects – Opportunity to Fix Problems
Crosswalk Advantages Crosswalking the OPORD results in: Synchronized Effort Between Command Echelons and Staff Sections Coordinated Effort between staff sections
When is Crosswalk Conducted OPORD Crosswalk is conducted at two periods in the MDMP process: On receipt of Mission when the order is first read. Prior to publishing and briefing the OPORD. The Key to a successful crosswalk is to ensure all portions of the OPORD-Main body and Annexes are read by the staff.
Things to Look For Instructions that are unclear Assets that are insufficient Assets that are missing Improper Task Org Graphics that differ from written instructions Disconnects How will the disconnects affect the battle
Gather the Tools Division Through Battalion OPORDs with Annexes Maps & Graphics IPB Products Doctrinal References
Evaluation of the OPORD by WFF Intelligence: IPB products-Are the IPB products complete and do they show the correct information? PIR-Are the PIR written correctly, and do they support the commanders decision points? Intelligence, Reconnaissance & Surveillance Plan-Will the plan produce the required intel, and have all available assets been tasked? Tasks to Collection Assets-Do all assets have the means to collect what they have been tasked to perform?
Movement and Maneuver Task Organization-Is the TO correct, and will the task org be sufficient to accomplish the mission? Graphics-Are the graphics clear, and do they track with the written instructions? Mission, Cdr Intent and Concept of Operations-Are these clearly spelled out, and is the COO a logical flow of effort? Operational Terms & Tactical tasks-Are all terms doctrinal and have we given the unit clear tasks to perform? Weighting the Main Effort-Has the main effort been weighted sufficiently to ensure success with minimum loss?
Fires HVTs & HPTs-Are these clearly identified? Fires Linked to PIR-Are the fires linked to the PIRs? Main Effort Weighted-Is the main effort weighted with enough Fires Assets to ensure mission accomplishment? Support the Maneuver Plan-Are the fires in the right place, and at the right time to support the plan? FSCMs-Are all FSCMs clearly identified, and have instructions on the changing of FSCMs been clearly delineated? Rear Area Fire Support Plan-Have Fires been considered to support the rear area? Positioning & Movement of FA Assets-Is the positioning of Fires assets and their movement coordinated with the ground maneuver plan?
Protection Priorities of Effort and Support-Does the protection plan support the commanders guidance and intent? Are we protecting the right things? Obstacle Intent Support Scheme of Maneuver-Are the obstacles in the right place, and at the right time to facilitate maneuver (offense or defense)? Class IV Distribution Plan-Will the distribution plan deliver the right amount of material to the right location in time for it to be installed? Breach Organization-Has the breach been properly organized? Is there a security element forward, is the breaching element clearly specified? Do they have sufficient assets to conduct the breach? Are ADA assets distributed to protect the most critical friendly assets?
Protection, cont. Obstacles not Synchronized with Reconnaissance-Are all obstacles covered by “eyes on” of some type? Fires and Maneuver-Does the Fire and Maneuver element have sufficient protection (particularly ADA)? Obscuration Plan-Is there an obscuration plan, and if so, will it support the maneuver plan. CBRN Reconnaissance Plan-Is there a plan, and if so, does it support the tactical plan.
Sustainment Logistics Overlay – Terrain Management in Rear – MSR/ASR – BSA Location • Priority of Support Match Scheme of Maneuver-Will the support assets be in place at the right time when they are needed by the maneuver element? • Consumption Rates-Are the rates valid? • IPB and ISR Plan for the Rear
Command and Control OPORD Format-Is the order written clearly? – Commanders Mission and Intent-Is it clear and easily understood? – Concept of Operation-Does the concept clearly address activities to occur during each phase of the battle? • Disruption Zone • Battle Zone • Support Zone • Decision Support Template (DST)-Is the DST clearly understood, and does it match expectations of all staff members, especially the S2?