HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT OF COLLEGE LIBRARIES IN THE STATE OF GOA By Sandesh B Dessai Librarian, Goa College of Engineering, Goa Dr Carlos M Fernandes Curator, State Central Library, Panaji & B B Satpute Sr. Assistant Librarian, Goa College of Engineering
INTRODUCTION Human Resource plays a vital role in keeping the organization dynamic and vibrant. In Goa due to the existing Govt. policy, Libraries are facing acute shortage of staff. Due to these reason we felt to conduct a research study of Human Resource Management of College Libraries in the State of Goa. The Study provides current state of the art as well as gives an indication of the requirements of Human Resource in Goan College Libraries.
Why Human Resource Management ? As far as College Libraries in Goa are concern most of the Libraries have only one Librarian and one Library Attendant Management do not understand the staff problem. College Libraries are getting strained due to less manpower There was a strong demand from Librarian fraternity for a strong policy on staff pattern in Goan College Libraries. Due to above reasons we felt of writing this research paper.
Aim and Objectives of the Study To assess the current state-of-the-art status of human resource in college libraries in the state of Goa. To assess the staff needs of the libraries from Goa state. To identify and analyze the specific factors responsible for the inadequate human resources of college libraries. To compare the strength of the human resource among the college libraries in the state of Goa.
Research Design a.Questionnaire surveys of librarians, b.Semi-structured interviews with librarians c.Observational visits to the libraries. Forty five libraries were selected for the present study. Out of 45 Libraries only 30 libraries Data were selected for the study.
Results and Discussion The analysis and interpretation of the data is presented regarding professional experience as below:- Experience of Librarians Experience in yearsNo. of ResponsesPercentage % % % % % Above % Total30
Librarians Opinions about Job and Job Satisfaction. Regarding job satisfaction we had asked 23 questions to the incumbent librarians and the data shows that (57%) of the librarians strongly agree with most of the question (20%) of the librarians agree as far as job satisfaction is concerned.
Sr. No Feelings of the Respondents Strongl y Agree Agre e Un- decide d Disagr ee Strongl y Disagre e 1 I choose Librarianship as I like the profession To become a librarian was the first choice of my profession Librarian is challenging job Librarian can play a very useful role in making good citizens The librarian profession provides more opportunities for acquiring knowledge The librarian profession provide a way to serve society Librarian is noble profession I will advice others to take librarian as a carrier Librarian work more of administrative Librarians Opinion about Job and Job Satisfaction
10 I feel that I am doing something worthwhile which gives me a great deal of pleasure I will not leave my profession even if I offered more lucrative one in other field I feel librarian is asset to any organization Advance technologies & internet will not affect librarians job I get enough opportunity in my organization to attend seminars & workshops for my professional growths I feel I am suited for the library profession
16 I am happy as a librarian now than when I started as a library profession I like my relatives to take library profession as a career I feel that young people must take library profession as a career because it is a promising career My behavior with my readers / my collogues is same when I joined the organization I will remain committed to my profession irrespective of my age, qualification I always encourage students to give their feedback about library services I never carry my family problem at my work place I take leave only in emergency TOTAL
Findings of the study About (57%) college librarians have masters degree in library science, (30%) have completed M.Phil and (6.66%) have Ph.D holders. A very few percentage (10%) Librarians have to acquire master degree in the profession. Nearly (3.33%) college librarians are having professional experience above twenty five and (16.6%),(20%),(16.6%),(23.33%),(20%) are having 20-25, 15-20, 10-15, 5-10, 0-5 years of experience respectively.
Majority (63.33%) of college libraries have no adequate manpower. Nearly (63.33%) of college librarians opined that the available manpower is not sufficient. Nearly (53.33%) college librarians are getting strained due to less manpower in way of frustration, health disorders and decrease of interest in the profession. Only (56.66%) of the college librarians have job satisfaction. Only (67%) of the college librarians have interest in pursuing higher education in the profession.
About (26.66%) of the higher authorities/ management do not understand the staff problem of the library. Most (73.33%) of the college libraries are working with one librarian and with one library attendant. There is no Assistant Librarian or Library Assistant in the colleges. The report of these finding and suggestion will be presented to the Goa Govt. for fruitful implementation in all the college Libraries (Professional and Academic )
Suggestions The authority must understand the staff problem of the library and provide adequate help to the college libraries. The authority should provide staff for college library as per AICTE norms/ standards Present staff provided to college libraries in Goa is inadequate and staff pattern for college libraries is suggested with reference to our study is as follows:-
User Population Category of Posts Grade/ClassScale of Pay No. of Posts A)Student Population Up to LibraianGroup ‘A’ GazettedPB-3, GP Assistant Librarian Group‘C’ Non-GazettedPB 2, GP Library Assistant Group‘C’ Non-GazettedPB1, GP Library Attendant Group‘D’ Non-GazettedIS, GP SweeperGroup‘C’ Non-GazettedIS, GP TOTAL05 B) Student Population Up to LibraianGroup ‘A’ GazettedPB-3, GP Assistant Librarian Group‘C’ Non-GazettedPB 2, GP Library Assistant Group‘C’ Non-GazettedPB1, GP Library Attendant Group‘D’ Non-GazettedIS, GP SweeperGroup‘D’ Non-GazettedIS, GP TOTAL10 STAFF PATTERN FOR COLLEGE LIBRARIES ( PROFESSIONAL AND NON-PROFESSIONAL)
C) Student Population Up to 1500 For maintaining following sections:- 1.Circulation Section 2.Stack Room Section 3.Reference Section Cum- Periodical Section 4.E-Library/ Multimedia section 5.Maintenance Section 1.LibraianGroup‘A’ GazettedPB-3, GP Dy.LibrarianGrade’B’PB-2, GP Assistant Librarian Group‘C’ Non-GazettedPB 2, GP Library Assistant Group‘C’ Non-GazettedPB1, GP Library Attendant Group‘D’ Non-GazettedIS, GP SweeperGroup‘D’ Non-GazettedIS, GP TOTAL13 D) Student Population Up to 2000 For maintaining following sections:- 1.Circulation Section 2.Periodical section 3.Reference Section 4.E-library/ Multimedia section 5.Technical Section 6.Stack Room Section 7.Maintenance Section 1.LibraianGroup‘A’ GazettedPB-3, GP Dy.LibrarianGrade’B’PB-2, GP Assistant Librarian Group‘C’ Non-GazettedPB 2, GP Library Assistant Group‘C’ Non-GazettedPB1, GP Library Attendant Group‘D’ Non-GazettedIS, GP SweeperGroup‘D’ Non-GazettedIS, GP TOTAL21
THANKS Sandesh Dessai Librarian Goa Engineering College, Farmagudi.