Math Mindset PLC PowerPoint Slide Deck.
Assessing the Current ‘Math Mindset’ 2 All of us who are stakeholders have a role to play and important actions to take if we finally are to recognize our critical need for a world where the mathematics education of our students draws from research, is informed by common sense and good judgment, and is driven by a non-negotiable belief that we must develop mathematical understanding and self confidence in all students NCTM Principles to Action Somehow it’s okay for people to chuckle about not being good at math. Yet if I said, ‘I never learned to read,’ they’d say I was an illiterate dolt. Neil deGrasse Tyson If you stop at general math, you’re only going to make general math money. Snoop Dogg I don’t like to be negative about mathe because it really teaches you a lot of great things. You kind of use math every day Madison Davenport
What is the Overwhelming Public Perception of ‘Math’? Emily Calandrelli MIT Graduate NASA Intern Xploration Outer Space Host and Producer Passionate about STEM NASA – Bill Stafford Emily’s TEDx Talk on the dangers of negative STEM stereotypes and how we can promote a positive attitude toward STEM literacy Play Video: idontdomath.mp4
Discussion Activity: What is my school’s ‘Math Mindset’? 1.What are my personal math biases? Have I ever said ‘I’m not good at math’? 2.What ‘math mindset’ am I hearing in the halls and classrooms from students? 3.What ‘math mindset’ am I hearing from my math faculty? Non-math Faculty? Instructions: First, complete each question individually. Then, share at your table.
What is the Cost of Innumeracy? Innumeracy was first coined by cognitive scientist Douglas Hofstadter, but popularized in mathematician John Allen Paulos’ 1989 book, Innumeracy: Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences Paulos’ list of the consequences of innumeracy include: 1.Inaccurate media reporting and inability of the public to detect such inaccuracies 2.Financial mismanagement, especially with debts 3.Loss of money on gambling 4.Belief in pseudoscience 5.Distorted assessments of risks 6.Limited job prospects
NCTM Productive and Unproductive Beliefs U NPRODUCTIVE B ELIEFS P RODUCTIVE B ELIEFS Students possess different innate levels of abilities in mathematics, and these cannot be changed by effective instruction. Mathematics ability is a function of opportunity, experience, and effort. All students are capable of participating and achieving in rigorous mathematics. ELL students are less able to learn mathematics and must be in a separate track. ELL students can learn the language of mathematics at or beyond grade level at the same time they learn English with appropriate instruction Students living in poverty lack the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral characteristics to participate and achieve in rigorous mathematics. Effective teacher practices (e.g. using high level tasks, Accountable Talk) provide greater opportunities to higher-order thinking and raising achievement of all students. Only high-achieving or gifted students can reason about, make sense of, and persevere in challenging mathematics. All students are capable of making sense of and persevering in challenging mathematics given opportunities, support, and confidence.
Reflection: Creating a Positive ‘Math Mindset’ Instructions: Think about each area listed in the first column and list any takeaways you had along with specific teacher and leader actions you would implement to improve your school’s ‘math mindset’. TakeawaysTeacher ActionsLeader Actions Current Perceptions about Math Education The Cost of Innumeracy NCTM’s Productive and Unproductive Beliefs