Project Aquilla Gabriel Spahn, Jarrad Tait, Andruw Pruitt, Adam Koehn, Warren Kadrmas, Cullen Gilbertson, Sonya Dick, Ben Johannsen, Hallie Osborne, Tyler Policky, Kattie Thalacker
Goal Statement Objective: Design, develop, launch and retrieve a scientific payload which exceeds 100,000 ft in altitude. Payload must measure T and P throughout the entire flight, and must return video and photographic evidence covering the flight duration. Team Goal: Pave a new direction for the high altitude balloon project by using HAM radio for tracking and real-time communication pursuits. Our advanced technology will insure retrieval of data and the payload.
Balloon-parachute-payload design Rope (fishing line) has been shortened to decrease turbulence Fishing swivels have been added above and below the parachute to eliminate tangling Design shortened Fishing swivel
Attachment System Fishing line descends from the parachute in four separate strings Attaches to payload through two long tunnels cut into the Styrofoam Tunnel’s upper halves are coated with duct tape to prevent sawing
Mass:.392kg moles He: 98 Volume: 2.19m 3 or 73ft 3 Diameter at ground: 1.6m or 5.2 ft Burst diameter: 30 ft (as seen from manufacturer's information) *Helium and fill tools are donated by A&B Welding. Only one 80ft 3 tank of helium is necessary. * Fill Gas- Helium
Materials/Weight/Budget Item Price Weight Balloon-Free- Foamular- 21 kg/m 3 $ g Helium- 73 ft 3 FreeN/A Parachute- 4ft Diameter$ g Swivels-$52g Fishing Line-50lb pull$5.50- GoPro-Hero 3 Silver (two)Free270g Desiccant-$ g Nichrome Wire$5.002g Item Price Weight Batteries- Lithium$ g Arduino- Mega 2560 R3$ g Shield- Trackduino$ g Micro SD - 16gb Class 10$12.001g Transmitter- HX1-144$ g GPS- 638FLPx$50.005g GPS Antenna$ g APRS Antenna$ g GSM Transmitter$ g
●Low weight (130g) ●High quality HD video ●Water/Dust proof Case ●Fogging issue resolved by the addition of desiccant Cameras GoPro Hero Silver 3
Arduino Mega 2560 R3 custom built Arduino shield Dedicated GPS Radio Transmitter Piezo Buzzer GSM Transmitter Sensors Pressure Outside and inside temperature Power- Idle 70mA, Transmitting 200mA Instrumentation Arduino MegaTrackduino Shield GPS Antenna
●14g ●-40F to 140F Temp Range ●1.5V x6 for a 9V supply ●3000mAh (2000mAh at -40F) ●10-15 hours battery life Batteries Energizer Ultimate Lithium
Final Price Final Weight $400750g
Initial Ascent Rate: 2.6 m/s Burst Height: 110,000 to 120,000 ft Ascent time for 100,000 feet: 2 hours, 25 minutes. Flight Expectations
Descent ● Initial Descent Rate: Drop tests to be performed. ○Based on last years data: 14.2 m/s ●Descent Rate at landing: 7 m/s ●Descent time: 55 minutes. Total Flight time: 3 hours, 20 minutes
APRS- Automatic Packet Reporting System Allows for real-time, radio communication and exchange of data between assets Transmit Sensor data and GPS Coordinates. Range of 400 Miles at 100,000 feet Can transmit during the entire flight In the event of losing the payload, data is preserved Operation requires a ham radio Technicians License, held by two team members Tracking Solution
Retrieval The retrieval method will rely on coordinates received via APRS We will have received coordinates at one minute intervals As a backup contingency, final Coordinates will be relayed via GSM This will protect from primary radio failure A Piezo Buzzer, attached to the Arduino, will assist short-term recovery.
Two methods of terminating the flight of the balloon must be present QUALIFY - Our two methods include the balloon popping at high altitude and the use of a nichrome hotwire All required launch information must be given the FAA 6-24 hours prior to launch QUALIFY - We plan to give all necessary information to FAA before launching The course and position of the balloon must be monitored and recorded every two hours and any necessary information requested by the ATC must be forwarded to them. QUALIFY - Meet all monitoring regulations with the use of APRS There must be a weight/size ratio of more than three ounces per square inch on any surface of the package QUALIFY - The design of our payload meets regulations FAA/FCC Regulations
Why Our Design Should be Funded ●Fixed last year’s issues: ○Fishing swivels ensure stability and parachute deployment ○Desiccant eliminates camera lens fogging ○Replaced SPOT tracker with Trackduino ●Revolutionized tracking and communication with Arduino ○Real-time data collection, including above 60,000 feet ●Ensured clear-cut retrieval ○APRS and GSM tracking will guide retrieval team to location ○Piezo Buzzer will assist recovery at short distances
Data Sources FCC regulations: Foamular Datasheet: Battery Datasheet: GoPro Specs: Parachute Specs: Arduino Schematic: Barometer Schematic: Barometer Datasheet: Thermometer Datasheet: GPS Datasheet: Transmitter Datasheet:
Price Sources Weather Balloon - Nichrome Wire - Arduino PCB HX1 Trackduino Components GPS GPS Antenna Sensors SD Card Foamular Fishing line and Swivel:
Project Aquilla Gabriel Spahn, Jarrad Tait, Andruw Pruitt, Adam Koehn, Warren Kadrmas, Cullen Gilbertson, Sonya Dick, Ben Johannsen, Hallie Osborne, Tyler Policky, Kattie Thalacker
Flight Calculations Extra
Arduino Extra Operating Voltage 5V Input Voltage (recommended) 7-12V Digital I/O Pins 54 (of which 15 provide PWM output) Analog Input Pins 16 DC Current per I/O Pin 40 mA DC Current for 3.3V Pin 50 mA Flash Memory 256 KB of which 8 KB used by bootloader SRAM 8 KB EEPROM 4 KB Clock Speed 16 MHz
Sensors Extra Temperature Barometric Piezo Buzzer
Trackuino Extra
APRS Extra Quarter Wave Ground Plane Antenna 1.6 ft Vertical, 1.6 ft radials 144 Mhz Handheld Yagi AntennaUSB Radio Tuner Card RTL2832U and R820T tuner IC’s