HL-LHC Planned Activities - Accelerator I. Bejar Alonso – HL-LHC Technical coordinator On behalf of HL-LHC WPs Leaders
HL-LHC baseline (P. Fessia Presentation)
Warm compressor and other surface eq. Interaction Region and MS Equipment on the Beam Tunnel equipment Vert. J Surface Eq. Dis. Cryoplant IP 1,5 CB Warm compressor and other surface eq. Interaction Region and MS IP 1,5 P I C BIS Cryo line IR+MS Alignment QPS2 Magnet system MQXFA MQXFB, MBXF, MBRD, MQYY, Q5 1.9, Q6 1.9 MCBXFB, MCBXFA, MQSXF, MCTXF, MCTSXF, MCDXF, MCDSXF, MCOXF, MCOSXF, MCSXF,MCSSXF, MCBRD, MCBYY EE DF(X-M) + SC Link DSH (X-M) TAXS, TAXN DFH(X-M) + Power converters Collimation (TCTPM, TCL, TCLM, TCTP) Rad-hard electronics for BLM and BPM Beam vacuum Beam diagnostic BPMSQW, BMPSQ, BPMSQT, BMLC RF system Loads, circulators, RF power, LLRF, HVPS, central LLRR Crab Cavity cryomodules CC diagnostic and protection SC link/ Powering arc IP 1,5 DS Collimation pp (TBC RUN II) IP 1,5 H.F. dipoles Cryo-bypass+TCLD DFA+ SC Link DSHA DFHA + Power converters DS Collimation for ion IP 2 H.F. dipoles Cryo-bypass+TCLD In orange Works during LS2 SC link/powering IP 7 Hor. SC Link DSH + DFA Power converters DS Collimation pp (TBC RUN II) IP 7 H.F. dipoles Cryo-bypass+TCLD
In orange Works during LS2 Equipment on the Beam Tunnel equipment Vert. J Surface equip. Dis. Collimation upgrade P I C BIS Secondary TCSPM IP 3 7 Primary TCP TCPP IP 3 7 TCSG, TCLA, TCAP IP 3 7 TCSP IP 6 Injection protection IP 2 8 TDI (TBC) TCLIA, TCLIB (TBC) TCDD TCDDM (TBC) TCLIM (TBC) MKI (TBC) Beam diagnostic IP 4 Fast wire scanners BWSF New light extraction line BSRT Beam gas vertex detector BGV Cryoplant IP 4 Warm compressor and other surface eq. Cryo line for RF CB Q5 at point 6 IP 6 Dump (TBC) TCDS (TBC) MKB, TDE (TBC) In orange Works during LS2 High rad warm magnets (TBC) IP 7 Mini-TAN IP 8
HL-LHC options
Crab Cavity for crab kissing scheme Other RF harmonic system Equipment on the Beam Tunnel equipment Vert. J Surface equipment Dis. WIC FMCM BBLR IP 1,5 Crab Cavity for crab kissing scheme IP 1,5 Other RF harmonic system IP 4 Sub harmonic Higher order harmonic ADT upgrade IP 4 Hollow e-lenses IP 4 Crystal collimation TECG IP 7 In orange Works during LS2 TAS IP 8
What about LS2? Marzia’s presentation The LS2 project include the activities across the LHC, Injectors and LHC experiments: Resources levelling across the accelerators one of the main challenge of LS2 !!! The activities will be declared in Plan, with a similar approval process as LS1. Practical issues: Temporary storage areas and “bases de chantier” will be installed at the earliest 6 months before, and dismounted at the latest 6 months after LS2; Buffer zone availability: most probably the existing areas are not sufficient;
HL activities @ P2, P4 and TZ76 Proposal of First Draft skeleton Marzia’s presentation 2018 2019 July '18 Aug. '18 Sept. '18 Oct. '18 Nov. '18 Dec. '18 Jan. '19 Feb. '19 March '19 April '19 May '19 June '19 July '19 Aug. '19 Sept. '19 Oct. '19 Nov. '19 Dec. '19 WARM UP and TESTS Lift replacement CRYO Maintenance Magnets replacement Other activities… HL activities @ P2, P4 and TZ76 Cool Down @ P7 HL activities @ LSS7 COOL DOWN, TESTS and HWC Depending on the cool down and warm up sequence Windows available for activities Between 9 and 13 Months
WPs with potencial installation activity during LS2 SPS test during Run 2
In orange Works during LS2 Magnets (WP3) Magnets (WP3) LQXFA (Q1) MQXFA LQXFC (Q2A) MCBXFB MQXFB LQXFD (Q2B) LQXFB (Q3) LCXF (CP) MCBXFA MQSXF MCTXF MCTSXF MCDXF MCDSXF MCOXF MCOSXF MCSXF MCSSXF LBXF (D1) MBXF LBRD (D2) MBRD MCBRD LQYY (Q4) MCBYY MQYY LQYCJ (Q5) MCBY MQY LQNDF (Q6) MCBC MQML Cryo-assemblies Cold masses level still to be defined Magnets Replacement of Q5 in IP6 In orange Works during LS2
Different options for the Q5 Present arrangement LHCQQS_S0255 LHCQQS_S0123 LHCQQS_S0254 LHCQQS_S0004 MQY MCBY Proposal for HL-LHC Based on the arrangement of Q7 in the experimental insertions. Using existing components design with available spare parts in the stock (TE-MSC-LMF). Longitudinal dimension increased by 3650mm compared to the present situation. MQY MQY MCBY Cold masses assemblies could be assembled for an installation in LS2
+ Q5 Integration issues To be discussed during the 14/10 HL-LHC PLC To avoid the QRL service module displacement: combining a jumper connection Q6L3 like to the modified shape To be discussed during the 14/10 HL-LHC PLC +
Halo cleaning (Betatron & Momentum) Collimation (WP5) Collimation (WP5) IR cleaning Incoming TCTPM Outgoing TCL TCLM DS collimation TCLD P3 TCLDx P2 P7 P1&P5 Halo cleaning (Betatron & Momentum) Crystal collimation Hollow E-Lens TCSPM Present collimators TCP, TCPP TCSG TCLA TCAP TCSP TCTP TCTPM (Target Collimator Tertiary Pick-up metallic) TCSPM (Target Secondary Collimator Pick up metallic Installation of prototypes Currently existing in LHC machine (to be eventually modified)
Cold Powering (WP6) Superconducting link P7 Cold Powering (WP6) Tunnel Interconnection Cryostats [DF] Arc [DFA] DFAA (L1) DFAB (R1) DFAI (L5) DFAJ (R5) DFAM (L7) DFAN (R7) Matching sections [DFM] DFMA DFMB DFMI DFMJ DFMM DFMN Inner triplets [DFX] DFXA DFXB DFXI DFXJ Current Leads HTS [DFLH] Surface Interconnection Cryostats [DFH] [DFHA] DFHAA DFHAB DFHAI DFHAJ DFHAM DFHAN [DFHM] DFHMA DFHMB DFHMI DFHMJ [DFHX] DFHXA DFHXB DFHXI DFHXJ Superconducting links HTS [DSH] [DSHA] DSHAA DSHAB DSHAI DSHAJ DSHAM DSHAN [DSHM] DSHMA DSHMB DSHMI DSHMJ [DSHX] DSHXA DSHXB DSHXI DSHXJ Superconducting links [DSL] [DSLM] DSLMM DSLMN Power converters
Overview of Point 7 DFBA actual position DFBA actual position SC links IP7 SC links DFB HL-LHC positions
Routing under study With 2 new long ducts from UJ76 to the TZ76 gallery
Experiments-Collider Interface (WP8) Target Absorbers for Insertion Region Secondary (TAXS) ATLAS CMS LHCb Radiation shielding (ATLAS and CMS) Target Absorbers for Insertion Region Neutrals (TAXN)
Cryogenics (WP9) Cryogenics in P4 Cryogenics (WP9) Storage Warm (QSV) QSVA (80 m3) QSVB (250 m3) Cryogenic (QSD) QSDQ? Refrigeration Warm compressors stations QSCA QSCB QSCC QSCD QSCE QSCF QSCG Refrigeration units QSRA QURA QSRB QURC QURD QURE QURF QSRG QURCG Dryers (QSA) Distribution Warm piping Surface QSP Shafts QPP Ring Helium (QRPR) Warm recovery (QRPW) Interconnection boxes QUIA QUIB QUIC QUIF Transfer lines QPLB QPLG Underground QULA QULCA/B QULF QRL Experimental areas and LSS QXL LHC existing Specific to HL-LHC Modified for HL-LHC (already existing)
Cryogenics P4 Under study alternative scenarios that take in consideration different upgrade phases Decision to be taken in Autumn 2015
11 T Dipole Magnets (WP11) 11 T Dipole Magnets (WP11) 2 m Model Double-aperture Magnet (MBHDP) Single-aperture Magnet (MBHSP) 11-T Dipole (DS) Cryo-assembly (LBH) Cold mass (LMBH) Magnet (MBH) Other (tbc) Cryo-assembly prototype (LBH_P) (LMBHP) (MBH_P) Connection cryostat (LExxx)
Integration in the LHC Lattice Connection cryostat 15660 mm 11 T dipole cold mass Interconnect Collimator MB replaced by 3 cryo-assemblies, installed and aligned independently 11 T dipoles assembled with an angle of 2.55 mrad relative to each other and shifted by 0.8 mm towards the center of the LHC to minimize loss of mechanical aperture Cryostat for the 11 T dipole following standard LHC design Short connection cryostat: creates space for collimator and warm beam vacuum sector; continuity of powering and cryogenics along the LHC arc Collimator: 0.8-m-long active part – tungsten – 1.34 m with transitions and expansion joints RF-shielded gate valves allow for independent operation of cold and room temperature beam vacuum sectors Example of integration on the left side of an interaction point (IP7 in this case), two main dipoles are replaced by four 11-T Dipoles, and 2 collimators
Vacuum (WP12) Support to all WPs Vacuum (WP12) Vacuum (V) Beam screen Non-shielded (VSC) P2 (VSCG) P8 Shielded Beam Screen (VSM) P1 (VSMA) P5 Vacuum chambers (VCj) Vacuum layout (LV) LSS 1 LSS 5 LSS 4 Insulation vacuum (LVI) By pass vacuum layout (LV) Vacuum layout experiments (LVXj) ATLAS CMS LHCb ALICE Support to all WPs j: 1, 2, 5, 8
Beam Diagnostics & Instrumentation (WP13) Beam Loss Monitors [BLM] Cryogenic [BLMC] RadHard electronics [BLE] Fast Wire scanners [BWSF] Beam Position Monitors [BPM] Cryogenic Cryogenic stripline [BPMSQ] Tungsten shielded cryogenic stripline [BPMSQT] Warm Q1 stripline [BPMSWQ] Electronics [BPE] Luminosity Monitors [BRANQ] Wideband pick-ups [BPW] Synchrotron light monitors [BSR] Light Extraction [BSRTM] Interlock Abort Monitor [BSRA] Streak cameras [BSRS] Halo diagnostics [BSRH] Beam Gas Vertex Detector [BGV] Chamber [BGVC] Detector [BGVD] Long Range Beam Beam Compensator Collimator wire prototype [TCTPW?] Final [BBLR] Installation of prototypes
Beam Transfer & Kickers (WP14) Injection TDIS TCLIA TCLIB TCDD TCLIM MKI Magnets Controls upgrade LHC beam Dumping System MKB-TDE TCDS
WP14: For both IP2 and IP8 IP6: No installation foreseen in LS2. Will all be LS3. IP TDI to be replace by TDIS, most likely from 1 3 tanks TCLIA and TCLIB possibly replaced One proto-type MKI to be installed during run 2 and/or LS2 (only one LS) TCDD to be replaced by tighter mask
PLACE TO BE DEFINED (1.8mx2m) Surface Cryogenics P4 PX46 SX4 NEW TECHNICAL GALLERY PLACE TO BE DEFINED (1.8mx2m) Halfen supports EXISTING TECHNICAL GALLERY Minor modifications SUH4
Other infrastructures/works Minor works for Cold Powering P7 Possibility to advance civil engineering (excavation and buildings) in P1 and P5 and use of surface buildings for storage Installation work compatible with maintenance and consolidation work Importance of SM18 upgrade
Conclusions Identify and prepare work that can be done in LS2 on the time frame allocated for which the technology/solution is mature and can not bring any risk to the run 3 start date Integrate as early as possible our work planning with other LS2 Works Work together with the consolidation team to optimize resources
Cryo-assembly LHCQQS_S0255 LHCQQS_S0123 LHCQQS_S0254 LHCQQS_S0004 Based on the Q7 vacuum vessel with the adapted service module and covers. Components availability under study with TE-MSC-CMI.
Cold to warm transition Two-phase He heat exchanger Sector valve Locally enlarged cold mass Bus bar flexible elements for thermal contraction compensation Bus bar lines are moved away from beam to create space for the collimator Usage of standard LHC interconnect components: reliability, tooling, procedures Envelope for collimator vacuum vessel Vacuum vessel connection cryostat
SM18 upgrade. We relay on it Request from HL LHC Limitations of the present installations Cryostat geometry: Typical Magnet parameters for QXF type magnets Maximum stored energy : 10 MJ Nominal Current : 17 kA Short Sample current > 20 kA Magnet inductance : 8,27 mH/m Magnet outer diameter: 0.63 m Magnet length : 2 – 16 m max. Nominal Ramp Rate: 11 – 20 A/s Maximum Ramp Rate: 400 A/s HL LHC string with 100 m of Sc link cooled with feed box and powered by DFB (6x 3 kA 9x 120 A 1 x 11 kA 2 x 25 kA) 45m including D1 550 mm diameter D = 800 mm L= 1.5 m D = 600 mm L= 4 m Power converter and EE: I max = 20 kA Fresca 2 dipole 20 kA Fresca dipole 2 with HTs FReSCa HL LHC QXF in horizontal ( 25 kA) 10 or 20 tests Series HL LHC QXF in horizontal ( 25 kA) 10 or 20 tests till 2021 QXF long HL LHC QXF in vertical 25 kA QXF short HL LHC 11T in horizontal 11T Dipole HL LHC 11T in vertical HFM SMC,RMC EUCARD2 + 5T Sc link 20 m 20 kA 20 m 600 A 60 m 600 A x 24 60 m, 1 x 20 kA 3 x 20 kA,9 x 120 A, 6 x 300 A LHC cold masses( MQ, Correctors) in vertical cryostat LHC LHC cryo magnets (MB, SSS, S4, USA magnets, ondulators, connection cryostats…) in horizontal position Projects timing 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2020