AEN Update 2015 Summer
AEN Update 2015 Summer: Contents Joint SEN reviews Health care plans High needs funding update Information sharing EHCP update
SEN Reviews A three part process –School questionnaire (KELSI) –Adviser desktop audit –On-site visit informed by the above special-education-needs/inclusion/self- evaluation
SEN Reviews
SEN Review: school questionnaire Will require reference to some documents: Pupil progress and attainment data SEF Pupil case study SENCO JD Overview of interventions used and impact Example of provision plan for pupil
SEN Review: school questionnaire Requires the following information: Progress data –English and mathematics for secondary –Reading writing and mathematics for primary Names of pupils with SSEN/EHCP (plus details) Numbers of pupils in each year group with SEN Support (plus details)
SEN Review: school questionnaire Information about attendance, exclusions, part- time timetables, use of alternative provision Information about Leadership and management for SEN (SENCO deployment, name of SEN Governor etc) Information about training (Teacher and TA)
SEN Review: commissioned review will include Adviser Desktop Audit Using last RAISEonline report –Numbers of SSEN/EHCP and SEN support (3 year) –%SEN by year group –Main SEN type (3 year) –School level absence by SEN –% with SEN achieving or surpassing attainment threshold –% acheiving expected or more than expected progress compared to national –Website compliance with SI
SEN Review: commissioned review will include on-site visit
SEN Review: feedback What we have learned from early use of this audit tool with schools
Healthcare Plans Essential that there is a healthcare plan for any pupil with the following: –Daily prescribed and emergency rescue medication –Eating and drinking needs –Moving and handling needs
Healthcare Plans Use the DfE model, or your own format that covers all the same information as a minimum Ensure that the healthcare plan is signed by the parent and that relevant staff have access to only the most recent copy Ensure the Governing Body have adopted a ‘supporting pupils with medical conditions’ policy education-needs/special-educational-needs/sen-forms
Model Healthcare Plans
High Needs Funding Update HNF page on KELSI Applications at unding.Web.Sites.School/Pages/Login.aspx unding.Web.Sites.School/Pages/Login.aspx HT and SENCO registration Information sharing agreement registration Next steps
Portal for High Needs Funding
Kent and Medway Information Sharing Agreement: ICO registration When signing up to the KMISA you will need to first register with the ICO to obtain a registration number There is a small charge (determined by school size) – approx. £35 To fail to register is a criminal offence Register at
Kent and Medway Information Sharing Agreement: signing up Schools must sign up to the Kent and Medway Information sharing agreement On KELSI _wellbeing/targeted_support/sen_and_disab ilities/information_sharing.aspx Send signed form to
EHCP: Statement transfer update As documents are updated they will be numbered e.g. EHC Plan Version Please continue to check you have the correct and most recent version
EHCP: Training for annual review of plans Understand the new requirements how to engage parents and pupils Training available: 14 th May - Northwest 20 th May - Central 5 th June - East
EHCP: Update on writing OUTCOMES An outcome is mid way on the continuum between the aspiration (long term) and target (short term) Aspiration Long term Outcome Over a stage or phase Target Within an academic year
Writing Outcomes: handy tips Use the first person to emphasise pupil ownership By… Will… So that... Make Outcomes SMART “ By the time I am 9 I will be able to wait for my turn without getting angry, so that I can join in games and work with learning partners. ”
School Improvement Advisers Mainstream SEN, Special and PRU diana.robinson anne.massey steve.ackerley peter.byatt