Centricity Business Patient Access Roundtable
2 Track Owners: Zinc Instructions Please update the chart to the right before submitting the presentation into Active Following review and approval in Active, each presentation given by GE employees or customers at Centricity LIVE must be approved through Zinc Jessica Diniz will be uploading each presentation into Zinc following Active review Before submitting this presentation in Active for review, Track Owners must select the appropriate answer to each Legal and Regulatory question ALL QUESTIONS MUST BE ANSWERED If further substantiation is required, please the appropriate permissions, sources, or citations to so she can upload to the Zinc Once the presentation is approved in Zinc, please delete this slide from the final deck before presenting at Centricity LIVE Individual Page Use?: Yes Are all Uses and Applications Discussed or Referenced in the Proposed Material on Label for the Product?: Yes Relates to a Major new Product/Services Launch?:No Includes Product or Service Claims, Features, Benefits or similar information?:No Contains Competitive or Comparative Claims?:No Includes Return on investment (ROI), quantifiable cost of ownership, reimbursement, or meaningful use claim or reference?: No Include References to Market / Segment Share or Market / Segment Leadership?: No Include identifiable Patient Information / Data?:No If Customer Names are Used, are Necessary and Appropriate Permissions in Writing and on File?: n/a Include Customer Testimonials?:no If any non-GE Stock Images are Used, are Necessary and Appropriate Permissions in Writing and on File?: N/A Do the Proposed Materials Contain Images of GE Products?:no Do all Product Images Depict the Device(s) Being Promoted in the Piece?:N/A This is a Translation of a Previously Approved Piece in Which no Changes Have Been Made?: No This is a Revision of a Document Previously Approved for Ad / Promo Use?:No
3 Session Presenters Lisa A. Townsend – MedStar Health Application Analyst IV Lead 25+ years of healthcare experience using GECB applications End User, Application Analyst, Lead /Manager of Front End Applications Laura A. Wagner – MedStar Health Application Analyst III 12 years of healthcare experience as an application Analyst
4 MedStar Centricity Business Applications Patient Access Applications Master Patient Index (MPI) Advanced Web – V5.1.1 EWS Scheduling w/ Guided Scheduling Open Referrals Ambulatory Visit Management ( AVM) Front Desk via the WEB Financial Applications Anesthesia Module Transaction Editing System ( TES) Billing and Accounts Receivable (BAR) Enterprise Task Manager (ETM) Business Informatics (Bi) Ecommerce Eligibility, Claims and Remits
5 Session Objectives Open Discussion of Patient Access issues and ideas using GECB Applications. Discussion of Best Practice Solutions Sharing of Patient Access issues Sharing Patient Access ideas Benefits to other GECB clients
6 Enterprise Wide Scheduling Defining Best Master Schedules Guided Scheduling Rules Sets Question Guides Reporting Appointment Data From (ADF) Data Capture
7 Front End Integration Integration with Open Referrals Integration with Visit Management ETM Dictionary IHH
8 Additional Patient Access Topics Discharging Patients from a practice Dictionary Integrity Open for other Discussion Topics Thank You for Attending this Session