Take Part. Get Set For Life.™ National Federation of State High School Associations 2015 Coaches’Clinic: Track & Field and Cross Country NCHSAA Information
Reporting deadline: February 7, 2015 State championship date: February 13-14, JDL Indoor Track in Winston Salem, NC
Request to host an indoor meet on an outdoor facility will remain a requirement. The form is available at On-line registration: Entries must be submitted using MileSplit Complete results from Polar Bear meets MUST be entered into Race Tab or Hy-Tek AND results to NCHSAA No handwritten/Excel/Word files accepted All other Indoor information will be on website
Begin Practice: February 16 th First Contest: March 2 nd Regionals: May 2 nd – 3A/4A Deadline to submit entries – April 25 th May 9 th – 1A/2A Deadline to submit entries – May 2 nd State Championships: 3A = May 8; 4A = May 9; 1A = May 15; 2A = May NC A&T State University
Dead Periods: Fall: August 1 st through September 1 st Winter: October 29 th through December 1 st 2015 Summer Dead Periods: June 29 th – July 5 th July 20 th – July 26 th
Missing the following: 1A East (Potentially Lejeune HS) 2A East 2A Midwest (Potentially Polk County HS) 3A Mideast (Potentially Eastern Alamance at Northern Guilford HS) 4A Mideast
Complete meets—indoor and outdoor—must be entered on-line through MileSplit—only ones that will be accepted No longer can you send just qualifiers Must enter full name Confirmation receipt will be sent MUST use RaceTab or Hy-Tek; Hand-typed, Word, or Excel Files will not be accepted
Procedure Indoor and Outdoor May be submitted to the NCHSAA and must be in by 9:00am the Monday prior to the regional (state championship for indoor track) Fax/ late entry form to NCHSAA; once reviewed AND if accepted A $50 fee will be assessed for each individual entry; check made payable to NCHSAA $50 for each team No entries after this will be accepted
Track & Field: Indoor: No more than two meets may be scheduled per week. Outdoor Track: No more than three meets may be scheduled per week. Elimination of split squad rule for spring An individual is limited to one meet per day, maximum of four events per meet.
Everything you need for regular season, regional and state competition can be found at Meet Schedules Qualifying standards Late entry and all other forms List of certified coaches Instructions on how to enter and submit qualifiers
Hand-held times must be rounded to the tenth Certification and knowing rules; use coaches who have attended a session Entry into state meet Submitted by regional directors for Cross Country and Outdoor Track & Field; by coaches for Indoor Track Allowed to enter one alternate per relay team if not already a qualifier Wheelchair opportunities--must satisfy regionals/state qualifying standards must participate to advance The NCHSAA must be informed if you have a wheelchair participant.
The quality of responsible behavior characterized by a spirit of generosity and a genuine concern for opponents, officials and teammates. Wholesome athletic environment Good Sportsmanship > Victory Modest in victory, gracious in defeat Respecting judgment and integrity of game officials Role modeling good behavior
Take Part. Get Set For Life.™ National Federation of State High School Associations Eligibility & Compliance
Power Point Required viewing for all coaches Should be done with the athletic director Includes opportunities to discuss concussions/sudden cardiac arrests/Sickle Cell Trait, etc. Eligibility
Preseason Meeting Required attendance by all parents Time to share rules, regulations, expectations, philosophy etc. Time to get all required signatures--pledges, Gfeller- Waller information, etc. Eligibility
Eligibility Checklist Use to ensure school has done its due diligence Eligibility
Head coaches in football, soccer, volleyball, basketball, wrestling, swimming, baseball, softball, and track & field and lacrosse must attend an NCHSAA approved State Rules Clinic. Must be completed prior to coaching in the first contest; subject to $400 fine, in addition to a $500 fine if he/she actually coaches in the contest Most satisfied the requirement at the NC Coaches’ Association Clinic back in July Make sure you sign the sheet today to get credit Clinic Attendance
If the head coach cannot attend the NCCA clinic or is not hired until afterwards, the requirement can also be met at one of the statewide officials’ clinics, which are posted on the NCHSAA Website under clinics. Please note that several volleyball and soccer clinics for officials occur prior to the NCCA Clinic. Athletic directors cannot satisfy this requirement by attending a rules’ session in place of the head coach Clinic Attendance
NFHS Fundamentals of Coaching Course Currently, all non-faculty and newly hired coaches must take the Fundamentals of Coaching Course; certificate of completion must be on file at the individual school Complete prior to first contest; subject to a $500 fine; continuing to coach without completion = another $500 All coaches must have satisfied the requirement to take this course by August 1, Coaches’ Education
Concussion Management Certification Effective last August 1, 2014, the NFHS Concussion Course (free on-line course) or an equivalent course must be completed by all coaches Prior to the first date of practice for that sport; subsequently, the certificate of completion must be on file at the individual school; subject to $500 fine Coaches’ Education
“Education is a journey, not a destination” Coaches’ Education
Accredited Interscholastic Coach (AIC) Requires completion of 4 courses: –Fundamentals of Coaching –1 st Aid, Health & Safety for Coaches –Sport Specific Course or Teaching Sports Skills –Concussion in Sports (Free) Coaches’ Education
Certified Interscholastic Coach (CIC) Completion of AIC requirements Plus: –Teaching & Modeling Behavior –Engaging Effectively with Parents –Sportsmanship –Creating a Safe and Respectful Environment –Strength & Conditioning –2 additional courses (User Choice0) Coaches’ Education
Teaching & Modeling Behavior Course Required for any coach ejected during a contest Required for any coach who has player (s) ejected for fighting NFHS Sportsmanship Course Replaces the Star Sportsmanship Course for any ejected/disqualified player Free, on-line course (nfhslearn.com) All certificates must be sent to NCHSAA Sportsmanship
Requirements of the Law: Concussion signs and symptoms Given prior to participation Parents/athletes sign indicating “receipt of” Return to Play (RTP) form signed by a physician licensed to practice medicine When in doubt, sit them out” An up-to-date Emergency Action Plan (EAP) Must be on-file Must be posted Must be updated annually Gfeller-Waller Concussion Law
Over one year old If a bona fide change of residence—no transfer waiver necessary Transfer packet with forms are on-line; password protected Work with athletic director to ensure students meet residence rule requirements Transfer Policy
Added a column in order to indicate a student “meets local promotion standards” Added extra space in the column dealing with Gfeller-Waller Changed the attendance column to indicate a student “meets local attendance policy”; note that the statewide 85% rule has given way to the local requirements relative to attendance Master Eligibility Form
Get involved with student services Visit the NCHSAA website often Special Emphasis
Take Part. Get Set For Life.™ National Federation of State High School Associations 2015 Track and Field and Cross Country Rules Changes Editorial Changes Points of Emphasis
Take Part. Get Set For Life.™ National Federation of State High School Associations
Indoor Track Events Rule 1-4 Order of indoor events include 55-meter or 60-meter High Hurdles 55-meter or 60-meter Dash 55-meter or 60-meter Low Hurdles Distance set by meet director or games committee May also be set by state association policy With no action, distance is 55 meters 55 meters is the official NFHS distance
Competitor’s Uniform - Jewelry Former Rules 4-3-3, The wearing of jewelry is no longer prohibited during warm-ups and competition under NFHS rules State associations may adopt a more restrictive rule Ring Earring
Competitor’s Uniform Watch Wearing of a watch continues to be permitted Use of GPS function is not permitted By state association policy the wearing of a watch could be prohibited
Competitor’s Uniforms Medical Alert Medical alerts are permitted Alert should be visible for risk minimization
General Rules for Throwing and Jumping Events Rules 6-2-9, 6-4-9a, 6-5-9a, h, , d, e, f Clarifies that once the competitor’s name has been called, a trial needs to be initiated, rather than completed, within the prescribed time limit
General Rules for Throwing and Jumping Events Rules 6-2-9, 6-4-9a, 6-5-9a, h, , d, e, f A trial, with attempt initiated within prescribed time, completed beyond time is legal Providing all other aspects of attempt are conducted according to the event rules
General Rules for Throwing and Jumping Events Rules NOTE, 6-6-9, NOTE 1 If a legal implement breaks during a trial taken in accordance with the rules Performance is not recorded and replacement trial is awarded If a legal implement breaks upon completion of trial that was executed in accordance with the rules Performance mark is recorded and no replacement trial awarded
General Rules for Throwing Events Rules 6-4-9f, 6-5-9g, The competitor must still exit, as required by rules for shot put, discus and javelin, after the implement has landed Competitor may exit once the implement has landed and no longer has requirment to exit under control
General Rules for Throwing Events Rules 6-4-9f, 6-5-9g, f Removes the requirement for the official to call “Mark” Once the implement has landed the throw is measured unless there is an illegal throw resulting in a foul A foul can be signaled verbally, “Foul,” or with a flag if being used Competitor shall exit circle or runway according to rules once implement has landed
General Rules – Vertical Jumps Rule A crossbar displaced by a force disassociated with the competitor after he/she is legally and clearly over the crossbar shall not be a fault and is considered a successful attempt Examples of disassociated force: Wind Rebound of the pole off planting box padding
Special Events Rules 8-1-1, 2 Boys events may include either the meter run or 1500-meter run With no action by meet director or games committee, standard distance is meters State association policy may also define which distance to utilize in competition Boys Decathlon, Pentathlon
Indoor Track & Field Events Indoor weight throw may be included as a special event for indoor competition Permitted only if legal cage is provided for warm-ups and competition Special Events Rule 8-2-1f
Take Part. Get Set For Life.™ National Federation of State High School Associations 2015 Track and Field and Cross Country Editorial Changes
Infractions in Races Rules , f Removes unnecessary language “impedes” as rule addresses the infraction by term “interfere”
Meet Officials Rule Additional language added to clarify that the meet official may allow a competitor to take trials in succession to accommodate being excused to participate in other events
Infractions in Races Not Run in Lanes Rules thru 4 Reorganizes Rule 5-13 for clarity Infractions are located in Articles 1 & 2 Non-infractions grouped and appear in Articles 3 & 4
Other Editorial Changes 4-6Added “and Conduct” to title of Section 6 to more clearly describe the articles addressed in the section 4-6-5eRemoved duplicity in the rule by combining letters e and g Communicating with a competitor through the use of any device, including electronically, during a race or trial Added consistency in language to include reference to the coaches box and permits instruction through electronic means, as well as verbally A coach may instruct a competitor… Note 3
Other Editorial Changes Deletes unnecessary language “stride” at end of sentence 6-2-5, The competitor with the best mark in the preliminaries has earned the right to make the last attempt of the competition and may choose to wait until after any excused competitors have taken all their trials 6-3-1height of does not apply
Other Editorial Changes NOTE 3with flags placed flagged 6-3-2, 7-3-2For consistency, rearranged “height or distance” to “distance or height” 7-2-1In meets with limited entries, the games committee may allow all competitors just four trials. 7-3-2a(1)For clarity, rearranged “is better from either the preliminary trials or the finals” to “from either the preliminary trials or finals, is better."
Other Editorial Changes 7-3-2cA competitor shall be credited with his/her best achievement if it occurs in a jump-off for first place , &17, , 7-6-8, Removed duplicate articles from the specific field event rules as they are already addressed in the General Rules for Field Events
Take Part. Get Set For Life.™ National Federation of State High School Associations 2015 Track and Field and Cross Country Points of Emphasis
Risk Minimization in the Hammer/Weight Throws The weight throw is allowed as an additional indoor event Boys use a 25-pound weight Girls use a 20-pound weight The throwing circle is the same size used for the hammer throw and shot put (7 feet in diameter with no toe board) A weight cage must be used to maintain the safety of spectators, waiting competitors and officials Flagging to cordon off throwing and landing sector should be set up well outside the sector lines Throwing shoes and gloves are recommended
Proper Cordoning Off of the Throwing Venue Throwing events should be cordoned off and/or flagged properly for the safety of spectators, athletes and officials Ropes, fences or flags should be set up well outside of the sector lines to minimize the risk of injury for spectators, competitors and officials Spectator seating needs to be placed behind throwing area and away from landing area
Proper Cordoning Off of the Throwing Venue
Legal Implements Becoming Illegal It is possible for an implement deemed legal to break and become illegal during an attempt The tip of a javelin could come off or the cording of the grip could unravel during flight If the implement breaks during the attempt, the competitor will receive another trial and no penalty will be assessed The broken implement will no longer be used in the competition unless it can be fixed to become legal
Legal Implements Becoming Illegal The performance mark shall count and be recorded if an implement breaks upon landing Must have been executed in accordance with the rules of the event No penalty is assessed, but the broken implement will no longer be used in competition unless it can be made legal
Displacement of the Crossbar It is a foul if the competitor displaces the crossbar from the pins on which it originally rested with his/her body or the pole A crossbar displaced by a force disassociated with the competitor and he/she has legally and clearly gone over the crossbar, is considered a successful attempt
Displacement of the Crossbar For example, a pole could rebound or change direction after hitting the plant box padding, causing the pole to displace the crossbar This should not result in a fault if the vault was clearly successful Wind may blow the crossbar off the pins causing it to fall even though the competitor has cleared the crossbar
Head Event Judge Mechanics – Throwing Events After a throw has landed, the official marking the attempt immediately goes to the point of impact and marks the spot Once the implement lands and the competitor should legally exit the ring, the judge will voice or use flags to indicate if a foul was committed If the attempt was legal, the mark shall be measured and recorded
Prohibition of Wearing Jewelry Removed Jewelry and hair accessories are no longer illegal An official may ask a competitor to remove an accessory if it is not properly secured or could damage equipment Watches are legal in all track and field and cross country events State association policy may prohibit Religious and medical alert medals are legal and no longer required to be taped to the body When wearing a medical alert, the alert should be visible for risk minimization
Prohibition of Wearing Jewelry Removed Coaches retain the responsibility to not allow competitors to wear items dangerous to themselves or to equipment, such as landing system in high jump Preserving the integrity of the sport, coaches should set and communicate expectation that jewelry, if worn, should not be dangerous and must be secure when worn
NFHS Track and Field Pre-Meet Notes NFHS Track and Field Pre-Meet Notes are made possible through the cooperative efforts of the NFHS Track and Field Rules Committee and USA Track and Field Officials Training Subcommittee NFHS Track and Field Pre-Meet Notes will be available online at
■ Starting a Beginner ■ Basic Laws of Physics ■ Drills and Coaching Techniques Course Objectives More Information at nfhslearn.com! Units ■ Starting a beginner – teaching proper standing grip height, width of hands on pole, and position of hands on pole ■ How to instruct beginning level pole-vaulters through skill development drills and build confidence ■ Maintaining a safe practice and competition environment – proper pad placement and securing of vault mat pads ■ Problem Solving ■ Equipment and Facility ■ Interactive Exercise Coaching Pole Vault 4,423 delivered to date!
Coaching Track and Field ■ Types of races – sprint and endurance ■ Running form – proper posture, arm movement, and leg movement ■ Start and Drive phase – block and standing start ■ Types of jumps – horizontal and vertical ■ Jump elements – approach, take off, flight and landing ■ Throwing – basic skills for each event type ■ How to teach skills for correct form ■ Teaching progressions to combine skills into full movement Course Objectives Units More Information at nfhslearn.com! ■ Running ■ Jumping ■ Throwing 2,911 delivered to date!
NFHS Track and Field and Cross Country Publications The Rules Book, Case Book, Officials Manual and Scorebooks can be ordered: Online at By calling UPDATED
NFHS E-books Electronic versions of NFHS Rules and Case Books are now available for purchase as e-books Apple users can visit iTunes for available books Apple, Android and Kindle users can buy e-books from Amazon.com and view them through the Kindle app $5.99 Visit for more informationwww.nfhs.org/ebooks
Interscholastic Officiating Introduction to skills and concepts used as an official Ideal for new officials or those in first few years of officiating minutes to complete Topics include: basics of becoming and staying an official, science of officiating, art of officiating, how to combine these skills for successful officiating Course is FREE to any NFHS Officials Association member Non-members course is $20 Contact NFHS Officials Department for details ( )
Take Part. Get Set For Life.™ National Federation of State High School Associations Thank You for your support of High School Athletics!