Hidden Markov Models Hidden Markov Models Supplement to the Probabilistic Graphical Models Course 2009 School of Computer Science and Engineering Seoul National University Summary of Chapter 7: P. Baldi and S. Brunak, Bioinformatics: The Machine Learning Approach, MIT Press, 1998
(C) 2001 SNU Biointelligence Lab2 Outline Introduction Prior Information and Initialization Likelihood and Basic Algorithms Learning Algorithms Application of HMMs: General Aspects
(C) 2001 SNU Biointelligence Lab3 Hidden Markov Model (HMM): Definition First order discrete HMM: stochastic generative model for time series S: set of states A: discrete alphabet of symbols T = (t ji ): transition probability matrix, t ji = P(S t+1 = j | S t = i) E = (e ix ): emission probability matrix, e ix = P(X | S t = i) First order assumption: The emission and transition depend on the current state only, not on the entire previous states. Meaning of “Hidden” Only emitted symbols are observable. Random walk between states are hidden.
(C) 2001 SNU Biointelligence Lab4 HMM: Example SE ATCCTTTTTTTCA 0.25
(C) 2001 SNU Biointelligence Lab5 HMMs for Biological Sequences (1) Example of symbols in biological sequence application 20-letter amino acid alphabet for protein sequences 4-letter nucleotide alphabet for DNA/RNA sequences Standard HMM architecture S = {start, m 1, …, m N, i 1,…,i N+1, d 1,…, d N, end} start, end main states insert states delete states N: length of model, typically average length of the sequences in the family
(C) 2001 SNU Biointelligence Lab6 HMMs for Biological Sequences (2) SE didi i mimi Figure 7.2 : The Standard HMM Architecture. S is the start state, E is the end state, and d i, m i and i i denote delete, main, and insert state, respectively.
(C) 2001 SNU Biointelligence Lab7 Three Questions in HMM Likelihood question How likely is this sequence for this HMM? Decoding question What is the most probable sequence of transitions and emissions through the HMM underlying the production of this particular sequence? Learning question How should their values be revised in light of the observed sequence? Given a sequence O 1, O 2, …, O r find Given a sequence O 1, O 2, …, O r find Given sequences {O 1, O 2, …, O n } find
(C) 2001 SNU Biointelligence Lab8 Prior Information and Initialization Once the architecture is selected, one can further restrain the freedom of the parameters if the corresponding information is available. In the Bayesian approach, this background information can be incorporated by priors. Because of the multinomial models associated with HMM emissions and transitions, the natural priors on HMM parameters are Dirichlet distributions (Chap. 2). Dirichlet priors on transitions: Dirichlet priors on emissions:
(C) 2001 SNU Biointelligence Lab9 Initialization of Parameters Different methods Unform Random Average composition Uniform initialization without a prior that favors transitions toward the main states is not, in general, a good idea. Figure 7.3: Main states have a lower fan-out (3) than insert or delete states (4). Multiple alignment can be used to initialize the parameters prior to learning. E.g.: assigning a main state to any column of the alignment that contains less than 50% gaps.
(C) 2001 SNU Biointelligence Lab10 Likelihood and Basic Algorithm Likelihood of a sequence O according to HMM M=M(w) O = X 1 …X t …X T : sequence of emission M(w) : HMM with parameter w Path in M: sequence of consecutive states in which emitting states emit the corresponding letter. (7.1) Likelihood equation Difficulty of direct manipulation of likelihood equation Number of paths is typically exponential! Forward-algorithm: avoiding looking at all possible hidden paths
(C) 2001 SNU Biointelligence Lab11 Forward-Backward Algorithm: Basic Concept Forward pass: Define Probability of subsequence O 1, O 2, …, O t when in S i at t Note: any path must be in one of N states at t … … … … … … 1 t-1tT 1 2 N …
(C) 2001 SNU Biointelligence Lab12 Forward-Backward Algorithm Notice Define an analogues backward pass so that: and … … … … t-1tt+1 … Forward: j i Backward: i j
(C) 2001 SNU Biointelligence Lab13 The Forward Algorithm (1) Objective: Algorithm: The probability of being in state i at time t, having observed the letters X 1 …X t in the model M(w) For delete states, Convergence in the case of delete states (Appendix D)
(C) 2001 SNU Biointelligence Lab14 The Forward Algorithm (2) Silent path from j to i If the only internal nodes in the path are delete (silent) states. t ij D : the probability of moving from j to i silently. Forward variables for delete states E : all emitting states Relationship with other algorithms Forward propagation as in a linear neural network: with T layers (each time step) and N units in each layer (one for each HMM states) An HMM can be viewed as a dynamic mixture model Probability of emitting the letter X t :
(C) 2001 SNU Biointelligence Lab15 The Backward Algorithm (1) Objective: the reverse of the forward algorithm Backward variable: the probability of being in state i at time t, with partial observation of the sequence from X t+1 to end. Propagation equation for emitting states Propagation equation for delete states
(C) 2001 SNU Biointelligence Lab16 The Backward Algorithm (2) Using the forward and backward variables, we can compute the probability i (t) of being in state i at time t, given the observation sequence O and the model w. Probability ji (t) of using i j transition at time t. Also
(C) 2001 SNU Biointelligence Lab17 The Viterbi Algorithm Objective: Find the most probable path accounting for the first t symbols of O and terminating in state i. i (t) : a prefix path, with emissions X 1,…,X t ending in state i. Propagation For emitting states For deleting states
(C) 2001 SNU Biointelligence Lab18 Computing Expectations Posterior distribution Q( ) = P( |O,w) For learning, some expectations needs to be calculated. n(i, , O): the number of times i is visited, given and O n(i, X, , O): the number of times the letter X is emitted from i, given and O n(j, i, X, , O): the number of times the i j transition is used, given and O
(C) 2001 SNU Biointelligence Lab19 Learning Algorithms (1) HMM training algorithms Baum-Welch or EM algorithm Gradient-descent algorithms Generalized EM algorithms Simulated annealing Markov chain Monte Carlo … We concentrate on the first level of Bayesian inference, i.e. MAP estimation, proceeding as follows: ML with on-line learning (given one sequence) ML with batch learning (with multiple sequences) MAP (considering priors) \
(C) 2001 SNU Biointelligence Lab20 Learning Algorithms (2) Consider the likelihood: Lagrangian optimization function of ML (7.22) i, i : Lagrange multipliers from normalization constraints From (7.1), we have (7.23) By setting the partial derivative of L to 0, at the optimum we must have
(C) 2001 SNU Biointelligence Lab21 Learning Algorithms (3) By summing over all alphabet letters, At the optimum, we must have (in case of emission probability) (7.26) ML equation cannot be solved directly since the posterior distribution Q depends on the values of e iX EM algorithms can do it. First, estimate Q( ) = P( |O,w) Second, update parameters using (7.26)
(C) 2001 SNU Biointelligence Lab22 EM Algorithm (1): Baum-Welch We define the energy over hidden configurations (Chs. 3 and 4) as EM is then defined as an iterative double minimization process of the function (i.e., free energy at temperature 1) w.r.t. Q and w First step, calculate Q Second step, minimize F, with respect to w, with Q( ) fixed. Since the entropy term H is independent of w, we minimize the Lagrangean:
(C) 2001 SNU Biointelligence Lab23 EM Algorithm (2): Baum-Welch Following similar steps as before (Eqns ), we obtain the EM reestimation equations In words, the statistic is the expected number of times in state i observing symbol X, divided by the expected number of times in state i. Forward-backward procedures can calculate above statistics. (emmission) (transition)
(C) 2001 SNU Biointelligence Lab24 Batch EM Algorithm In the case of K sequences O 1,…,O K Online use of EM can be problematic. No learning rate available and the EM can take large steps in the descent direction, leading to poor local minima. ‘Carpet jumping’ effect
(C) 2001 SNU Biointelligence Lab25 Gradient Descent (1) Reparameterize HMM using normalized exponentials, with new variables w iX, w ij. Advantage 1: Automatically preserving normalization constrains Advantage 2: Never reaching zero probabilities. Partial derivatives
(C) 2001 SNU Biointelligence Lab26 Gradient Descent (2) Chain rule: On-line gradient descent: Remarks For MAP estimation, add the derivative of the log prior. O(KN 2 ) operations per training cycle. Just like EM, one forward and backward propagation are needed per iteration. Unlike EM, online gradient-descent is a smooth algorithm: unlearning (reversing the effect of gradient descent) is easy.
(C) 2001 SNU Biointelligence Lab27 Viterbi Learning (1) Idea: Focus on the most likely one path with each sequence EM and gradient descent update equation: expectation over all possible hidden paths. Replace: n(i, X, , O) n(i, X, * (O)) In standard architecture, n(i, X, * (O)) = 0 or 1, except for insert states. On-line Viterbi EM makes little sense: mostly updated to 0 or 1 On-line gradient descent, at each step along a Viterbi path, and for any state i on the path, update the parameters. E ix = 1 (T ji = 1) if emission of X from i (i j transition) is used.
(C) 2001 SNU Biointelligence Lab28 Viterbi Learning (2) Remark 1 Quick approximation to the corresponding non-Viterbi version. Speed up of order of factor 2: * (O) with no backward propagation Remark 2 Crude approximation Likelihoods in general are not sharply peaked around a single optimal path Remark 3 Minimizing a different objective function
(C) 2001 SNU Biointelligence Lab29 Other Aspects (1) Scaling Machine precision vs. P( |O,w) Some techniques to avoid underflow are needed. Learning the Architecture [389]: merge states from complex model. [142]: small starting point; deleting transitions with low probability; duplicating most connected states. Good results in small test cases, but unlikely in practice Adaptable Model Length Adaptation of N of average length of the sequences being modeled. [251]: “surgery” algorithm 50% used insert state: replace it with new main state (together with corresponding new delete and insert state.) 50% used delete state: remove it together with corresponding main and insert states.
(C) 2001 SNU Biointelligence Lab30 Other Aspects (2) Architectural Variations The variations of standard architecture. Multiple HMM architecture, loop and wheel are introduced in Chapter 8. Ambiguous Symbols The reason of adoption of ambiguous symbols: imperfect sequencing techniques.
(C) 2001 SNU Biointelligence Lab31 Applications of HMMs: General Aspects Successfully derived from a family of sequences. For any given sequence The computation of its probability according to the model as well as its most likely associated path Aanalysis of the model structure. Applications Multiple alignments Database mining and classification of sequence and fragments Structural analysis and pattern discovery
(C) 2001 SNU Biointelligence Lab32 Multiple Alignments (1) Aligning the Viterbi paths to each other. Computing the Viterbi path of a sequence: “aligning a sequence to the model” O(KN 2 ): when multiple alignment of K sequences. O(N K ): in case of multi-dimensional dynamic programming Rich expression power against conventional methods Gap: deletion in the second sequence of insertion in the first sequence Two distinct sets of Viterbi paths in HMM Conventional methods can not distinguish. HMM becomes conventional techniques if N is fixed to length of longest sequence and all insert states are removed.
(C) 2001 SNU Biointelligence Lab33 Multiple Alignments (2) Insert and delete states of HMM represent formal operations on sequences. Whether and how they can be related to evolutionary events? Phylogenetic trees?: require tree structure as well as a clear notion of substitution (Chapter 10) Full Bayesian treatment is nearly intractable in HMM.
(C) 2001 SNU Biointelligence Lab34 Database Mining and Classification The likelihood score of any given sequence can be used for the purpose of discriminative test and database search. For classification Training a model for each class. Give class label to the largest likelihood score.
(C) 2001 SNU Biointelligence Lab35 Structural Analysis and Pattern Discovery Information or new pattern is discovered by examining the structure of a trained HMM. High emission or transition probabilities are usually associated with conserved regions or consensus patterns. One technique: plot the entropy of the emission distributions along the backbone of the model. Initial weak detection can guide the design of more specialized architectures (Chapter 8).