Define direct rule. When local elites were removed from power and replaced with a new set of officials from the mother country
What 2 states were the only free states remaining in Africa by 1914? Liberia and Ethiopia
What person or group set up a nonviolent movement with the aim to force the British to aid the poor and grant independence to India? Mohandas Gandhi
Who joined Jose de San Martin’s forces to complete the liberation of Peru? Simon Bolivar
As a result of prosperity that came from increased exports, what part of Latin American society experienced growth? the middle sectors
Who led a movement for independence in the Philippines? Emilio Aguinaldo
Who were the Boers descendents of? the original Dutch settlers of Cape Town and the surrounding areas
What was the goal of the Indian National Congress? to share in the governing process of India
Who did the conservative elites in Mexico chose to lead a revolt against Spanish rule? Agustin de Iturbide
Who overthrew Porfirio Diaz to gain control of Mexico? Francisco Madero
What territory did the United States gain as a result of the Spanish-American War? The Philippine Islands
Who was the British leader who was forced to resign because he planned to overthrow the government of South Africa? Cecil Rhodes
In what city did the cultural revival in India begin? Calcutta
What were Jose de San Martin of Argentina and Simon Bolivar of Venezuela known as? the “Liberators of South America”
Who established the colony of Singapore? Sir Stamford Raffles
Henry Stanley was originally sent to Africa to find David Livingstone but ended up being hired by what king to explore the Congo? King Leopold II of Belgium
What was the new school system in India designed by Lord Macaulay meant to do? to train Indian children to serve in the colonial government and army
In the Latin American colonial system, who were the mestizos? the largest group; worked as servants and laborers
What did Francisco Madero open the door for by seizing control of Mexico from Porfirio Diaz? a wider revolution led by Emiliano Zapata
The belief that Europeans had a moral responsibility to civilize primitive peoples was known as what? the “white man’s burden”
Who seized power in Egypt in 1805 and established a separate Egyptian state? Muhammad Ali
In 1857, what did a growing Indian mistrust of the British lead to? the First War of Independence, which the British called the Sepoy Mutiny
Who was the Indian author who was also a social reformer, spiritual leader, educator, philosopher, singer, and painter? Rabindranath Tagore
Who was the son of Native America peasants that brought liberal reforms to Mexico, including land distribution to the poor? Benito Juarez
By promoting friendly relations with the European powers, King Mongkut was able to maintain the independence of what country? Thailand
In 1869, what structure was completed to connect the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea? Suez Canal
A general distrust of the British by Indian soldiers, (called sepoys) plus specific rumors that their religious beliefs were being deliberately disrespected, led to what? Sepoy Mutiny
What were the descendents of Europeans born in Latin America called? Creoles
Opened in 1914, this structure was built to allow passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific across Central America, what is it called? the Panama Canal