1 ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY EET 103/4 Define and explain sine wave, frequency, amplitude, phase angle, complex number Define, analyze and calculate impedance, inductance, phase shifting Explain and calculate active power, reactive power, power factor Define, explain, and analyze Ohm’s law, KCL, KVL, Source Transformation, Thevenin theorem.
Parallel ac Networks In a parallel ac network the total impedance or admittance is determined, then the source current is determined by Ohm’s law: where;
Parallel ac Networks where; and; By Ohm’s law;
Parallel ac Networks Power to the network; where T is the phase difference between E and I. By Kircchoff’s current law;
Parallel ac Networks R-LR-L Time domain: Phasor (frequency) domain:
Parallel ac Networks R-LR-L
8 R-LR-L
9 R-LR-L
Parallel ac Networks R-LR-L Admittance diagram;
Parallel ac Networks R-LR-L
Parallel ac Networks R-LR-L (KCL)
Parallel ac Networks R-LR-L Phasor diagram; Power;
Parallel ac Networks R-LR-L Power factor;
Parallel ac Networks R-CR-C Time domain: Phasor (frequency) domain:
Parallel ac Networks R-CR-C
Parallel ac Networks R-CR-C Admittance diagram;
Parallel ac Networks R-CR-C
Parallel ac Networks R-CR-C
Parallel ac Networks R-CR-C
Parallel ac Networks R-CR-C (KCL)
Parallel ac Networks R-CR-C Phasor diagram;
Parallel ac Networks R-CR-C Waveform;
Parallel ac Networks R-CR-C Power factor; Power;
Current Divider Rule The basic format for the current divider rule in ac circuits is exactly the same as that for dc circuits; that is, for two parallel branches with impedances Z 1 and Z 2 :
Current Divider Rule Example Using current divider rule, find the current through each branch:
Current Divider Rule Example – solution
Current Divider Rule Example – solution (cont’d) By current divider rule;
Current Divider Rule Example – solution (cont’d) By current divider rule;