Exercise: ASK Consider the input signal with 3 levels shown above. Assume we want to use the following sine wave as the carrier. 10 sin(2p 2 t) And we want to use the following ASK scheme 15V level ‘1’ 10V level ‘0’ 5V level ‘-1’ Please draw the resulting waveform after modulation.
Exercise: ASK Step 1: Break the timeline into pieces; each piece corresponds to one signal level Step 2: For each piece, Figure out the amplitude for this piece Figure out how many periods in total for this piece Draw the sine wave
Exercise: ASK
Exercise: FSK Consider the input signal with 3 levels shown above. Assume we want to use the following sine wave as the carrier. 10 sin(2p 2 t) And we want to use the following FSK scheme 3Hz level ‘1’ 2Hz level ‘0’ 1Hz level ‘-1’ Please draw the resulting waveform after modulation.
Exercise: FSK Step 1: Break the timeline into pieces; each piece corresponds to one signal level Step 2: For each piece, Figure out the amplitude for this piece Figure out how many periods in total for this piece Draw the sine wave
Exercise: FSK
Exercise: PSK Assume we want to use the following sine wave as the carrier. sin(2p t) And we want to use the 2-PSK to send four bits “0101” in one second. Please draw the resulting waveform after modulation.
Exercise: PSK Step 1: Draw the original carrier waveform for the duration of one second Step 2: Identify the locations of phase change. For each location, determine the amount of change. Phase change = 0° (bit 0) Phase change = 180° (bit 1) Phase change = 180° (bit 1) Phase change = 0° (bit 0)
Exercise: PSK Step 3: Draw the modulated waveform. 0 1 0 1